How Luke Wilson became America's boyfriend

The one-time indie darling talks about turning into "that guy who plays the husband" -- and his new "porn movie"

The cat in my flat must go back

I do not love this cat. I do not like this cat. I want to slap this cat. Can't I send it back, this cat?

A very different kind of coffee cake

In tea-loving Asia the dark bean is a favorite flavor for sweets, even if they take liberties with what "cake" is

The craft that consumed me

Using simple household objects, I began building something obsessively. Now, it all makes complete sense

The Haiti story you won't read

Months after I was trapped under the rubble, I returned to the place we don't want to think about

Meet the woman fighting Target's anti-gay donation

Corporations are now free to spend on political campaigns. But they're not immune to blowback

Suit tries to block U.S. assassination

The first step: Overcoming the government's claimed power to deny U.S. citizens the right to a lawyer

Investigators blast Arlington contracting

Officials confirm millions in "questionable or improper" spending with little oversight first reported by Salon

The irresistible allure of bad spelling

Jeff Deck drove around the country correcting other people's typos. Here's what he learned

Recent Stories

Luke Wilson: How it feels to be America's boyfriend

The one-time indie darling talks about turning into "that guy who plays the husband" -- and his new "porn movie"

Topics: InterviewsMiddle Men 0 Comments

The craft that consumed me

Using simple household objects, I began building something obsessively. Now, it all makes complete sense


More Made

The cat in my flat must go back

I do not love this cat. I do not like this cat. I want to slap this cat. Can't I send it back, this cat?


More Since You Asked

The Haiti story you won't read

Months after I was trapped under the rubble, I returned to the place we don't want to think about

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A very different kind of coffee cake

In tea-loving Asia the dark bean is a favorite flavor for sweets, even if they take liberties with what "cake" is

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Saudi Arabia calls for Blackberry ban this week

Mobile service providers must cease service by Friday. Research in Motion doesn't meet "regulatory requirements"

Topics: Smart Phones 5 Comments

Primary preview: Will GOP voters go conservative, or super-conservative?

A Kansas race centers on which candidate hates abortion more, and Missourians may "repeal" Obamacare today

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11 indicted in large San Francisco fake goods bust

Authorities seize $100 million worth of counterfeit merchandise illegally imported from China at Fisherman's Wharf

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Investigators blast Arlington contracting

Officials confirm millions in "questionable or improper" spending with little oversight first reported by Salon

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Obama should apologize to Snooki!

He denied knowing the Jersey princess. Now she's acting out, and the right sees proof he scorns the "little guy"

Topics: Jersey ShoreFox News 53 Comments

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"The Great Typo Hunt": The irresistible allure of bad spelling

Jeff Deck drove around the country correcting other people's typos. Here's what he learned

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Meet the woman fighting Target's anti-gay donation

Corporations are now free to spend on political campaigns. But they're not immune to blowback

Topics: LGBT 65 Comments

Anthony Weiner unable to come up with position on "ground zero mosque"

The feisty New York liberal is shockingly quiet when it comes to the proposed Islamic community center downtown

Topics: Ground Zero MosqueIslamAnthony Weiner, D-N.Y. 35 Comments

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States slash preschool programs as budgets bleed

Arizona may do away with its pre-kindergarten program completely

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ABC whacks Shales over attack on Amanpour

The network calls Tom Shales' claim that Christiane Amanpour sympathizes with the Taliban "utterly fabricated" Video

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Save your marriage by letting your husband cheat!

An author argues for "negotiated infidelity" -- but misses the realities of modern relationships

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Wave of health reform provisions coming next month

Includes coverage expansion and restricts insurers' ability to reject kids with pre-existing medical conditions

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Eva Mendes "sex tape" finally released

And it's more entertaining -- and feminist! -- than any of the X-rated celebrity premieres to come before it Video

Topics: Sex 14 Comments

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Testing begins for attempt to plug Gulf oil well

BP wants to see if pumping mud into the gusher will stop the flow for good

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Michael Bloomberg delivers stirring defense of mosque

New York mayor chokes up defending "ground zero" Muslim center by citing religious freedom, private property rights

Topics: Ground Zero MosqueNew YorkNew York City 85 Comments

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Sharron Angle's media strategy: Appear on Fox, tell people to go to her website

The Nevada Senate candidate baffles Carl Cameron by saying what you're not supposed to say about the press Video

Topics: Harry ReidFox NewsRepublican Party 15 Comments

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State official: 9 dead in Connecticut shooting

Beer distributor says warehouse driver opened fire after being called in for disciplinary hearing, asked to resign

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Just get us there, already!

90-minute delay, teeming, trashy waiting area, garbled P.A. announcements. Angry Dude is not happy

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The origins of the enthusiasm gap

President Obama's agenda has been big enough to attract fierce opposition, but not bold enough to inspire his base

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"Sex and the City" goes gay

The Queer Carrie Project remixes the show to tell a same-sex fairy tale Video

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Source: Favre tells Vikings he will not return

Though things are never certain with the 40-year-old QB, it appears he won't return to Minnesota

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Why blaming Bush is a dead end for Democrats

Voters get that the former president is mainly responsible for the current mess. But it won't help Democrats now

Topics: George W. Bush2010 Elections 56 Comments

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Hiring hot people: The overblown outrage

American Apparel and Abercrombie & Fitch come under fire for their policies -- but the criticism doesn't make sense

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Ethics experts excoriate Fred Barnes over GOP money

The Fox News star isn't talking about his Republican cash, but ethics experts say his conduct is inexcusable

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6 teens drown in Louisiana river

Siblings from two families, ages 13 to 18, die after wading into Red River

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ACLU, CCR seek to have Obama enjoined from killing Awlaki without due process

The first step: Overcoming the government's claimed power to deny U.S. citizens the right to a lawyer

Topics: Barack Obama 278 Comments

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Nike (still) likes big butts

Although its latest advertising tribute to rounded backsides features a "safer," lighter-skinned model

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Why I like vicious, anonymous online comments

As news outlets push back against trolls, we may be losing something: A glimpse of the real America

Topics: Internet Culture 127 Comments

45 die in revenge attacks in Pakistan

Violence sweeps the country's commercial hub after a prominent lawmaker is killed

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Opinion journalism isn't the problem

There's a difference between opinion journalism and partisan journalism

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NYT: Pervasive surveillance is a serious threat -- in China

We're always willing to believe other governments abuse their powers

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Sparky predicts: Bogus wingnut scandals of the future

There will be a scandal about something really stupid. Trust me


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The fantasy of a vast upper middle class

College isn't for everyone. Neither is the stock market

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"Bachelorette's" bleak chances at love

Slide show: We look at the franchise's tangled history of breakups, romance and domestic disputes

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Your tastiest raw tomato dishes

Salads and pastas, yes, but let us introduce you to perhaps the greatest tomato sandwich ever


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