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About Us

by DerecDavies last modified 2009-09-23 01:34

Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia is a federation of independent local groups working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future.


Local and Global Environmental justice, positive solutions, anti nuclear, indigenous land and rights, climate justice, trade justice, global action!

FoE Australia was founded in 1974 at a meeting on French Island in Westernport Bay, Victoria, which was then the site for a proposed nuclear reactor. Over the last 35 years, FoE has evolved into a diverse and vibrant network of groups that are working at the local, regional, national and international level.

Environmental justice

FoE sees that pursuing environmental protection is inseparable from broader social concerns, and as a result uses an environmental justice perspective in its campaigning. A strong social perspective means FoE is well placed to develop alliances at the grassroots level with other organisations and communities.

Indigenous land and rights

FoE supports Indigenous sovereignty and works at both the local level with specific Indigenous communities as well as participating in debates and campaigns at the national level. FoE's Land and Rights policy can be found at:>

Positive solutions

about_us_5.jpgFoE believes in working for a sustainable and empowering future. To this end, many FoE groups are working now to create the type of world we want: one that will be based on healthy communities and healthy ecosystems.

A number of FoE groups operate businesses and other ventures that act as practical examples of sustainable business. In 1999 FoE Brisbane initiated the Reverse Garbage re-use centre, which finds community uses for industrial discards which would otherwise go to landfill. The Bicycle Revolution (which finds and fixes up old pushbikes) also operates from FoE Brisbane. FoE in Melbourne has been running a large food co-operative and a bookshop for over two decades and, more recently, an organic cafe.

We place great emphasis on working in partnerships with other organisations and communities to achieve positive and practical outcomes. A listing of our partnerships and networks can be found here.

National campaigns

about_us_2.jpgThrough a combination of community education, direct action, lobbying and strategic legal action, Friends of the Earth Australia achieves results. FoE emphasises cooperation and strategic partnerships with indigenous groups, urban and rural communities, environmental and social justice organisations.

Friends of the Earth Australia is currently campaigning to:

Break the nuclear cycle

  • stop the proposed new reactor in Sydney,
  • working with indigenous groups and affected rural communities to stop the radio active waste dump in the Northern Territory,
  • continue the successful campaign to stop the Jabiluka mine and work to close existing mines around Australia,
  • opposing attempts by the nuclear industry to paint itself as being ‘greenhouse friendly’.

Ensure climate justice

  • pressure the Australian government to take responsible action on climate change including, as a first step, signing the Kyoto Protocol,
  • highlight the human impact of climate change on communities in Australia and elsewhere in the Asia Pacific region,
  • Working with aid and development organisations to raise awareness of the need to support affected communities in developing strategies to adapt to climate change,
  • Lobbying for recognition of environmental refugees as a separate category of displaced people under international conventions,
  • launch a national debate about the need for Australia to operate within a defined ‘carbon budget’ to ensure it is only drawing on a fair share of the world’s resources/

Support indigenous land & rights

  • FoE works in partnership with Indigenous communities including campaigning with the Yorta Yorta people to achieve joint management of the Barmah Millewa forests in Victoria,
  • FoE acts as the secretariat for the Alliance Against Uranium, a forum for indigenous and non-indigenous communities to work together on issues relating to all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Challenge corporate globalisation

  • expose the impacts of the World Trade Organisation's GATS agreement on democracy, water and services,
  • counter the impact multinational corporations have on local communities and democracy,
  • promote alternative economic policies and visions to that posed by corporate defined globalisation.

Nanotechnology Project

Nanotechnology is a several billion dollar industry that is wholly unregulated. We are calling for a moratorium on the research, development and production of synthetic nanoproducts while regulations are developed to protect the health and safety of workers, the public and the environment from the harmful impacts of nanotechnology.

Environment & Population

This project seeks to bring together existing FoEA work in the areas of climate justice, trade, sustainability and international solidarity campaigning.

FoEA believes that over consumption of resources (and corresponding over production of greenhouse gases and other wastes) rather than population growth are the key issues relating to environmental sustainability in Australia.

FoE Australia structure

FoE Australia is composed of independent member groups. There is no centralised head office. Each group is independent in terms of it's campaigns, decision making structure and fundraising. Groups co-operate on specific campaigns at a level they feel is appropriate. Communication between local groups is facilitated by the National Liaison Officers (NLOs). National campaign co-ordination and organisational development is guided by the National Campaigns reference Group (NCRG) which is composed of local groups representatives.

The International Liaison Officers are responsible for communication between FoE Australia and FoE International.

National spokespeople are nominated by local groups and are approved to speak on behalf of FoE Australia on specific issues. Regional contacts represent the FoE network in areas where there currently aren't local groups.

Decisions are made at two national meetings which are held in January and June. A monthly bulletin and email lists keeps groups informed during the year.

Friends of the Earth Australia | Ph: 03 9419 8700 | Fax: 03 9416 2081 | View all Contact Details
PO Box 222 Fitzroy VIC 3065 | ABN: 18 110 769 501 | Privacy Policy
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