Clearly Taking Fashion Advice from a Genius

Aug. 21, 2010

Fashion Fail - Clearly Taking Fashion Advice from a Genius

Submitted by: dunno source via Submission Page

You know what? Unless that guy is installing an app that can save you from fashion disasters such as this one, I don’t think that help with your iPod is what you need right now.

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Is That a Peacock Costume You’re Wearing or Are You Just Happ—Oh Never Mind

Aug. 20, 2010

fashion fail - Smoking May Be Bad For Peacocks, But Consider How Cool He Looks

Submitted by: Kari via Submission Page

This seemed like a great idea on paper. A peacock’s confident display of male sexuality combined with the cool detachment of cigarette smoking.

And yet.

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Aug. 20, 2010

fashion fail - Man, Weekend Dad And Mom Are A Trip

Submitted by: Alison Kates

There’s actually a good explanation for this. The flash on his camera broke, so they had to wear outfits that were bright enough to illuminate any photo op.

Right? No? I’m trying here, okay?

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So THAT’S Where All My Silly Putty Went!

Aug. 19, 2010

fashion fail - Spray Tan

Submitted by: Unknown

Okay, now just lay your face down on this newspaper and press gently . . .

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Off Her Meds and Out of Her Pants

Aug. 19, 2010

fashion fail - Grandma's got Spunk!

Submitted by: Unknown

DAMN, grandma! My skanky teenage cousin doesn’t even wear clothes that revealing! I hope you don’t plan on showing off for the boys at the mall by shoplifting from the candy store, because I don’t think she can take the competition.

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Party Girl

Aug. 18, 2010

fashion fail - Ballerina Dreaming

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Ah, smart move! Drinking coffee through a straw ensures that you won’t mess up your Wet’n’Wild silver lipstick. *takes notes*

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Hello Nightmares!

Aug. 18, 2010

fashion fail - Hello Nightmares!

Submitted by: Anomalos

Dina Lohan looks better than she has in years.

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Don’t Drag the Bird into This

Aug. 17, 2010

fashion fail - A Bit Cheeky

Submitted by: Unknown

Frankly, I think that a leopard print cat suit SHOULD have an emergency exit in the back. You never know when you’re going to come to your senses and need to get out of that thing asap.

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In a Few Years All She’ll Need is Socks

Aug. 17, 2010

fashion fail - Chill Out

Submitted by: Lexie Lex

You know, just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean that you should. Whereas this woman seems to be battling (or not battling) the effects of gravity, I have the opposite problem—there’s nothing there for gravity to affect. I probably could cover up my lady bits with a single Post-It Note if I needed to. That doesn’t mean you’ll catch me out shopping for chicken gizzards wearing office supplies instead of, you know, A SHIRT.

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OUT: Strappy Sandals. IN: Strappy Everything Else

Aug. 16, 2010

fashion fail - Time to Strap In!

Submitted by: Unknown

I have to admire this woman’s fortitude. If someone handed me a pack of Bubble Tape and said “Here. Make an outfit out of this,” I don’t think I would be up to the challenge.

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