
Cupcake Cake

Jul. 21, 2010

cute food photos - Cupcake Cake

Submitted by: Mishellia via Submission Page

This here cake is the pure definition of sweetness. So much fondant, so much frosting! Such lovely, pastel, sweet sweet colors. And a honest to goodness (probably fake) cherry on top! It’s a cake detailing what little girls are made of, with extra icing on top. My teeth kind of hurt just looking at it, but it’s just so cute!

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Cheer in a Paper Cup

Jul. 21, 2010

cute food photos - Cheer in a Paper Cup

From Grin and Bake It

Submitted by: dunno source via Submission Page

Whoooo-eeey! Yellow! I love yellow! It makes me all crazy manic and peppy and I just want to run around the park in my favorite yellow dress and drink lemonade. How hard is it to find cupcake liners and sprinkles that are the exact same shade of yellow? I for one certainly appreciate the effort. Happy happy happy happy!

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Mini Black Forest Cake

Jul. 20, 2010

cute food photos - Mini Black Forest Cake

From Bakers Royale (with recipe)

Submitted by: bakersroyale via Submission Page

Holy crap you guys! Can you even handle this cake? It’s mini, which of course is adorable, and it’s not hiding the fact with that big ol’ cake stand. Then there are the cherries placed all perfectly on top like an awesome little hat that I would totally wear in a heartbeat. But the ribbon, THAT RIBBON! Completely over the edge right there with that ribbon. I adore it, I want it on a shirt, I want to wear the whole dang thing as a hat. It’s almost too much cute to handle and I think it is Epicute perfection!

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Pure, Simple Comfort

Jul. 20, 2010

cute food photos - Pure, Simple Comfort

From That Winsome Girl

Submitted by: Amy Kelly via Submission Page

Who can say no to a classic? Sure, sure, maybe you’re lactose intolerant or are allergic to chocolate, but the plain concept of a couple of good old chocolate chip cookies and a glass of cold milk really awakens some powerful nostalgia. Look at the lace on the pretty green place mat and the perfect little blue flowers on the china. The thought, the intention and the execution of simple cookies and milk brings back all sorts of memories of naptime, story time, playtime and quality time. I need to make some cookies!

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Hello Pancake!

Jul. 19, 2010

cute food photos - Hello Pancake!

From Jim’s Pancakes

Submitted by: Everyone and Their Mom via Submission Page

Thank you to all of you, you know who you are, those of you who tirelessly submitted photos from Jim’s Pancakes over and over until I finally gave in! His stuff really is incredible, and he makes it look so easy! I’d be interested to know how many times he has to try out a certain design before it is perfect and he posts it. Amazing way to get your kids to eat breakfast too! I know my niece would go nuts for a Hello Kitty pancake, I should try my hand at this!

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Hazlenut Hedgehog Truffle

Jul. 19, 2010

cute food photos - Hazlenut Hedgehog Truffle

Submitted by: Ruri V. via Submission Page

I love hedgehogs, they are so cute and expressive and fun to play with and they can make fantastic pets! If I didn’t already have cats and dogs running all over the place, I could see getting a little ‘hog to keep me company. This hazelnut truffle will have to do for now I suppose. Do you think it’s made of hazelnut chocolate or does it just have a hazelnut center? Did you know that hazelnuts are also called filberts? You learn something new every day folks!

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Gorgeous Babycake

Jul. 18, 2010

cute food photos - Gorgeous Babycake

from Submitted by: Jill via Submission Page

There’s something very soothing and old fashioned about this cake. It reminds me of the Holly Hobby doll that my sister had as a kid. They had matching green patchwork calico and gingham dresses and bonnets and had their photo taken in front of a really cheesy background at Olan Mills or something. These are comforting memories, therefore I love this cake.

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With Pleasure!

Jul. 17, 2010

cute food photos - With Pleasure!

From Lady Cupcake

Submitted by: Cristina via Submission Page

I’m not one of those girls who is all about Alice in Wonderland in all its iterations. I don’t wear a fuzzy Cheshire cat backpack from Hot Topic like a 14 year old, I was not at all excited about the shark-jumpy Tim Burton movie that just came out. However! I love the books and the whole story and these cupcakes! The colors are amazing, the placement of the little hearts, the 3-D flowers, it’s glorious! If you promised to serve me these, I might even consider watching the movie!

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Bridal Bees

Jul. 16, 2010

cute food photos - Bridal Bees

From I Am Baker

Submitted by: Amanda via Submission Page

Oh Amanda, you are such a genius, I don’t know how you do it. Everyone, have you checked out I Am Baker, Amanda’s blog? Please do. She is amazing.

Anywho, These sweet bee cookies were made for a wedding and how freaking adorable is a bee theme for a wedding?! That just tickles me, I love it! And the cookies look so soft and fluffy yet firm and the designs are so deftly executed I almost wouldn’t want to eat it. If I could get two I’d eat one and take the other one home to decorate with. Wouldn’t a windowsill of decorative cookies be precious?

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Crunchy Dollop of Summertime

Jul. 16, 2010

cute food photos - Crunchy Dollop of Summertime

Found at Cherrapeno (with recipe)

Submitted by: Nic via Submission Page

Few things taste as summery as lemon. This tiny lemon tart is perfect in its crust to filling to topping ratio. You get plenty of chewy crust with each bite with just the right amount of intense, smooth, tangy lemon curd and a nice shard of light, crunchy, sweet meringue.  Large tarts leave you with too much filling, not enough topping or crust, this lil’ guy here totally solves the problem and balances the flavors to better enjoy the sunny, crunchy goodness.

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    EpiCute is a blog about cute food.

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