Note: The Progressive Populist does not necessarily endorse material found on links from this page.

Progressive Populist contributors and friends:

Americas, column by Patrisia Gonzales and Roberto Rodriguez
Alexander Cockburn.
Corporate Focus, archive of the column by Robert Weissman (look for the current year and view by "thread." The column has gotten a little more irregular since he became president of Public Citizen).
Barry Crimmins, politically-charged humorist based in upstate New York.
Ted Glick, director of the Independent Progressive Politics Network.
Bill Greider, longtime journalist and national affairs correspondent for The Nation.
Doris Haddock, also known as Granny D, walked across the United States in her 90th year in 1999-2000 to bring attention to the need for campaign finance reform and she hasn't stopped agitating since then.
Jim Hightower, the web site of the populist agitator from Austin.
Randolph Holhut, contributor to the online American Reporter.
Arianna Huffington, the living testament to that old saw that a woman can change her mind.
Molly Ivins, our friend and colleague, succumbed to breast cancer on Jan. 31, 2007. See her column archives at Creators Syndicate and a tribute at The Texas Observer.
Hank Kalet's Channel Surfing weblog
Donald Kaul, a retired columnist for the Des Moines Register, now living in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Harry Kelber, longtime union rights activist and author of Labor Talk column.
Al Krebs' Corporate Agriculture Research Project, includes the online Agbiz Tiller and beaucoups of agriculture and rural links. Al died Oct. 9, 2007.
Donna Ladd, editor of the Jackson, Miss., Free Press
Joyce Marcel, freelance writer and music critic whose work appears in the online American Reporter.
Ralph Nader, founder of many public interest organizations and Green Party presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000.
Nathan Newman, union and community activist, a national vice president of the National Lawyers Guild and author of Net Loss [Penn State Press] on Internet policy and economic inequality.
John Nichols, associate editor of the Madison, Wis., Capital Times.
Greg Palast, investigative journalist for the British Observer and the BBC.
Ted Rall, cartoonist, columnist and man-about-town.
Max Sawicky's weblog. Max is a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., with an interest in populist economics.
Randall Shelden, professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, writes mainly about crime and justice.
Norman Solomon's Media Beat.
This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow
Mark Weisbrot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
Dave Zweifel, editor of the Madison, Wis., Capital Times, possibly the most progressive daily newspaper in the United States.

