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Posts with tag wrup

WRUP: Cake or pie edition

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

This week in addition to the eternal question of what everyone is playing this weekend, we've asked the staff the almost-as-eternal question of cake or pie or death? It's been a battle royale in The Queue this week with Anne declaring her love for pie and Adam followed up with a cake versus pie poll in which cake maintains a solid lead. So today, we ask our writers. Their thoughts on the best bakery confections along with what they're playing for the weekend after the break.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Drama dodgers edition

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

There's been a hot-topic issue or two this week, and for today's WRUP we're going to skip the drama and ask everyone a simple question that has no wrong answers:

What's your favorite adorable animal?

Answers from the team -- and what they're playing this weekend -- after the break.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: The mystery weekend event

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

There's a definite, unmistakeable theme to this weekend's activities. I'd normally belabor it, but let's see if you can't just notice the pattern yourselves. Here's your hint: it involves explosions.

Okay. Yeah, you caught us. It's the beta.

Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) : This weekend I won't be playing anything. I'm going down to Minneapolis and finally making it to a Twins game at the new Target Field. Katie and I will be 11 rows up right behind the first base line. Can't wait! My favorite thing about the beta dropping has to be our live stream. Nothing is more fun than hanging out with thousands of you as we explore Azeroth all over again.
Alex Ziebart (@alexziebart): Beta
Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey): Playing the beta until my eyes bleed. No raiding since it's a holiday weekend, so more than likely I'll be working on an entry for the Blizzard writing contest. Favorite Cataclysm beta that...bacon? Does anyone smell - HEY GUYS DO YOU SMELL BACON?
Amy Schley (@wowlawbringer): Saturday is my last day of WoW before my subscription runs out, (I know better than to have an active sub during my last month of bar prep. I am NOT taking this thing twice!) so I'll be cleaning out my mailboxes and bags, collecting gold from auctions and sharding the greens that haven't sold. I'll also be pushing my shaman as close to 80 as I can get before signing off satisfied with her jump from neglected level 25 to well equipped healer at ~75 in only two months. My favorite part of Cataclysm? Just ogling all the changes so I know what to preserve in my screenshot folder while I still can.

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WRUP: Post 3.3.5 edition

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as WRUP.) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

This week is all about stalking our co-workers Real ID. We knew what Real ID was before the patch hit, of course, but who among us could have been prepared for the flood of email it would bring to our virtual doorsteps? I do hope Blizzard is still working to improve their Real ID feature, but in the meanwhile, remember that you don't have to use it if you don't want to. Though anyone opting out isn't going to see me around after Diablo 3 is released ...

But on to the subject at hand: keep reading for a round-up of what the staff is up to this weekend, in game and otherwise. A smattering of them even answered this week's bonus question and tell us about their favorite patch feature.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Cannot has edition

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

Since Liz is at E3 this week, Adam offered to organize this week's WRUP, asking everyone to submit their favorite lolcat from our lolcat wars in team chat. Unfortunately (or is it fortunately?), almost no one did. So you cannot has lolcats. What you can has is a rundown of what the team's up to this weekend. They're not entirely dissimilar; just replace "I" with "Alex" and "cheezburger" with "Borderlands," and the effect is pretty much the same.
  • Alex Ziebart (@alexziebart): I'm still enjoying Borderlands. I haven't been playing it a lot, just getting a level here and a level there, so it's been a good time waster. This weekend is also the festival from my old grade school up the block from where I live, so I'll probably spend a lot of time there with some old friends. If I can fit it in between those things, I'll probaBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzBZZZZZZT
  • Allison Robert (@AllisonRobert): Sleep. House-painting. More house-painting. More sleep. It will be glorious.
  • Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey): ICC25 - we downed Deathwhisper on HM, so now it's just Putricide, Sindragosa and LK. ... I am not looking forward to Sindragosa.
  • Amy Schley (@wowlawbringer): More bar prep, as always. I'll also be at the local Shakespeare in the Park festival. Nothing like Richard III's "Now is the winter of our discontent" while we're sweating in 85 degree heat.
  • Daniel Whitcomb (@danielwhitcomb): I'm actually plugging along much as normal. I should have Shadowmoon Valley's quest achievement done this weekend, then I'll move on to Netherstorm, so as long as Cataclysm doesn't drop tomorrow, I'm hopeful I'll just be able to take it slow and steady toward Loremaster. I also may run the Mass Effect 2 Overlord DLC on my Renegade Shepard to get the Data Hound achievement I missed on my Paragon Shepard and to look at some of the conversation trees I missed or skipped.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Welcoming another weekend

