
Pets Sliding Down Stairs (Videos)

Dog slides down stairs
Enjoy this video roundup of animals sliding down stairs. These weirdos can't understand human technology!

Hopefully we won't find out weeks later that these pets all have broken legs or something, like OMG Cat was found to have a broken jaw. :(


First Posts From 12 of the Web's Most Influential Sites

Every great website has to start somewhere, but the best ones manage to overcome their awkward first steps and carve out a unique identity on the web.

We decided to go back and take a look at the very first posts from some of the sites we admire, and we found some real doozies. You might be surprised to see how some of today's most influential web entities began.

Of course, it wouldn't be fair if we didn't fess up to our own first post, so we threw that in, too. Check it all out, after the jump.
LOL Together -- April 8, 2008
Our beloved site's first post -- back in the dark days before I wrote for Urlesque, of course -- was a sort of unofficial site theme song, 'LOL Together.' It's a parody of John Lennon's classic 'Come Together,' with lyrics about the emerging LOLCat trend at the time. Oh, those heady days of youth!

The original video has since been taken down, but the song lives on in the repost below.


Dads Catching Foul Balls While Holding Their Babies - A Deadspin Masterpiece

Baseball isn't just a game, it's a tradition. It's going to the ballpark with your family, exposing your children's ears to their first bellowed curse words, eating ice cream out of little helmets and waiting in hopes that some exciting stuff will go down.

According to Deadspin, the crowd at the Cubs-Cardinals game last Sunday got their fair share of exciting stuff as a father in the stands caught a foul ball with a baby in his arms. That was inspiration enough for them to create the following video spectacular: A compilation of dads catching foul balls while holding their babies.

While I'd love to get in a moral discussion about what's more important, children or the opportunity to catch a baseball, we can save it for another day because nobody in this video gets hurt! Amazing! I tip my tiny ice cream helmet to you, dads (I'm not at a game, I'm just wearing a tiny helmet.) Way to go.


Millennium Falcon Guitar Update (With Video) - It's For Sale!

Travis Stevens Millennium Falcon GuitarLast week we told you about Travis Stevens's incredible Millennium Falcon Guitar. Well, now we have video.

Watch as Travis shreds the 'Star Wars Theme' and the 'Imperial March,' along with a showcase of the guitar's more intricate details, such as a cockpit that contains actual Han and Chewie figurines!

Best of all, Travis is planning to sell the guitar. Stay tuned for more information. We hear that at least one internationally recognized rock star has shown interest.


Last Shot - Oh Stop, That Tickles!

Thanks for the caption, Rosalie C.!

Big news Urlbots! We've officially handed all our Last Shot headline duties off to you. Every afternoon M-F, we'll post the Last Shot on our Facebook page and from there it's up to you guys to come up with the best headlines you can think of. We'll feature our favorite on the homepage every day at 6pm ET.


'Inception' Inspires Memes Inside Memes [Geekosystem]

kicks everywhereInception, the movie about dreams, set the bar really high for questions. Is it all a dream? Isn't that the little boy from 3rd Rock From the Sun? But with all those hilarious quotes and confused movie-goers, you can except memes galore! Thanks Leo and crew!

To celebrate this, our friends at Geekosystem went deeper than just a meme about a dream... they've shared a meme inside a meme inside a meme.

Don't worry about spoiling anything if you haven't been to the movies yet; you'll be just as confused after you see it.

See more at Geekosystem.


Every Cigarette Smoked in 'Mad Men'

Don Draper
Smoking is bad for you. Bad, bad, bad! Do not smoke! Cancer is bad. Bad, bad, bad!

The only time you should smoke is if you're a character on Mad Men, where everyone puffed (and drank) away the days like we do now with gum and energy drinks. The difference is, of course, Don Draper, who makes the act of taking drags from cancer sticks look extremely sexy.

Maybe it's the time period and its normalizing of smoking (and again, drinking) in a swinging Manhattan advertising agency, but there's obviously a reason smoking was once considered the epitome of sexy cool. But, again, despite this clever montage video of all the cigarettes smoked on Mad Men, remember: CANCER IS BAD! BAD BAD BAD!