Independent Media Links

Action Coalition for Media Education (ACME), promotes media literacy curricula that encourage critical thinking and free expression, examine the corporate media system and inspire active participation in society; advocates independent media-making as a critical part of a democratic society and vibrant culture; and supports local, state, and national media reform efforts.
Adbusters, the web site of the Media Foundation, a media activist organization seeking to counteract commercial TV.
Alternative Press Review, publishes essays from radical zines, tabloids, books and magazines.
Alternet, the home page of the Institute for Alternative Journalism.
The American Prospect, "A Journal for the Liberal Imagination," and its online weblog, Tapped, with links and commentary on online news. See also the Policy Action Network for progressive news and resources.
American Reporter, an online daily newspaper edited by Joe Shea and owned by the correspondents whose work it features.
Arkansas Times
, alternative newspaper in Little Rock; see the News and Opinion Page for politics, including continuing reverberations of Whitewater.
Arts and Letters "quarterly magazine of political, cultural, and literary ideas ... committed to a society and culture that fosters diversity and a democracy in which we seek common grounds of principle amidst our many differences."
Beyond Mainstream, "an online magazine for the creative, culturally progressive community. The website blends politics, culture and healing, with a twist of humor."
COA News, a non-profit portal to independent news media.
Columbus Free Press, community-based reporting in Columbus, Ohio.
CommonDreams NewsCenter, links to breaking news and views of interest to progressive Americans, as well as links to publications, wire services, progressive columnists and other news sources.
Consortium, investigative reporting and commentary by Robert Parry and the Consortium for Independent Journalism.
CounterPunch, muckraking political newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.
Crisis Papers, anthology of progressive writing on the Web.
C-SPAN, the public affairs cable channel.
Currents of Awareness, brings awareness to world issues, facilitates citizen communication and brings independent media to the general public.
Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central. Possibly the most liberal news show on mainstream TV, played for laughs. TPP columnist Nathan Newman also notes some of Jon Stewart's best lines.
Dissent. Quarterly of politics, economics and culture.
Dissident Voice, an internet newsletter that provides "hard-hitting, thought-provoking and even entertaining news and commentaries on politics and culture that can serve as ammunition in struggles for peace and social justice."
Dollars and Sense magazine, for "What's Left in Economics."
Earthblog, alternative news and opinions from around the world.
Eat the State!, Seattle activist newspaper.
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), critiques news media from progressive point of view.
Free Press, organized by Robert McChesney and John Nichols, discusses media ownership, public broadcasting, copyright, Internet access, low-power and community broadcasting, commercialism in schools, and advertising regulation. It also supports grassroots organizing to generate popular support for these proposals.
Global Politician, an independent online journal of politics and world affairs.
Good Money a quarterly magazine that tracks socially responsible investing.
Grassroots Economic Organizing newsletter, a bimonthly publication dedicated to reporting on community-based economies, and their development through local cooperative action.
Green Money, a quarterly magazine to "promote the awareness of socially and environmentally responsible business, investing and consumer resources."
Guerrilla News Network, an underground news organization that creates "news videos," or "music videos for people who think &emdash; mini-documentaries that combine high-impact imagery, tracks from top recording artists and interviews with leading experts about important issues underexposed by the big media outlets. They aim to rock as hard as they inform, shock and inspire." Best with high-speed access.
High Country News, a bi-weekly newspaper that reports on the West.
Humor Times, political satire and humor.
Independent Media Center. Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage.
Information Clearing House provides links to independent media sources; "one person's effort to correct the distorted perceptions provided by commercial media."
Infoshop, activist, anarchist and alternative news.
In Motion, an online magazine on democracy.
International Progressive Publications Network, a network of progressive publications from around the world, in cooperation with Z magazine.
In These Times, biweekly magazine of news and opinion published in Chicago.
Irregular Times, "news unfit for print."
Jackson, Miss., Free Press
Jackson Progressive, alternative news in Mississippi.
Labor Notes magazine, "Putting the Movement back into the Labor Movement."
Left Business Observer, newsletter on economics and politics edited by Doug Henwood.
Liberal Bias, a collaboration dedicated to countering the Republican spin machine, while at the same time removing the negative connotation often given to the term "liberal."
Rachel Maddow, host of MSNBC show.
Madison Capital Times, founded in 1917 by Wisconsin Progressive followers of Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette, the Capital Times has one of the last truly progressive editorial pages among USA dailies.
