Recently on Guyism

Katie Price is a marketing genius

katie price pictures

I thought that since we were on the subject of incredibly odd self-promoting women now would be a good time to mention that Katie Price wrote another book, which she naturally unleashed onto the world while wearing a bathing suit. Read more

Brett Favre does not enjoy the company of armadillos


On a recent trip to coddle superstar Brett Favre, Vikings coach Brad Childress got a little more than he bargained for. Ignore for a moment that Brett vacillated on his decision to come back, because well, that’s what Brett does and focus on his Mel Gibson like rage towards your friendly, neighborhood armadillo. Read more

7 canceled TV shows that should be brought back immediately

Kristen Bell

Ahh, TV, such an ephemeral beast. Shows seem to appear and disappear based on whimsical executives who care more about ratings than creativity, and even the most critically acclaimed series always seem to get zapped before their times. Read more

Lady Gaga wore a bikini [32 glorious photos]

Lady Gaga bikini pictures

This one is for all the Lady Gaga fans out there. The other day Lady Gaga was at a pool party at the St. Regis Hotel in Houston and she wore a bikini, made out with some guy and adjusted her bikini. Yep, she’s the total package, that one. Read more

Guyism After Dark: Jakki, Audrina, or Lindsay???

lindsay lohan pics

Hot links to get you through the night… Read more

The world’s most expensive hot dog is only $69

Dancing hot dog guy

In a world where we have diamond studded cell phones, thousand dollar pairs of sunglasses and Michael Bay movies, one would think the “world’s most expensive” anything would set you back at least $100. But it seems that’s not the case for certain types of food like the hot dog, which only tops out at ... Read more

Senator Jim Bunning is not a Stephen Strasburg fan

jim bunning

Evidently, you’re not being a good politician this week unless you’re commenting on pitchers . Just yesterday, a Rhode Island gubernatorial candidate questioned Curt Schilling’s bloody sock story. And while he later retracted some of his harsh words, he no doubt sent a message that there’s no such thing as “bad publicity”. Read more

VIDEO: Russian news anchor flips off reporter for some reason


Being a news anchor seems like a stressful job because you have to read off a teleprompter and, uh, say the words you just read. So you can see why this Russian news anchor might give his reporter the finger for some reason. In a hilarious fashion. Read more

Daniela Freitas in lingerie is a sight to behold

Daniela Freitas

I’m not sure I have ever seen this Daniela Freitas before, but luckily for us the fine folk over at Joge Lingerie have and they were smart enough to put her in their product for some amazing photographs. Read more

VIDEO: Being a pot critic seems like an interesting job

cheech and chong

This is a video from CNN Money about a guy that smokes medical marijuana and reviews it for a local paper. A mile high job for a mile high writer. Read more

Quote of the Day


The whole issue with the Wikileaks leaking of official government documents is a bit outside Guyism’s wheelhouse. But this story about an American geologist and an assassination attempt on his life is way too good for you to not check out. Read more

VIDEO: Fan wears LeBron James’ Heat jersey at Indians game

LeBron James Miami Heat fan

There are two sure-fire ways to get your a– kicked in Ohio these days. One involves waiving your UM flag when you cross into the Ohio border, and the other–well, let’s just say LeBron James isn’t exactly welcome in the Buckeye State anymore. Read more

Odette Yustman makes her case in Women’s Health magazine

Odette Yustman photos

At one point I thought Odette Yustman was the next “It Girl”. Then she kind of disappeared for awhile. But now she’s back with this sexy-ish photo shoot for the September issue of Women’s Health. Read more

This is the coolest puppy around


We all love puppies, it’s science. But sometimes in life, there are winners and there are losers. And this puppy is the biggest winner of all. Read more

The University of Texas tells high school to stop using logo

longhorns logo

Things haven’t been going so well for the University of Texas the past few months. The Big 12 almost disintegrated before their very eyes as Nebraska and Colorado fled for greener pastures. And now, some two-bit high school had the audacity to try and use their Longhorns logo. How dare they! Read more

Megan Fox wore nerd glasses, flashed some skin

Sexy Megan Fox photos

I know how much most of you love Megan Fox so I thought you might like these photos of her out in L.A. wearing her nerd goggles and a belly shirt. Read more

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