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

The weekend has arrived! With the pre-Cataclysm doldrums in full swing, we seem to have a lot of people out of WoW this week. Though I suspect recent releases like Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption would lure us away regardless of what WoW had to offer. (Though ideally we'd have one game that combined all three.) But throughout Azeroth, there are still dungeons to be raided, achievements to be gotten, alts to be leveled. Join us after the jump to see what the team is playing this weekend -- and let us know what you're playing this weekend

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Wedding bells edition

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

I'll just let Chase launch us off with what he's playing and his favorite in-game reference:

Chase Christian (@madsushi): I actually won't be playing anything this weekend; my wedding is on Sunday and I'd like to keep it that way. My favorite in-game reference is definitely the LOST hatch in Sholazar.

All of our weekends seem pretty dull by comparison, and the rest of this week's WRUP is mostly a chain of variously formatted grats of the sort you expect whenever someone dings. However, I think Matthew Rossi said it most eloquently: Hey, grats to Chase! For a dirty rogue and a stinky paladin you're all right. Best of luck to you both.

But, no, seriously, all of sends their best wishes to Chase and his soon-to-be spouse. Despite the fact that most of us have terribly boring weekend plans in comparison, you're welcome to read on for what the rest of the team is playing this weekend -- and what our favorite in-game references are. And as always, we look forward to hearing what you're up to in the comments.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Hoopy frood edition

Towel Day may not have fallen on a Friday, but in this week's WRUP we're celebrating belatedly and ensuring that all of the writing staff are hoopy froods who know where their towels are.

For those of you with no idea what I'm talking about, you can get a start by listening to the infamous Douglas Adams speak at UCSB in the video above. It has nothing to remotely to do with WoW, but as geeks, I suspect most of us owe him a debt of gratitude.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about and don't want to know what I'm talking about, catch us after the break to see what the team is playing this weekend and some entirely unrelated talk about towels. As always, you're welcome to join in on the comments.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: The answer is always 42 edition

Among this weekend's distractions from WoW are recent releases Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake, and although not new, the browser-based Echo Bazaar has stolen some of our souls away to ... well, wherever in Fallen London it is that they keep souls. There's probably a lost warehouse of souls somewhere in game that I hope to find eventually. But some of us, still, are spending an hour here and there in Azeroth.

Though this week's edition of What Are You Playing didn't come with a bonus question, some of the staff did come up with bonus answers:
  • Gregg My bonus answer is, as always, 42.
  • Mat There was no bonus question, but my answer to any question is probably "cherry."
  • Rich My bonus answer is my new favorite show: Dhani Tackles the Globe. Combines travel, culture, food, and sport, plus the host Dhani Jones is very entertaining.
  • Zach My bonus answer to the question is, "I solve them all."
And if you'd like to see what the team is playing -- or just talk about what you're playing -- read on!

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Waitaclysm edition

The worst part about Cataclysm is waiting for it, apparently. As part of our weekly ritual, we asked the staff what they were up to this weekend, and as a special bonus, what they were doing to prepare for Cataclysm.

Depends on your focus, looks like. Some of us are building profession stockpiles, some of us are building cohesive raid groups, some of us are making sure we get old-world achievements due for a phase-out, and some of us are ... just not really playing until Cataclysm. What about you guys? What are your plans for the Waitaclysm?

Our plans, and other personal minutiae, after the break.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Rad bromance edition

By popular request: be warned, the above video features some very enthusiastic karaoke efforts. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, and it may just hurt your ears.