Media Access Project, a public interest law firm which promotes the public's First Amendment right to hear and be heard on the electronic media.
Media Channel, a web site that explores the domination of the world media by (at last count) nine transnational conglomerates and the impact of monopolization on journalism, public service and popular culture.
Media Education Foundation produces and distributes video documentaries on the relationship between media ownership, commercial media content, and the democratic demand for free flows of information, diverse representations of ideas and people, and informed citizen participation.
Media Reform Information Center, with links and resources on media reform. Affiliated with the Corporate Accountability Project.
Media Transparency, a web site that provides information and other resources on the funders behind non-profit organizations.
Monthly Review, independent Marxist magazine.
Morning Star, British daily newspaper, claims to be the only socialist daily newspaper in the English language. When someone claims your local newspaper is leftist or communist, refer them to this site or, closer to home, the Peoples
Weekly World for the Real Thing.
Northern Agrarian, online monthly journal based in Wauwatosa, Wis., devoted to publishing
agrarian/ecological/peaceable news, opinion, thought and literature. Ceased publication after September issue.
Mother Jones/Mojo Wire, selections from the muckraking magazine, plus the ongoing feature, the Coin-Operated Congress.
Multinational Monitor, bimonthly magazine tracks corporate activity, focusing on the export of hazardous substances, worker health and safety, labor union issues and the environment.
The Nation Digital Edition, selections from the magazine, plus background material, forums and other resources.
NewPages, a portal to independent bookstores, independent publishers, literary periodicals, alternative periodicals, independent  record labels, alternative newsweeklies and more.
News For Change, news and features for liberals, progressives and independent thinkers, from Working Assets.
New York Observer, a newspaper with a weekly print edition as well as website that focuses on the city's arts & culture, real estate, media, politics, society and the entertainment and publishing industries.
Newspaper-Net (N-Net), lists names, addresses, phone numbers and web sites of thousands of newspapers in the United States, listed by state.
North Coast Xpress, a bimonthly publication whose aim is to promote democratic ideals, provide a forum across the political/cultural/class divide, support grassroots movements for change, and provide a voice for underrepresented minorities.
Now with Bill Moyers, web site for the PBS series.
Keith Olbermann, host of Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Online Journal, "news media of, by and for the people.", progressive news, original articles and OpEds from all over the world.
Pacifica, progressive radio chain with stations in Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif.; Houston, Texas; Washington, D.C.; and New York City.
Peacenet, progressive news and organizations.
People's Weekly World, newspaper of the Communist Party, USA. When someone claims your local chain-owned newspaper is run by leftists or communists, refer them to the Real Thing.
Perot Periodical, archives of the defunct magazine on the Perotistas
Polianna, website that monitors conservative sites, keeps tabs on the myths they spread and debunks them with accurate quotes and hard facts.
Polinks, a web site with links to political commentary on the right, the left and center.
Pop and Politics, an e-zine produced by political commentator Farai Chideya.
The Progressive magazine, monthly from Madison, Wis., with updates on the web site.
Progressive Review, muckraking newsletter edited by Sam Smith in Washington, D.C., with links to breaking stories and commentary on website.
Project Censored at Sonoma State University in California brings attention to stories that are underreported by the mainstream media.
Rachel's Environment and Health News, newsletter produced by the Environmental Research Foundation, "Providing understandable scientific information about human health and the environment."
Radio 4 All,, a site with links to various radio micro-power broadcasting groups, aka "Pirate Radio."
Raw Story, alternative news.
Salon, an online magazine of the center/left (requires subscription for many stories, but it's worth it).
San Francisco Bay Guardian.
Ed Schultz, progressive talker from North Dakota
Shoot the Messenger
, a web-based show hosted by Lizz Winsted in New York City, Mondays at 8 p.m. Eastern time.
Social Policy
, a magazine seeking to expand discussion beyond the labels liberal and conservative.
Sojourners a magazine of "faith, politics and culture," with selections from past issues and connections to progressive Christian groups.
Spinsanity, website that "exposes and analyzes the increasingly pervasive use of manipulative and subrational rhetoric in American politics."
Texas Observer, A Journal of Free Voices in Austin. Longtime liberal voice in Texas.
Utne Reader, bimonthly reprints articles from alternative press. Website also links to stories.
Village Voice, New York weekly featuring, among others, Nat Hentoff on civil liberties and Jim Ridgeway on Washington.
The Week Daily provides synopses of news and features from the US and international press.
Yes! "Dedicated to supporting people's active engagement in creating a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world."
Z Magazine, the ambitious web site for the monthly magazine also monitors social change movements in 15 subject areas and crises around the world. See their Alternative Media Watch.


