Take the Honda CR-Z on a virtual race with 3 Mode Mania

Got a hankering to waste some of your precious Thursday evening on a video game? Like hybrid cars? Well then, we've got great news for you! Honda has gone ahead and created the online game of your wildest dreams: 3 Mode Mania. Naturally, the subject of the game is the new 2011 CR-Z, and, as is the case with just about every racing game ever created, the goal is to drive along a course as quickly as possible.

There are three tracks to choose from, a bunch of CR-Zs in multiple colors and, as its name suggests, three different modes (Econ, Normal and Sport), each a bit faster and harder than the previous. Give it a whirl. It's certainly not the best automotive video game we've ever played – in fact, it's probably one of the worst – but perhaps it'll give you something to do while passing the time until the So You Think You Can Dance results show comes on... Check it out here.

[Source: Honda via Carscoop]

Surprise! New York cabbies prefer Crown Vics to hybrids

If it weren't for the somewhat obsessive and frankly narrow-minded love by taxi drivers and police officers for the body-on-frame Ford Crown Victoria, we'd imagine the old Panther platform would have been put out to pasture a very long time ago. As it stands, though, New York cabbies especially seem hell-bent on keeping it around on life support as long as possible.

Interestingly, though, a report from USA Today suggests that cab drivers make more money when operating a Crown Vic than any other automobile, and that supposedly includes hybrids. According to John Shaban, a 27-year-old cab driver, "I don't like the hybrids... Mechanics charge an arm and a leg for them."

Could it be that customers inherently prefer the Crown Vic? Shaban believes so, saying, "People wait for the Crown Vic because it's roomier. They're more likely to get in." Regardless, that's all set to change soon as Ford finally discontinues its long-running rear-wheel-drive people mover. It's expected to be replaced with – you guessed it – a hybrid or some other fuel efficient alternative.

[Source: USA Today | Image: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty]

UK approves $7,800 incentive for ultra-low carbon vehicles

Smart ED – Click above for high-res image gallery

When the UK's government changed hands back in May, the previously promised subsidy of $7,800 (U.S. at the current exchange rate) for ultra-low carbon vehicles was immediately called into question. Even the UK's current business secretary, Vince Cable, boldly stated that the new government "moved on from the era of subsidies." With a high likelihood that the subsidy would never come to fruition, the UK stood at risk of becoming one of the few remaining major nations to not offer assistance for purchases of plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automotive industry, environmentalists and eager green car buyers sighed in relief on Wednesday when the UK's government unexpectedly announced that the subsidy was approved intact, starting next January. As Transportation Secretary Philip Hammond remarked:
The coalition Government is absolutely committed to low carbon growth, tackling climate change and making our energy supply more secure. We are sending a clear signal that Britain is open for business and that we are committed to greening our economy. This will ensure that the UK is a world leader in low emission vehicles.
The $7,800 subsidy mainly applies to the purchase of plug-in hybrids, EVs and fuel cell vehicles. The Office for Low Emissions Vehicles will release additional program requirements that will be posted on its site at a later date. The subsidy has been approved through March of 2012 and will be up for review and possible adjustments the prior January. Now, we can officially add the UK to the ever-growing list of countries that offer substantial monetary assistance for advanced technology vehicles. Follow the jump to read more about the UK's commitment to ultra-low carbon vehicles.

Photos copyright ©2010 Sebastian Blanco / Weblogs, Inc.
[Source: Department for Transport]

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SK Energy to provide lithium-ion batteries for upcoming Hyundai, Kia electric vehicles

Hyundai i10 electric – Click above for high-res image

With all of the talk about the Nissan Leaf and the Chevrolet Volt, it's easy to overlook some of the other happenings in the world of battery-powered cars. Fear not, cause we've got it all covered. Turning our attention to Hyundai-Kia for just a moment, South Korea-based SK Energy Co. announced that it will provide lithium-ion batteries for upcoming electric vehicles from both Hyundai Motors and Kia Motors.

