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New Live Videos

New live videos from Paris in the the watch/listen section

Free Download

Hello, I am busy writing the new album (at last!) and getting ready to hit the road again. So just to say thank you for all your support and helping spread the word, you can download my first album "Song of a Thousand Birds" for free from here . Just click on the album and select download.

It will give you an option to download for free. For you fellow audio nerds, both albums are also available from the same site in high quality formats flac, ogg vorbis, AAC, apple lossless, 320kmp3. Mp3 VBR etc and the best part is you can name your own price.The minimum is 5 usd which is not too bad for lossless high quality i think! Feel free to pass on the link to the free album to any of your friends you think might enjoy. More new free tracks to come in the next month! I will announce on twitter(along with some last minute free guerrilla shows)...follow me at See you soon i hope! Declan

Guest passes, secret shows...

The easiest way to check what I am up to is by following me on twitter. I know, I know...another fucking network site. I I can update twitter minute by minute on the road with guest passes to shows, last minute happenings (house shows, secret shows) , pics from studio and on tour and so on. The best part is that is it is two way communication. Go on...see you on there...Declan.


Live Review France - Photo Darek Szuster

A fire to scare the sun is album of the week on one of France's main TV channels CANAL+.

A fire to scare the sun playlisted on national French Radio FIP.

All over bar the screaming....

Another year done and dusted...It's been a great year for me. 6 months down the rabbit hole making "a fire to scare the sun", coming out the other end satisfied. Playing shows in lots of cool places and meeting really nice people. Working with such amazing musicians. I just want to thank ye all for all the emails and support when making the album, the people who came to shows, put me up, fed and watered me, bought albums, showed me around. And a big thank you to all the awesome people who book me shows, put out my records and big me up to the assorted world of press.

2009 looks jam packed for me with shows making videos and recording...and surfing whenever i get the chance. I will be taking some friends of mine on tour with me when i can. I am really looking forward to seeing ye out there. Come up and say hello.

Oh, and Fuck the credit crunch doom and gloom! Get up and dance, create, jump up and down, throw something against the wall, do something new that's terrifying, scream, live!


At Last!

Well I am glad to let ye know that the new album "A fire to scare the sun" is available to order now.

I recorded this over the first half of this year in an abandoned room in Dublin. I was really lucky again to have great musicians and friends guesting on the record. James Dunne from Rte symphony Orchestra on drums, long suffering touring buddy and cellist extraordinary Mary Barnecutt, Brian Hogan from Kíla on lap steel and gretsch, and virtuoso Cora Venus Lunny on Violin, Viola and vocals.

I worked really hard to provide the best artwork I could. It's a double gatefold cd with 10 panels of art and lyrics inserted. It is the happiest i have ever been with any art and it really suits the album in my humble opinion.

You can pick up a copy directly from Black Star Foundation. The first 200 copies will have a handprinted lino cut printed and signed by myself.

If you live in Europe it is available in shops via cargo distribution. If you live in the Netherlands or Belgium you can buy it directly from Silvox, Plato shops or your local indie store. For those of you in France who want to wait there is a French release in January via Copilotes.

If you want to buy a digital copy it is available via cd Baby and will be available on itunes etc next month.

An extra special thank you to those who donated and help this record come to life. See you on the road soon!

Keep in the loop.

I post pretty regularly on my blog. But if you want to know about shows and releases please join the mailing list. I only post when i am going to be playing a show in your neck of the woods or am about to give something away or release music.