Eric Alterman, media columnist for The Nation, the "Altercation" weblogger for Media Matters, and a fellow at the Center for American Progress, where he writes and edits the "Think Again" column. Author of the national bestseller, What Liberal Media? The Truth About Bias and the News (2003,2004), and most recently The Book on Bush: How George W. (Mis)leads America (with Mark Green, February 2004) and When Presidents Lie: Deception and its Consequences, (forthcoming in September/October, 2004). Also, in his spare time, a senior fellow of the World Policy Institute at New School University, and adjunct professor of journalism at Columbia University.
American Newspeak, a weekly satirical e-zine celebrating the art of doublespeak carefully scavenged from the pages of our finer newspapers.
Americans for Radiodiversity, a clearinghouse for information on efforts to democratize radio airwaves.
Baghdad Burning. Commentary by Riverbend, a twenty-something Iraqi woman who reported from Baghdad before she fled to Syria in September 2007.
BakerMuckraker by investigative reporter Russ Baker (temporarily suspended).
Bull Moose for recovering Republicans (suspended).
Buzzflash, a.k.a "The Un-Drudge Report," provides links to articles of interest to liberals/progressives, plus an email list for news alerts.
Juan Cole, informed commentary on the Mideast, history, Islam and religion by a professor of history at the University of Michigan.
Cutting Edge-A Talk Show, links to political, entertainment, personality and TV web sites.
Daily Howler, journalism critique, mainly from a liberal point of view, by D.C. political comedian Bob Somerby.
Daily Kos, progressive politics.
Doonesbury. What else is on Garry Trudeau's mind.
EconoSpeak (liberal/progressive economics)
, progressive news by Atrios.
Is This Heaven? Blog by Mike Palecek, a novelist, former federal prisoner for peace; former newspaper reporter and Democratic nominee for the US House in Iowa's 5th District in the 2000 election.
It's No Accident, labor notes by John Lacny
Labor Blog by Nathan Newman
Liberal Oasis
, "Where the left is right and the right is wrong."
Media Transparency, news, opinion, analysis and investigative data related to links between conservative philanthropies and the organizations and people which they fund.Includes a free, searchable database of grants made by major conservative philanthropies since 1985.
Media Whores Online, "set out to bring the media to their knees, but found they were already there."
Michael Moore, the rabble-rousing filmmaker.
Please ... Cut the Crap debunks right-wing talking points.
Political Wire
, by Taegan Goddard, a political column updated "around the clock" with news and
Populist Blog, "The Voice of the Common Man," all things populist, left, right and middle.
Talking Points Memo, by Joshua Micah Marshall, contributing writer for Washington Monthly and a columnist for The Hill.
Talk Left, "The Politics of Crime."
TAPPED, weblog of the American Prospect.
TomPaine's Common Sense , blog by and Campaign for America's Future.
Washington Monthly's Political Animal, featuring Kevin Drum, formerly of Calpundit.