SK Energy's lithium-ion batteries will first appear in Hyundai's i10 EV, scheduled for release sometime in 2011. Sporting SK cells with a claimed energy density of 140 Wh/kg, the i10 boasts a 99-mile range and a top speed of 81 miles per hour. SK Energy's advanced lithium-ion batteries utilize a unique lithium manganese oxide cathode material; a surface-modified graphite on the anode; a gel polymer electrolyte; and a ceramic-coated separator. Of course, SK Energy would like us to believe that this high-tech talk amounts to a better battery, but it just reads like your typical li-ion lingo to us. Hat tip to Dan!

[Source: SK Energy via Green Car Congress]

Boeing predicts renewable fuel to supply 1% of commercial aviation industry by 2015

Boeing's prediction that one percent of the commercial aviation industry will be powered by renewable fuels by 2015 may sound trivial, but converting any meaningful portion of the industry over to the plant-derived biofuels could lay the foundation for future exponential growth. Boeing is currently testing biofuels with British Airways Plc and Continental Airlines, but has worked with airlines across the globe as it tries to find suitable, plant-derived aviation fuels. Testing has demonstrated that the plant-derived fuels offer reduced emissions and could help airlines slash their greenhouse gases.

Remarking on the significance of one percent market penetration, Billy Glover, managing director of environmental strategy at Boeing's commercial airplanes unit, told Bloomberg in an interview:
We need to get to 1 percent to get that foundation and then the trajectory will be significantly steeper. We're aiming for a 1 percent penetration around the middle of this decade, and we think that's quite achievable.
Though no commercial airliners currently use biofuels for regular flights, testing of the plant-derived fuels has been going on for years. If Boeing's predictions hold true, our chances of boarding a plane powered by plants are about to get slightly – ever so slightly – better.

[Source: Bloomberg | Image: abdallahh – C.C License 2.0]

UK new car CO2 average down by 4.7 in first half of 2010

According to a new report from the UK trade group Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), the average CO2 emissions of new cars sold there have continued a steady downward trend in the first half of this year. Thanks to increasing sales of cars specifically developed to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, the average for the new vehicle fleet was down to just 145.2 grams / kilometer by June.

These low-emissions specials include the likes of Volkswagen's Bluemotion lineup, the ecoNetic models from Ford and EcoFlex from Vauxhall. Part of the increase in sales of these cars is due to the now-concluded scrappage scheme which helped offset the higher initial purchase price of most of these. The rate of improvement in the second half of the year is expected to decline as car sales in general in the UK and Europe have slowed.

[Source: Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders]

Video: Elon Musk chats it up on Colbert Report

Elon Musk on The Colbert Report – Click above to watch the video after the break

Imagine that, Elon Musk has a sense of humor. Proof of this can be seen in the video pasted after the break, where you'll see the co-founder of Paypal, Tesla Motors and Space X have a sit-down interview with Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's The Colbert Report.

As always, Colbert goes into the interview with a lighthearted slant, making a few comic-relief jabs along the way. For instance, after detailing Musk's seemingly heroic take on the automotive and space exploration industries, Colbert point-blank asks Musk whether he's a super hero or a super villain. We'll let you figure that one out...

Our favorite quote, though, is this:
You have these electric cars that uses no fossil fuels, but then you've also got this rocket, this Space X that puts the rocket into space, using about as much fuel as 2,000,000 Hummers. So... are you just trying to break even as spectacularly as possible?
Ha! There are plenty more gems in the video, and we don't want to spoil the whole thing for you. So just go check out the video after the break, won't you?

[Source: The Colbert Report]

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Coulomb CT500 Level II home charging station now available

Coulomb Technologies announced that its CT500 Level II (208-240 volts at 30 amps) residential charging station is now available for purchase. The CT500 is a single-output, 7.2-kilowatt charging station featuring the J1772 plug-in connection and networking capabilities.