It's a rad bromance weekend and back at HQ, it's safe to say that most of us are jealous of the no doubt epic adventures that Fox Van Allen (@foxvanallen), Mat McCurley (@gomatgo), Mike Sacco (@mikesacco) and Rich Maloy (@stoneybaby) are having in NYC this weekend. There would be more of an introduction here, but there's just nothing I can say that will top Mike and Fox's previous adventures in karaoke at PAX East, above.

And with introductions (and envy) out of the way, let's go on to see what the rest of the team is up to this weekend -- and if you'd like, let us know what you're up to, too.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: My favorite things edition

Once again it's the weekend, which can mean only one thing -- it's time to catch up on our gaming. Surely you know what it's like: during the week we have work or school or other obligations that may keep us away from our favored pastime. But with the week over, it's time for play. This week in addition to asking the team what they're playing this weekend, I've also asked them to include a shot of their character in their favorite set of gear. And, though it's hardly a scientific poll, from the answer I've recieved it seems safe to conclude that the paladin's tier 2 armor set is a crowd favorite. So without further introduction, read on to see what the team is up to this weekend -- or to let us know what you're going to be playing.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: All mounts are equal edition

This week's edition of WRUP takes its name from Basil, who kicked off this week's discussion of everyone's favorite mount with some controversy:
Basil Berntsen: I'm not including a pic because all mounts are equal, unless they go faster.
C. Christian Moore: Also Frostheim, WHOA. All mounts are equal? I think not.
BB: Frostheim? Ouch...
Chase Christian: All hunters are the same: their dumb pets pull the boss before everyone is ready, they FD to avoid a repair bill, and when the boss is dead, they roll on any weapon that drops.
BB: Small price to pay, imo. I do way more DPS than you sissy dress wearers.
BB (five minutes later): Wait, you play a rogue, of course. Well, I still... uh... do more DPS... provide better debuffs... can transfer threat better... I can roll on your leather.
CCM: Gah, it's hard keeping track of you hunters, with your ever-changing pets and whatnot.

I think there's only one solution to this problem: a level one battle to the death. But the actual participants might disagree with me. While I wait for them to see this post and sort out their problems, why not look in on what the staff is playing this weekend? And, if you're feeling brave, join the debate and tell us what your favorite mount in the game is.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Our favorite pets edition

I was just sitting down to write an intro for this week's WRUP, but then, oops, I seem to have been distracted by puppies. The puppies above are mine, because, well, I'm writing this post and it's my privilege to show off how gosh-darn adorable the little scamps are. (Of course, they're a couple of years older now -- less cute, and boy can they bark.) For this week's WRUP, we have the usual assortment of weekend plans as well as -- you guessed it -- puppies. Also kittens. And just for variety, a snake.

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Filed under: Business

WRUP: Catching them all edition

WRUP is generally a weekly feature telling you what the cast and crew of is up to this weekend, but you should only be concerned about one game: Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver. Because that's all I care about. Don't you want to be the very best?

In the event that you do care about what other people think, though, here are our responses, with more after the break.
  • Adam Holisky (@adamholisky): I'm drinking. A lot of drinking. Too much drinking? Probably.
  • Alex Ziebart (@alexziebart): I was weaning myself off of Mass Effect 2, but the Kasumi DLC and the ridiculous population explosion over at Cerberus Daily News dragged me right back in. Plus I started playing Plants vs. Zombies this week, so I'm actually addicted to two games simultaneously. I aim to figure out whether I can shoot vorcha on my PC while I shoot bucketheads on my laptop or not. My zen garden is totally prettier than yours, by the way.
  • Allison Robert (@AllisonRobert): I'm experiencing my third consecutive year of horrible internet issues and will likely be spending the weekend wondering why I am (yet again!) experiencing 10-second lag pockets ingame on a regular basis.
  • Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey): Lich King! Again. Other than that, catching up on TV that I've missed because Hulu is my friend, and planting things in that mysteriously bright location known as 'outside.'

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