State and Regional Politics


Burnt Orange Report



See also's State Resources, with state and congressional candidates, campaigns, elections, state parties, local news sources and other resources.

Tell us about your favorite progressive blog

Political Parties and Organizations

Democratic Party

Democratic National Committee
Digital Democrats, "a grassroots virtual organization to rebuild and revitalize the Democratic Party from the ground up."
House Democratic Caucus, names, addresses and links to Democrats in Congress.
House Democratic Leadership, what the Democrats in Congress are up to.
Progressive Democrats of America, seeking to move the Democratic Party to the left.
Twenty-First Century Democrats "promote[s] traditions of the Democratic Party through the election of progressive, populist officials who are the next generation of Democratic leadership."

House Progressive Caucus, what's Left in Congress -- not quite all Democrats.

Independent Political Action Committees:

Democratic Socialists of America, "largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International ... DSA's members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist presence in American communities and politics."
The Alliance for Democracy, the official home page of the national progressive populist movement.
Americans for Democratic Action, "The Political Voice for Action-Oriented Liberals.", a netroots organization with over 3.3 million members across America that helps concerned citizens find their political voice in a system dominated by big money and big media.
Ratings of Congresspersons from a dozen major interest groups
Progressive Majority, recruits progressive candidates and helpss to finance and organize their campaigns.
Progressive Nexus helps progressive organizations locate other groups to form alliances around issues and campaigns, recruit new members increase effectiveness by sharing resources, training, and information. Also helps individuals learn about progressive issues and find organizations to join and support. Also helps define the "progressive" movement by hosting dialogue to identify common values and verbalizes the progressive paradigm.
Progressive States Network, provides research and strategic advocacy tools to forward-thinking state legislators.
Progressive Vote, federal PAC promoting progressive values in key "battleground" states.
We The People, Jerry Brown's organization.

Independent and Alternative Parties

American Reform Party, Reform Party dissidents who are seeking to develop a more grassroots-oriented party independent of Ross Perot. (See also Reform Party below.)
Green Party of North America environmentalism, sustainability and more
Labor Party, the alternative political movement of organized labor.
Libertarian Party, believes government is best that governs least.
Populist Party of America, Midwest Alliance, seeks to restore democracy by increasing public participation in government and reducing the power of elitist "think tanks" and corporate lobbyists.
New Party, a multi-racial progressive grassroots organization seeking to break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over our political process. Promotes "fusion voting," or cross-nomination by multiple parties to promote progressive candidates in the 10 states where fusion voting is legal: Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Mississippi, New York, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont .
PAN Party, Peoples' Action Network, "meant to be a countervailing force to (PACs) and the Democratic/Republican political machine which does the bidding of these big-money Special Interest Groups."
Reform Party, the Dallas-based political movement identified with Ross Perot.
Working Families Party, a grassroots, community- and labor based political party with chapters throughout New York State that promotes "fusion voting" to promote progressive candidates.

Other parties, including the aforementioned as well as Republican links, just for the heck of it.

Directory of Political Parties at

Presidential candidates:

Electoral reform:

Ballot Access News, monthly newsletter that monitors ballot access issues., organization to help secure your right to cast a secure vote and have that vote counted. Founder David Allen split in 2004 from Bev Harris of, consumer protection group for elections.
Both sites appear to have good information as long as they are not talking about each other., maintained by Air America Radio host Tom Hartmann, lists the main telephone number for Congress -- 202-225-3121 -- as well as lists of toll-free numbers to Congress operated by advocacy groups to help you contact your represenative and senators.

Congressional Districts, maps of districts for the 111th Congress, including boundaries for each district in each state, including counties and cities, with information on each congressional district.

Fair Elections, group working for publicly funded elections and paper ballots., a nonprofit lobbying organization to establish the right to have one's vote counted properly and make sure that our election systems are reliable and publicly verifiable. See also the Verified Voting Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, founded by national and state leaders of the election integrity and e-voting reform movement to ensure that future elections are free, fair, accountable and accurately reflect the intentions of the voters., organizes teach-ins and seminars across the country, with a platform that calls for a Voters' Bill of Rights for reforms, including improved voter registration.  

Labor Affairs

AFL-CIO, the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations labor federation
International Labor Communications Association, the professional organization of labor communicators in North America. The ILCA's several hundred members produce publications with a total circulation in the tens of millions.
LaborNet@IGC, news, information and links for a democratic labor movement.
Labor Watch, on ZNet, updated every two-weeks with news and information notes on organized labor and the world of work. Produced by the Harvard Trade Union Program and the Mid-West Center for Labor Research with support from union activists, labor support organizations and unions.
Rescue American Jobs, a grassroots organization of American workers trying to protect American jobs. See also its weblog.
United Auto Workers, one of the better labor web sites.

