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Filed under: The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Salinelol, shadow priest of Illidan

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the gladiator to interview some of the top arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune and Frostwyrms. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

This week, The Colosseum had the pleasure of interviewing Salinelol, shadow priest of Illidan. Salinelol is a member of the rank 1 3v3 team on his battlegroup (US Rampage) and one of the world's highest-rated shadow priests. Read on to find out what he has to say about priests, arena strategy and Cataclysm.

The Colosseum: Why do you play a shadow priest? What is it about the class's toolbox that appeals to you for competitive arena?

Salinelol: I mostly like it because I'm so good at it, I don't really like doing things that I don't excel at. It was between priest and one of the faceroll classes, so I chose this. I pretty much like shadow's ability to off-heal. The ability to off-heal and not run OOM (out of mana) if you're good with your mana is a huge tool.

Very interesting. You mentioned that priest isn't a faceroll class. What makes it more difficult to play than other classes?

Well, I think that it's harder than some classes because of the priest's need to decide between what to do in any given situation. The priest can do damage, focus on CC or damage reduction, or just out-heal the damage. Each of these come in handy for certain, specific situations.

Can you go into detail about your PvP spec?

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Filed under: PvP, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Bandler, priest of Blackrock

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the gladiator to interview some of the top arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

This week, The Colosseum had the pleasure of interviewing Bandler, priest of Blackrock. Bandler is on one of the highest rated 5v5s in the world, as well as having exceptionally good "high scores" for arena statistics. Read on to find out what he has to say about priests, arena strategy, and practical advice.

The Colosseum: Why do you play priest? What is it about the class's toolbox that appeals to you for competitive arena?

: For me, priests are one of the most versatile classes. We're able to do steady healing, yet we can put out a lot of damage at the same time.

What's the coolest thing you've ever done in arena? Don't be modest.

I guess Shadow: Word Deathing a Blind is cool.

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, PvP, Interviews, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Zanso, warrior of Crushridge

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the gladiator to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your Armory as a link!

The Colosseum had the pleasure of interviewing gladiator Zanso, warrior of Crushridge. Zanso's 3v3 team, CAN WE BE IN THE TIE, is 2700+ rated, and currently the #3 warrior-priest-druid composition worldwide. Read on to find out what he has to say about warriors, arena strategy, and Cataclysm.

The Colosseum: Why do you play a warrior? What is it about the class's toolbox that appeals to you for competitive arena?
Zanso: When you think of a warrior, you think of a two-hander, and Mortal Strike, but when I play it, it's more than that. Warriors have so much utility, more than any class in PvP I believe -- to do so much more (Defensive Stance, etc) and thats why it's still appealing to me.

What's the coolest thing you've ever done in arena? Don't be modest.
Probably the coolest would be when I Intervened my priest partner then cast Spell Reflection. I killed an elemental shaman with his own EMCL (Elemental Mastery + Chain Lightning).

That's very cool. Have you ever played any other games competitively? If so, what skills did you learn from them that helped you to be a better arena player?
I was always a Counter-Strike player (1.3-Source) -- I have learned to never give up or lose hope if I'm facing skilled, well-known opponents. If you think you're going to lose, you probably are.

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, PvP, Interviews, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Loinclothz, Hunter of Sargeras

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the gladiator to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your Armory as a link! had the pleasure of interviewing Relentless Gladiator Loinclothz, hunter of US Sargeras-A. Loinclothz is currently holding down top-five positions in every bracket on his battlegroup. His fourth-ranked 2v2, fourth-ranked 3v3 and first-ranked 5v5 make Loinclothz one of the top-rated players in the world. His 5v5 is also ranked #2 on U.S. realms.

The Colosseum: Why do you play a hunter? What is it about the class's toolbox that appeals to you for competitive arena?

Loinclothz: I suppose the reason why I decided to play a hunter in the beginning is because when all my friends picked up WoW for the first time, we all chose different classes, and because I was the last to pick, I got the hunter. Nobody else wanted to play it.

I fell in love with the class almost immediately -- I think the reason is because a hunter brings to the arena (and the game in general) a playstyle completely unlike any other class. You can make comparisons between, say, a rogue and a warrior being in melee range and using energy/rage, or a warlock and a mage being spellcaster types. Hunter has its own distinct playstyle which combines an awesome physical DPS but from a ranged perspective. Also, because of the dead zone, the way a hunter moves in arena is completely unique and extremely enjoyable.

Do you still play with any of those friends?

I don't. This was actually back in vanilla. Out of the group of us that started, only a couple made it to level 60 and raided seriously, and eventually all of them (including myself) quit when The Burning Crusade came out. I started playing again about two months after the release of WotLK, and the only reason was to test out this exciting new thing called "arena."

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, PvP, Interviews, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Abni, mage of Mal'Ganis

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

Today's interviewee is Relentless Gladiator Abni, an arcane mage from Mal'Ganis. Abni is currently on the world's #1 rogue-mage-priest composition. In addition to holding the #1 3v3 spot down on the Stormstrike battlegroup, Abni is also #1 in 2v2. In this week's column, we asked him about rogue-mage-priest, his particular character choices, and the state of arena in general. Read on to see what the Relentless Gladiator mage had to say. In YOUR opinion, which classes are lagging behind right now?

