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  • Confessions of a Motel Maid

    Confessions of a Motel Maid

    By Octavia Newton, Posted Jul 28th 2010 @ 6:36AM

    I have been a maid in a motel for 16 years. I've seen good things, and lots of strange things. When I think back at all the times I've had, I can only laugh and be thankful. For example, I remember on a Saturday morning, about a year ago, I had started on my list of rooms as on any morning. I knocked on one door ...

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  • Confessions of a Corporate Security Guard

    Confessions of a Corporate Security Guard

    By Richard Todd Aguayo, Posted Jul 22nd 2010 @ 12:00PM

    It's 3AM, Do You Know Who's Watching Your Stuff? As the sun goes down and the magnetic doors clamp closed, a band of brothers (and sisters) begin their day so you can sleep well at night. The security guard is one of the most common sights in today's corporate culture -- but other than a quick wave or the head ...

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  • The Street Performer's Art: How to Get Started as a Busker

    The Street Performer's Art: How to Get Started as a Busker

    By Joyce Hanson, Posted Jul 19th 2010 @ 10:02AM

    When James Muschler is seriously engaged in creating an artistic piece of music, he has been known to compose 40-minute-long pieces simulating 4 billion years of Earth's history based on biological fossil records. But sometimes, he just needs to pay the rent. That's when Muschler, a 20-year-old drummer, composer ...

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  • What it's Like to Be: A Dating Consultant

    What it's Like to Be: A Dating Consultant

    By Kaitlin Madden, Posted Jul 9th 2010 @ 6:12AM

    Consultancy is one of the best ways to make a living right now. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the consulting industry is expected to grow by 83 percent from 2008 through 2018. It seems everyone wants expert advice when it comes to managing their money, marketing their business and, apparently, ...

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  • The Biggest Lie I Told to Get a Job

    The Biggest Lie I Told to Get a Job

    By Jenny Peters, Posted Jul 7th 2010 @ 6:41AM

    Ever been tempted to tell a lie to snag that job? If you watch 'Glee,' you know that Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) told a whopper – that he was confined to a wheelchair – to earn some extra money; that's a pretty extreme example, but no more than the real-life tales that follow. ...

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  • What It's Like to Be: A Network News Anchor

    What It's Like to Be: A Network News Anchor

    By Kaitlin Madden, Posted Jul 7th 2010 @ 6:19AM

    Jon Scott is the co-anchor of "Happening Now" on the Fox News Network, a former reporter for "Inside Edition" and an Emmy-winning news writer for his work on "Dateline NBC." Below, Scott gives us the lowdown on his early days in radio, what it was like to be on the air during the Sept. 11 attacks and why being a ...

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  • Outrageous Ways to Say

    Outrageous Ways to Say "I Quit"

    By Jenny Peters, Posted Jul 6th 2010 @ 5:49PM

    If you've ever had a job you despised so much it hurt, then take heart. You are not alone! And every so often, when the time is just right, you might just find an outrageous way to say "I Quit!" But beware, sometimes quitting in a flamboyant manner can backfire, as our first author ruefully remembers. ...

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  • Confessions of a 911 Operator

    Confessions of a 911 Operator

    By Mike Williams, Posted Jul 5th 2010 @ 6:59AM

    I'm going on my one-year anniversary of being a 911 operator -- in the city that never sleeps. Which is why it is great for me to work the graveyard shift, so that way I can still be up in the morning to send my kids off to school. Being a part of the local law enforcement team and helping others in need has ...

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  • Confessions of a Wedding Videographer: The Rise and Fall of the Bride

    Confessions of a Wedding Videographer: The Rise and Fall of the Bride

    By Cathleen Shaffer, Posted Jun 30th 2010 @ 7:24AM

    I used to take photos for newspapers, so whenever I needed extra money I would do photos and videos for weddings. It was pretty much a word-of-mouth thing, although I would usually have a standard advertisement for my services running in a few local papers. It was not typically hard, although it was ...

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