Rural Affairs

Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, a public policy research center at Iowa State University that conducts and disseminates research in Trade and Agricultural Policy; Resource and Environmental Policy; Food and Nutrition Policy; and Rural and Economic Development Policy.
National Family Farm Coalition, a national link for grassroots organizations working on family farm issues.
National Farmers Organization, an organization that promotes bargaining to improve farm commodity prices.
National Farmers Union, a progressive farm organization that represents 300,000 family farmers and ranchers in 24 states.
Northern Plains Family Farmer, quarterly magazine on family agriculture and the decentralization of agriculture and regeneration of the countryside.
Organization for Competitive Markets provides research, information and advocacy towards a goal of increasing competition in the agricultural marketplace and protecting those markets from abuses of corporate power.
Rural America, a column co-edited by the Missouri Rural Crisis Center as a part of the online In Motion Magazine.
Rural Resources, over 100 resources on rural education, Internet connectivity, rural development, Extension, and health, maintained by the Rural Clearinghouse for Lifelong Education & Development, Kansas State University.
Sustainable Agriculture web sites, a list maintained by the National Agricultural Library of the USDA.
Texas Rural Communities, a nonprofit organization serving rural Texas communities and individuals through rural economic development, educational, loan and grant programs.

Other Resources

• The Abolitionist, a web site that promotes state sovereignty to control corporations and "outlawing of the Wall-Street-Corporation paradigm."
• Alliance for American Manufacturing brings together a select group of America’s leading manufacturers and the United Steelworkers. Our mission is to promote creative policy solutions on priorities such as international trade, energy security, health care, retirement security, currency manipulation, and other issues of mutual concern.
• Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment, a group of environmental and labor leaders who work to make corporations more accountable for their behavior world-wide.
• American Monetary Institute, a website featuring monetary history, monetary theory and monetary reform
• Antitrust Law and Economics Review, "America's Only Anti-Monopoly Journal."
• Ballot Access News, archives of the monthly newsletter that monitors ballot access issues.
• Bill of Rights Defense Committee, a website developed by residents of Northampton, Mass., to "support repeal of parts of the USA PATRIOT Act and Executive Orders that infringe on Constitutional rights. This web site documents and supports local efforts to restore civil liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution, which have been threatened by the Act and [Executive] Orders."
• BuyBlue website tracks whether corporations support a political party and how well businesses abide by sustainability, workers' rights, environmental standards and corporate transparency.
• Campaign Corner provides a directory and a discussion board to promote progressive populist candidacies and ballot issue campaigns throughout the USA.
• Campaign for America's Future, a national organization challenging the big money corporate agenda by encouraging Americans to to discuss a new vision of an economy and a future that works for all of us.
• Catholic Worker Home Page, a web site on the Catholic Worker movement, founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin, and links to other progressive Catholic movements.
• Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that reports on what special interests lawmakers are beholden to.
• Center for Voting and Democracy,, a group promoting proportional representation to allow more representative government and preferential voting to allow independent parties a greater voice in elections.
• Chautauqua Society, dedicated to advancement of progressive ideals in social justice, health care, education, children's rights, services to the poor and elderly, the environment, religious tolerance, and civil liberties.
• Citizen Action is a federation of statewide membership-based citizens' groups working from the grassroots level to affect local, state and federal policy on issues such as campaign finance reform, civil justice protections, renewable energy, pesticides and toxics reduction, mass transit and health care for all.
• Citizens for Tax Justice, "a research and advocacy organization dedicated to fair taxation at the federal, state and local levels," advocating fair taxes for middle- and low-income families; requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share; closing corporate tax loopholes; adequately funding important government services; reducing the federal deficit; and taxation that minimizes distortion of economic markets.
• Common Cause of Texas, information on state and national goings on.
•, a directory of information about the members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Congressional Report Cards, a project of Voter Information Services, provides a non-partisan on-line guide on the legislation voting record of each member of US Congress, based on legislation promoted by more than 60 advocacy groups
