1. Start a Petition

  • Free and easy to create in 3 steps.
  • Directly target elected officials, business leaders, or other decision-makers.
  • Real-time delivery of signed letters to targets.
  • Ability to send follow-up messages to everyone who has signed your petition.

2. Recruit Supporters

  • Integrated social networking and sharing tools with Twitter and Facebook.
  • Embeddable widgets available to promote your petition on blogs and other sites.
  • Leaderboard shows how many people each supporter has recruited.
  • Petitions appear in each relevant cause community on Change.org.

3. Make a Difference

  • Petitions on Change.org have won dozens of campaigns:
  • Convinced the Dept. of Labor to release a confidential report on slave labor
  • Helped end the food industry's deceptive nutrition labeling program
  • Compelled Scholastic to stop censoring gay friendly books
  • Browse more Change.org victories »

Ready to make a difference?

Start a Petition

Video: How to Create a Petition on Change.org

Tips for Creating a Successful Petition

  • Keep it short and simple!
  • A short, catchy, headline is the single most important part of your petition.
  • Tell people why your target is the best person to petition on this issue.
  • Ask the target of your petition to do something specific.
  • Always attach a photo or video to your petition.
  • Use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to help recruit people to sign your petition.
  • Send a follow-up message to everyone who has signed your petition. Tell them what happened or give some additional information about the issue.

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