Archive for the ‘London’ Category

Speaking To Connect In Business

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

London, UK

In a few weeks time, I’ll be running a special workshop in Central London on how to use your voice in business. It’s aimed at those who want to make a real impression at job interviews, serving customers, selling an idea or service or speaking in public. Many people who engage with customers or stakeholders face-to-face or on the phone, ought to be aware of how they come across. This is all down to what you say and how you say it; you also need to be aware of your posture. Get it wrong and you wont make that connection.
Of course, getting your message across is much harder when communicating on the phone. You’ll be judged on the tone of your voice, so it’s important you come across in an enthusiastic manner. You can read more about this by downloading the “telephone tips” which are on my Training page and by viewing this video clip.

How Not To Exhibit Yourself

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

London, UK

Earlier today, I attended a very well known exhibition venue in London. Several hundred visitors were there together with countless suppliers showing their wares.
For years I would regularly “man the stand” at business exhibitions when in the office equipment and allied industries. And woe betide any salesman or woman who would either turn up late, be poorly dressed or would stand around with a hand or sometimes both in the pocket! But this morning the unprofessionals were out in numbers in West London. I counted at least three with ties either poorly slung around the neck or terminating at least 3 inches above the waist to reveal a gut loosely covered with shirt material. Two others lurched out toward me and asked “are you interested in …blah, blah…” a polite “no thank you” always sees them scurrying to the back of the stand with embarrassment. And what is it with bowls of sweets or other confectionery on every stand? Don’t people realize:

1. As children we were told never to accept sweets from strangers
2. Eating sweets and chocolate could mean diabetes for you in later life, and
3. It doesn’t differentiate you or your firm from other exhibitors

Think before you make an exhibition of yourself

Good Morning London

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

London, UK

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be assisting former BBC & LBC presenter Clive Roslin in the JNET studio between 9am and 12pm. We have some interesting guests so please join us. To listen in, go to

I don’t expect we’ll have to concern ourselves with the issues highlighted in this clip, but you never know!

How To Win Business Quickly

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

London, UK

Later this month, I’ll be running another D-I-Y cold-calling workshop in London. Details of the event can be found at the “Training” page.

Rather than blurt out “are you interested in cheap electricity” or similar, it’s far better to express an interest in the company or organisation you’re calling. Establish whether they are in need of your product or service. Whatever you do, don’t pressurise them. Be casual but professional. You’re simply letting them know who you are and how you could potentially help them at some future point (which of course could be next week!). Even if they are not interested straight away, it doesn’t mean they will never be interested. At the very least, they now have your details and my workshop covers how to deal with a “No”.

Meanwhile, enjoy Comedian Jack Dee’s take on cold-calling:

Zut Alors!

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

London, UK

TV presenter and blogger, Craig Doyle, vents his spleen at Thierry Henry after the debacle at last night’s World Cup play-off in Paris. Photographs and video footage clearly show the former Arsenal star handling the ball twice before crossing to his team-mate William Gallas to score what turned out to be the decisive goal for France against Ireland. Richard Williams of the Guardian examines further and concludes that Henry missed a wonderful opportunity. I particularly liked this:

“Henry was a hopeless captain at Arsenal and he is a hopeless captain of France. On Wednesday he did not have the gumption to say, “OK, that wasn’t a goal” – an admission on which the referee would have been obliged to act – “but we’ll use the remaining quarter of an hour’s play to demonstrate that we are better than the Irish and more deserving of a place in the final 32 in South Africa next year.”

David Ginola, the former French international star, said earlier on radio, “I’m very embarrassed by the situation”. “This is a pure injustice”.

The World’s football governing body, FIFA, have already ruled out a re-match but will they punish Henry for cheating? I suspect they may make an example of the Barcelona striker but I cannot see the Irish having another opportunity to play France. For one, there’s too much at stake and it would set a precedent for future play-offs. Besides, do we really want a re-match when ever a team feels hard done by?

I think this affair will re-ignite the debate on the use of video technology in sport and the beautiful game may end up like American Football or basketball – all time-outs and little play.

LATEST – The FIA have formally complained to FIFA

Tips On Telephone Cold Calling

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

London, UK

The cold-calling workshop on the morning of November 17th is coming up fast. You can register above, call 08453 313171 or e-mail
Getting it right on the telephone, like most forms of business communication, is crucial. Get it wrong and you can lose a contract, a customer or even your job! As the old saying goes “you never get a second opportunity to make a first impression”.
At the D-I-Y cold-calling workshop, you’ll learn how to identify your best customers, overcome their objections and generate profitable opportunities for your business.

Sell, sell, sell

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

London, UK

This is a post from 2006. It was posted on my other site, Corporate Presenter. Those sales fundamentals, which are highlighted and normally discussed in a sales appointment, will feature at my Central London Cold-Calling event next month. Getting commitment on the telephone by way of cold-calling, can be regarding as the first step on the “getting to yes” ladder.

Thursday, August 31, 2006
Times change, (sales) values don’t……………………

Just came across a piece of A4 paper with some comments penned by my first sales manager, Tony Butler. Tony was one of the best in the photocopier business and a thoroughly decent man too.

This is all about getting that order.

1. Did I commit him to performance of the machine?

2. Did I commit him to cost of machine?

3. Did I ask for the order?

4. If I did not get the order – did I commit him to when I will get the order?

Business Networking In London

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

London, UK

Attended a business breakfast group this morning run by Bernie J. Mitchell of BOB Networking. I’m grateful to Bernie invited me along as it gave me an opportunity to discuss cold-calling, business development and account management, all of which necessitates dialling plenty of business telephone numbers! The discussion this morning also touched on whether business owners should consider outsourcing tele-marketing or keeping that activity in-house. One firm said they use both methods. Whichever preference suits your business best, its of paramount importance that your cold-calling gives you tangible results.

In my experience, there are two areas that tend to be overlooked in cold-calling for business and those are:

1. Attitude and enthusiasm towards cold-calling, and

2. Correct use of the voice.

For Tips on Cold Calling, please download the PDF and visit my Training and Testimonials pages.
The next cold-calling workshop is being held in Central London on November 17th. See details above.

At this morning’s meeting were a number of business people from the King’s Cross and Clerkenwell areas of London. Apart from accountants, HR professionals and a printer, there was a “passion coach” in attendance! Find out more about “Business Over Breakfast” with Bernie Mitchell on 020 7099 3057



cold calling
Communicate With Clarity
Corporate Presenting
event host
Personal Development
Public Speaking
Radio Reporting
Sales Tips
speak connect engage
TV Presenting
Web TV
Website Tips