• Consumer Watch, a Web site dedicated to keeping the public informed about defective products, recalls and safety concerns associated with numerous products ranging from tools, cars and food to medical devices and children’s toys, based on recall and defective product information from the Consumer Product and Safety Commission.
• Consumer Watchdog, the web site of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights.
• Constitutional Accountability Center, a think tank, law firm, and action center dedicated to fulfilling the progressive promise of our Constitution’s text and history.
• Contacting Congress, a listing of phone numbers, FAX numbers, electronic mail addresses, WWW/gopher homepages and other biographical information for members of Congress and other governmental agencies.
• Co-Op America provides economic strategies, organizing power and practical tools for businesses and individuals to address today's social and environmental problems.
• Corporate Accountability Project, includes links to the Corporate Welfare Information Center, Corporate Dirt Archives and Corporate Power Information.
• Corporate Governance, a web site "designed to provide a springboard for explorations and discussions concerning the movement to enhance wealth by creating more democratic forms of corporate governance."
• Criminal Justice degree programs and resources via
• Direct Democracy League, a site devoted to "peaceful transition to traditional republican governance at all jurisdiction levels."
• Drum Major Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to challenging the tired orthodoxies that impede the achievement of social and economic justice. Originally called The Drum Major Foundation, DMI was founded by Harry Wachtel, lawyer and advisor to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the turbulent years of the civil rights movement.DMI was relaunched in 1999 by New York attorney Bill Wachtel, Harry's son, and Martin Luther King III.
• Economic Policy Institute, a progressive think tank on economic issues.
• Economic Security Project, which promotes "personal growth, mutual support, spiritual enrichment, and economic security for all." The web site includes the text of "Economic Security for All: How To End Poverty in the United States," a 289-page book.
• The Electronic Activist, An email address directory of members of Congress, state government officials and news media, grouped by states.
• Ending Corporate Governance: Revoking Our Plutocracy, includes links and recommended reading on the anti-corporation movement.
• Environmental Working Group generates information for public interest groups and concerned citizens who are campaigning to protect the environment.
• Essential Information, the network of public-interest groups started by or affiliated with Ralph Nader.
• Ethical Consumer, a guide to issues of ethical consumption, prepared by One World Online.
• Families USA, national nonprofit organization that advocates high-quality, affordable health and long term care for all Americans.
• Financial Markets Center, news, analysis, basic education and activist tools about the Federal Reserve and financial markets, featuring online access to key Federal Reserve documents.
• First Amendment Cyber-Tribune, a home page of information on First Amendment issues.
• Global Exchange, a human rights organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice around the world.
• Global Issues, a website with essays and discussions of globalization issues.
• Global Trade, various web sites with news and resources on trade issues.
• Heartland Labor Capital Network, a group working to increase the control of working people over their savings and assets by building a labor/capital network that invests pension funds in environmentally-responsible, worker-friendly small businesses that create good jobs in our communities.
• Human Rights Monitor, with human rights news from around the world.
• Independent Judiciary, web site of the Alliance for Justice with information on federal judicial nominees.
• Institute for Local Self Reliance, an organization based in Minneapolis, Minn., and Washington, D.C., that promotes sustainable communities.
• Internet Democrat, a self-styled rapid-response resource for Democrats.
• Iowa Peace, Justice and Protest Books from the Heartland.
• IraqHQ, everything about Iraq.
• Jay's Leftist and Progressive Links, a huge collection of links to progressive and alternative groups, publications and other web sites that have compiled links to progressive and alternative groups, publications and web sites.
• Jeffersonian Perspective, commentary on today's social and political issues based on the writings of Thomas Jefferson.
• Made in the USA Coalition, a group of consumer organizations, labor unions and businesses advocating American-made products.
• Northwest Center for Progressive Research, based in Olympia, Wash., providing progressive research and resources.
• OneWorld Online, a partnership of over 200 organisations worldwide providing guides, analysis, reports and other resources for human rights and sustainable development.