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, PvP, Interviews, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Jeebeez, restoration shaman of Hyjal

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

Today's interviewee is Jeebeez, current holder of 1st place in US-Whirlwind's 3v3 bracket. He plays a somewhat unusual composition of restoration shaman-frost mage-shadow priest. We thought it'd be interesting to ask him a few questions about arena and his 3v3 team. What's the most impressive thing you've ever done as a restoration shaman in arena? Don't be modest.

I 2v3'd Worlds team back in season 6 playing restoration shaman/rogue. Also, we just recently had a pretty sick kill on a warlock (playing WLD). We killed the pet, switched to warlock. I shocked Fel Domination, blanket silence into another shock on Fel Domination into death of the warlock. That was when I had about 30 ms though (almost no lag). Restoration shamans are about consistency more than anything, so its probably more important to be consistent with shocks/grounds/heals/Purges than it is to pull something crazy off. Why did you choose to play your 3v3 team makeup over other possible compositions?

Jeebeez: Well, I've tried comps like RLS (rogue-warlock-shaman) and warlock/mage/restoration shaman (wizard cleave or spell cleave) and have found the skill cap on wizard cleave just isn't that high on live. RLS has a steeper learning curve than shatterplay (frost mage-shadow priest-restoration shaman) but I lacked the people to play with. I guess I play shatterplay because I enjoy the switch coordination and the high damage output it does.

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Filed under: PvP, Interviews, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Athlete, paladin of Mug'thol

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

This week, we interviewed a four-time rank one gladiator, Athlete of Mug'thol. The Merciless, Deadly, Furious, Relentless Gladiator talked to us about his very interesting and uncommon 3v3 composition of mage-warrior-holy paladin, as well as some basic arena advice for new PvPers. You have four rank one titles! It's probably safe to say you know what it takes to be successful in arena. What's your advice to players who want to start playing arenas for the first time?
Athlete: My best advice would be to register an account on and read it often. There are many kinds of people on that website that would gladly go out of their way to help you out. They also have a really good recruitment tool to find teammates. Find some players that are on your skill level and build up a good friendship and some synergy with them. Make sure your setup can work and play often. What do you think about warriors getting Disarmed while Bladestorming?

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, PvP, Interviews, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Diziet, Brutal Gladiator druid

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Relentless, Furious, Deadly, Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

This week, had the pleasure of interviewing Diziet of Lightning's Blade, a healer who plays a 2500+ rated druid-warlock-death knight 3v3 composition. He also balances competitive road cycling and a PvP blog on Elitist Jerks on the side! Diziet had a lot to say about arena and WoW PvP, in addition to some other things that might surprise you. Why do you play restoration druid? What is it about the class's toolbox that appeals to you for competitive arena?

Diziet: I started playing a druid late in season three. I was overwhelmed by the extensive mobility and flexibility of the druid and warlock classes, having played a mage. The concept of playing a flexible class with a seemingly never ending repertoire of abilities was a very different experience than that of playing a mage during late season 3.

Druids provided, and still provide, a great and easy to use amount of 'raw power', an amazing amount of healing output usable on the move. That was a very different and powerful play style rewarding basic and strong gameplay. Back then, and still now, druids could just stand in the open and out heal any kind of caster without casting a single spell, based on hots alone.

I always stuck with a very defensive style of gameplay on my druid, utilizing tree form even in The Burning Crusade days. I would try to watch for any kind of hints of target switches or incoming crowd control spells from my opponents and I would try my best to prevent or negate them by doing simple things such as moving away, out of LoS (Line of Sight), or by putting hots before damage came.

Back during TBC, druids had the ability to either play a more control based playstyle with feral charge (a tool I utilized a lot) or with a restokin spec to provide damage (something similar to what priests might do now). I enjoyed those play styles quite a bit too, especially in the 2v2 and 3v3 brackets. With the talent tree changes in WotLK, I was forced to play a more one-dimensional but effective play style.

So, in a nutshell, I was attracted by the raw power of the class (in terms of heal per second, heal per global cooldown, and heal per mana), and used it to build a very defensive healing style.

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, PvP, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Tredd, warrior of Auchindoun

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Relentless, Furious, Deadly, Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

Warriors in arena seem to be all the rage these days. We were pleased to interview Tredd, a front-page warrior who plays multiple team compositions in 3v3. Read on to see what Tredd has to say about the state of arena! Why do you play warrior? What is it about the class's toolbox that appeals to you for competitive arena?

Tredd: To me, warriors are one of the most prime classes when it comes to dealing damage and keeping up the pressure. This is mostly due to the rage mechanic, which allows me to keep using abilities and not having the weakness of having to drink. Also, our incredibly good defensive measures with Shield Block + Shield Wall and Spell Reflect make the class very versatile when going head to head with any other class. Why do you play arms instead of protection?