With the addition of the CT500, Coulomb's charging options now run the gamut from the basic home charging unit on up to Level III fast charging stations. While Coulomb specifically targets the home user with its CT500, the unit's advanced networking features will likely make it ideal for light commercial applications. With a slew of high-tech features, the CT500 costs more than your typical home charging unit. According to Coulomb spokeswoman Anne Smith, who spoke with Green Car Advisor, the CT500 will start at $2,500, excluding installation.

The CT500 may not place high on the list of available charging options for home users, but if networking capabilities matter to you, then the CT500 is one of but a few reasonably-priced chargers available for residential and light commercial applications. People looking for a charger without networking capability can find several cheaper options out there. Follow the jump to learn more about the CT500 charging unit.

[Source: Coulomb Technologies]

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BMW reportedly banned from claiming zero-emissions in ads

BMW ActiveE concept – Click above for high-res image gallery

BMW's latest advertisement for the its ActiveE electric concept vehicle appears to have crossed the fine line between acceptable and misleading. Why? The ad states, "The BMW Concept ActiveE is the first BMW to be powered purely by electricity." The tagline of the ad reads "100% joy, 0% emissions." As soon the ad made its way to print, an astute reader pointed out some problems and filed a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) of the UK.

According to Marketing magazine, the complaint focused on BMW's use of the unsubstantiated claim of "zero CO2 when driving." As the offended reader notes, BMW's claim can not be substantiated because charging the vehicle, which allows it to be driven, would undoubtedbly produce a significant amount of emissions. While BMW argues that the words "when driving" limit the zero-emissions claim solely to the act of driving, the ASA ruled to ban the ad instead. An ASA spokesman issued this statement:
We considered that [BMW's] inclusion of the phrase 'when driving' was contradictory to the overall zero emission claim, and the impression that the car's use would not result in the production of emissions.
With the ad pulled, the ASA warned BMW to avoid repeating any claims implying that electric vehicles generate zero-emissions while in use. Other manufacturers, take notice.

[Source: Marketing Magazine]

Ann Arbor, MI gets first four hydraulic hybrid recycling trucks

Ann Arbor hydraulic hybrid recycling truck – Click above for high-res image gallery

This week, the city of Ann Arbor, MI began deploying four of the first 25 trucks equipped with an Eaton Corporation hydraulic launch assist system. Ann Arbor mayor John Hieftje and Clean Energy Coalition executive director Sean Reed presented one of the new recycling trucks at the city's Wheeler service center.

The hydraulic launch assist (HLA) system operates on a principal similar to other hydraulic hybrid systems we've seen. A pair of accumulators store energy captured during braking and release it during acceleration. The HLA is a parallel hybrid with a hydraulic pump motor connected to the drive-shaft through an electronically controlled transfer case clutch.

The system was actually originally developed at the EPA national laboratory in Ann Arbor. Engineers employed there are encouraged to come up with new ideas and patent them. The technology is then shared with privately owned companies for commercialization. Eaton is one of several companies developing hydraulic hybrid technology variants, including series hybrids. The Eaton HLA was first seen on the 2002 Ford F350 Tonka concept and Ford has been evaluating it for use in big pickups and vans, although no production variants have been announced yet.

HLA cuts fuel consumption of the trucks by about 15-20 percent in this type of application that includes frequent starts and stops. The four trucks are expected to save $73,000 in fuel costs over their 10 year useful life, along with $26,500 in reduced maintenance costs. These trucks make an average of about 1,000 stops a day and conventional versions require new brakes every three months or so. The HLA-equipped versions recapture about 75 percent of the kinetic energy of braking and only require brake maintenance once a year. The payback time for the extra initial cost is estimated at two to three years. Future versions could reduce operating and acquisition costs further through the use downsized engines and transmissions.

Photos Copyright ©2010 Sam Abuelsamid / Weblogs, Inc.

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