• Organic Consumers Association, a grassroots non-profit public interest organization which deals with food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, corporate accountability and environmental sustainability.
• PakistanHQ, everything about Pakistan.
• People Links, also known as the New World Village, a web site with links to progressive organizations, media and other resources, including Norman Solomon's Media Beat.
• Physicians for a National Health Program, the group advocating a single-payer universal health plan for the United States.
• Preamble Center for Public Policy, a group that has been active in exploring arguments for and against the Multilateral Agreement on Investments and other economic and policy issues.
• Progressive Agenda, a grass roots, national non-profit citizens activist organization dedicated to the promotion of progressive ideals. See the actual Progressive Agenda here.
• Progressive Challenge, a coalition of progressive organizations who with the Congressional Progressive Caucus have launched a series of dialogues and working groups entitled "The Progressive Challenge" to promote an 8-point "Fairness Agenda for America."
• Progressive U, "an online study group community for progressive students and other problem solvers." Provides a platform for high school students, college students and young professionals to study and discuss creative solutions to social problems and cultural conflict, and to develop the empathy and diplomacy necessary to persuasively negotiate solutions to these problems.
• Public Campaign, a non-partisan organization dedicated to taking special-interest money out of America's elections.
• Public Citizen, advocates safer drugs and medical devices, cleaner and safer energy sources, a cleaner environment, fair trade, and a more open and democratic government. Includes Congress Watch, which champions consumer and citizen interests before the U.S. Congress; the Health Research Group, which fights for safe foods, drugs and medical devices; for greater consumer control over personal health decisions; and for universal access to quality health care; the Litigation Group, which brings lawsuits on behalf of citizens in order to protect the health, safety, and rights of consumers, the Critical Mass Energy Project, which promotes safe, economical, and environmentally sound energy use through conservation and renewable sources; Global Trade Watch, which focuses on the impact of international trade and economic globalization on jobs, the environment, public health and safety and democratic accountability; and Buyers Up, a home heating-oil cooperative group buying program that acts as an information resource on home energy and environmental issues.
• Public Eye, the web site of Political Research Associates, an independent, not-for-profit research center which monitors the US political right, including links among right-wing groups, financing behind right-wing activities, and analysis of right-wing movements.
• Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG), state-based advocates for the public interest.
• Project Vote Smart, with information on federal and state government and officials, including vote charts.
• Pure Food Campaign, a global clearinghouse run by Organic Consumers Association for information and grassroots technical assistance to citizen activists, journalists, and non-governmental organizations concerned about sustainable agriculture, food safety, genetic engineering, and life form patenting.
• Pure Food Movement, links to information on the Pure Food Movement, which encourages the purchase and production of whole, natural foods.
• is dedicated to restoring democratic authority over corporations, reviving grassroots democracy, and revoking the power of money and corporations to control government and civic society.
• Senate Democratic Policy Committee, what the Senate Democrats are up to.
• Share the Wealth, a project of United for a Fair Economy, is concerned that the concentration of wealth is hurting our nation. Its goal is to revitalize America through a more fair distribution of wealth.
• Skeleton Closet, a web site that dishes up dirt on prospective presidential candidates--and is an equal opportunity excavator: "We do not support any candidate or party, and aim to attack all presidential candidates with brutal fairness," the group states. Also has links to "positive ideas for nonpartisan political and campaign reform."
• S-R Invest, a guide to socially responsible investing.
• Talk Left, the Politics of Crime, "Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news."
• United Students Against Sweatshops, an organization of more than 200 campuses working on a national campaign to support issues of economic and social justice both on campuses, in our cities and globally.
• Urban Institute, a nonprofit policy research organization that investigates the social and economic problems confronting the nation and government policies and public and private programs designed to alleviate them.
• Urban Legends, the place to go to start checking out a story that is hard to believe or strikes you as possibly misinformation.
• The White House
• The Work Doctor, a web site to spread awareness and offer advice about workplace bullying.
• Yahoo provides links for all occasions. Check out Government/Politics.

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