FactCheck.org                     AudioPlayer.setup("/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/player/player.swf", { width: 290 });                 Home Articles The Wire Ask FactCheck Mailbag Archives Classroom              google.load("elements", "1", {packages: "transliteration"});           Let's Get to Work -- On the Facts An ad falsely claims that Florida gubernatorial candidate Bill McCollum used a chartered plane to commute to work -- at taxpayer expense.

     Whitman, Unions Swap Misleading Charges California Working Families, a coalition of labor unions, goes after GOP nominee -- and she fights back.

     Maligning Maloney by Mailer Reshma Saujani claims Rep. Carolyn Maloney has taken $2.5 million from "special interests" while she has accepted none. Um, really?

     Oil Spill Whoppers All sides are spinning the oil disaster. Our roundup — so far.

     Hot Topics Our most frequently asked questions.

       FactCheck Articles    Hayworth’s Misleading Attack on Immigration Hayworth falsely claims McCain's bill would have given Social Security and Medicare benefits to illegal immigrants.  J.D. Hayworth — who is seeking to unseat Sen. John McCain of Arizona in the Aug. 24 Republican primary — makes illegal immigration the subject of his first TV buy. The ad attacks the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 for potentially costing U.S. taxpayers $2.6 trillion …

   Whitman, Unions Swap Misleading Charges California Working Families, a coalition of labor unions, goes after GOP nominee -- and she fights back.  A coalition of labor unions called California Working Families for Jerry Brown has relentlessly attacked Meg Whitman since she won the Republican gubernatorial nomination June 8. Now Whitman is firing back — accusing Democrat Brown of being the candidate of special interests.

   Mystery, Drama, Deception in Alabama Is the state's biggest teacher's union behind a so-called "conservative" group? The big question in the final days of Alabama’s runoff election for the GOP gubernatorial nomination isn’t just who is going to win the tight race between Bradley Byrne and Robert Bentley. It’s the mystery of who’s behind a largely bogus TV ad attacking Byrne. …

   Oil Spill Whoppers All sides are spinning the oil disaster. Our roundup — so far. The April 20 explosion that started oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico has prompted a slew of claims and counterclaims about the disaster. What caused it, how it’s being handled, the history of drilling accidents in the area – all are subjects ripe for false or misleading statements by politicians and others. …

   ‘Bailout’ Baloney Serving up a loaded word to spin the public. This campaign season, “bailout” is a dirty — and often misused — word. It’s no longer being used just in reference to Wall Street banks and the rescue of the financial industry. Candidates, corporations and special interest groups increasingly use “bailout” even when no government financial assistance is being proposed. …

   Jerry Brown: ‘A Legacy of Failure?’ We find Meg Whitman's attack ad fails to tell the truth.  Republican Meg Whitman is making false claims about Democrat Jerry Brown’s “lifetime in politics” in an attack ad, her first TV spot of the general election campaign. The two are battling to become the next governor of California. The ad claims that “crime soared” while Brown was mayor of Oakland. That’s false. …

   Hodes Deletes Truth in NH Senate Race The Democrat falsely accuses his likely Republican opponent of a cover-up.  It didn’t take long for New Hampshire’s Senate race to turn dirty. In his first TV ad, Democratic Rep. Paul Hodes falsely accuses his likely Republican opponent of erasing e-mails to cover-up her department’s botched investigation of an alleged $20 million Ponzi scheme. But former state Attorney General Kelly Ayotte’s …

   More articles »        FactCheck Radio In episode 21 of FactCheck Radio, we look at the well-known case of USDA employee Shirley Sherrod -- an incident that shows, once again, context matters. Plus, we highlight false and misleading claims by President Obama, Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold and his GOP opponent Ron Johnson, and New York Democratic congressional candidate Reshma Saujani. 

    Listen to this episode      Subscribe via RSS     Listen to past episodes    Subscribe via iTunes       The FactCheck Wire Rubio Misfires on Crist’s Health Care Shift

  Florida Gov. Charlie Crist's position on the new federal health care law has shifted, but not...Click to read the full post » Martinez Attacks Denish Over ‘Waste’

  Republican Susana Martinez bashes her opponent, Democrat Diane Denish, over unemployment, the state jet and a...Click to read the full post » View the full Wire archives

    Ask FactCheck Q: Will all legal abortions be covered by federally subsidized health insurance policies in state "high-risk pools"?

 A: No. The Department of Health and Human Services says the only abortions covered will be those in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is endangered. 


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    FactCheck Mailbag FactCheck Mailbag, Week of July 20-July 26

  Your singling out Obama on his comments about the GOP and the jobs bill strikes me as picky, picky, picky.   See letters from previous weeks

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