Tredd: I currently run arms mostly for the comps I play -- Mortal Strike is more effective than prot's fifty billion stuns. I do, however, enjoy protection PvP as much as Arms. I can't really say more than that, since prot has Warbringer Intervene vs. Bladestorm etc.

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Filed under: Warrior, PvP, Interviews, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Aethros of Cenarion Circle

I'm not sure whether I'd consider it a very fair reputation, but it definitely seems like roleplay servers have a reputation for not excelling at PvP. Aethros of Cenarion Circle defies that stereotype, with his team of 3v3 scoring 33rd ranked on Whirlwind battlegroup. Only a few weeks into the newest season, Aethros is already toting a personal rating of 2401.

Aethros is the death knight member of prism plz go resto. This 3v3 team is a TSG composition. Named after the team who won the 2009 Blizzard Arena Tournament at BlizzCon, TSG teams are made up of a holy paladin, a warrior, and a death knight.

Take a look behind the jump and see what Aethros had to say.

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Filed under: The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Patz, priest of Mugthol and Kel'Thuzad

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Relentless, Furious, Deadly, Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

Today's Colosseum offers a rare sight into the mind of an arena player who has multiple high-ranking teams...on multiple battlegroups. Patz, a discipline priest from Mugthol, has recently achieved top-five rank on not only his main character, but also an alt of the same class stationed on Kel'Thuzad (Patzqt).

On his main character, Patz plays a 5v5 composition commonly referred to as 2345. 2345 stands for discipline priest, holy paladin, warrior, elemental shaman, mage. However, our interviewee decided to go a different route on his alt Patzqt to utilize a completely different 5v5 composition of three healers, a warlock, and a hunter. Why do you play priest? What is it about the class's toolbox that appeals to you for competitive arena?

Patz: I play a priest because it has potential to be defensive or offensive at will. The amount of damage and defensive cooldowns that priests have appeals to me. Sometimes a priest can just spam damage into a target for the duration of a game and win. Mana Burn is skill as well, and I love double defensive/offensive dispels. Dispel Magic is one of the best abilities that priests have. The instant casts (Power Word: Shield, Prayer of Mending, Renew) make priests unique and keeps playing a priest fun as well.

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, PvP, The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Bearzerk, rogue of Mannoroth

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Relentless, Furious, Deadly, Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

Gladiator Bearzerk of US-Mannoroth won't be wearing his gladiator title much longer -- he'll be upgrading to Relentless Gladiator! Our rogue interviewee today is team captain of a rogue-mage-priest composition named A B C that was able to go on a victory streak and get the coveted title on the last day of the season.

Read on after the break to see what Bearzerk had to say!

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Filed under: PvP, Interviews, Wrath of the Lich King, The Colosseum, Achievements

The Colosseum: Jhazy of Blackrock

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Relentless, Furious, Deadly, Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters on the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player. If you'd like to be interviewed for The Colosseum, please feel free to contact us -- be sure to include your armory as a link!

We're in for a real treat this week. We interviewed Jhazy of Blackrock, one of the few players in arena history to achieve a 3,000 rating in 3v3. More impressive yet, he's done this on the very competitive Bloodlust battlegroup, and is currently holding that #1 spot by a margin of more than one hundred points. Jhazy's team STRAIGHT TO THE TOP is a protection warrior + marksman hunter + holy paladin composition. As a team, they are holding down the world's #1 3v3 spot!

Check out what Jhazy has to say after the break!

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Filed under: Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, Analysis / Opinion, Tips, Tricks, How-tos, PvP, Guides, Classes, Interviews, Wrath of the Lich King, Battlegrounds, Arena, The Colosseum, Achievements

The Daily Quest: Bleeding hearts

We here at are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere.

Filed under: The Colosseum

The Colosseum: Patch 3.3 and the Arena

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, Furious, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters in the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Frostwyrms. We're especially focused on the people who play these games, to further shed light on the world of the PvP player.

There have been no immediate changes to the Arena directly due to patch 3.3. Okay, well, that's not entirely true, but the changes to the Arena are mostly change by implication. Nonetheless, there's enough little things that will affect the gladiators that it's worth spending a little time examining.

Probably the biggest change we've been hearing about is that you can now pick up Arena points from doing your daily battleground quest. At 25 Arena points per daily, It's not a huge amount of points. If you're already a very highly rated arena team, then you're probably not going to get a large amount of use from an extra 175 points a week. What the extra arena points do successfully, however, is promote a reason for battleground-players to try out the Arena.

While they could use the Arena point to pick up extra Honor points, it's not like those have ever been hard to come by. Instead, these new Arena points will hopefully tantalize those who haven't tried the Arena in Wrath of the Lich King. If that does happen, it will lead to some amount of inflation in Arena ratings. That would provide some relief to teams who are struggling to get a little higher, as well as introduce new players to our favorite e-sport.

Take a look behind the cut to see what else might be changing.

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Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, The Colosseum

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