Jul 23rd 2010 By Nick Romano

Rounding Up a Week of Asylum With Vintage Playmates and Digital Drugs

Sex: Playboy's New SFW Website

Feat of the Week: Surviving a Riptide -- Learn How

Women: Secret Life of the Orbit Gum Girl

Weird: i-Dosing Is the New Drug of Choice

Manly: Manly Motorbikes for the Man Within

StreetLevel: 11 Outrageous Fights From Sports History

ComicsAlliance: Exclusive Interview With Stan Lee


Asylums Favorite Photos

Our old buddies at Brewdog brings us the World's Strongest, Most Expensive Beer -- Inside a Squirrel.

Asylums Favorite Photos

Southern right whale lands on yacht, Cape Town, South Africa.

Asylums Favorite Photos

This crane was supposed to remove a tree that posed a risk to a home in Akron, Ohio. Instead, an apparently mighty gust of wind upset the heavy machinery's balance, and the crane ended up causingthe very damage it was supposed to prevent.

Asylums Favorite Photos

Funny luggage stickers by The Cheeky are designed tobring you new friends at the airport.

Asylums Favorite Photos

Lisa Courtney poses with her 14,000+ Pokémon as part of 5 of the World's Biggest (and Most Worrisome) Toy Collections.

Asylums Favorite Photos

Betty White gives Asylum's Ron Babcock tips on how to score with (much) older women.

Asylums Favorite Photos

The Suicide Girls strip down to take a test drive of the iPhone 4 camera for Asylum's viewing pleasure.

Asylums Favorite Photos

While most of us were making wooden cars and Yoda bongs in shop class, Hibiki Kono, a 13-year-old boy, decided to fulfill his dream of becoming Spider-Man. He invented a climbing machine, which uses suction from two Tesco Value vacuum cleaners.

Asylums Favorite Photos

This group of clowns first entertained, and subsequently annoyed, police to the point of pushing them back nearly two city blocks at Toronto's G-20 Summit protests. Photographer Matthew C. X. Langford was on the scene to capture this moment of rebellious hilarity. Check out how to be Asylum's next photo on 'The Money Shot'.

Asylums Favorite Photos

Body by Dad: Jennifer was the only baby with Creatine in her formula. Check out the other heart-warming shots on Asylum's Father's Day Edition of Awkward Family Photos.

Asylums Favorite Photos

Jul 23rd 2010 By Asylum Staff

Hot, Fresh Links -- Served When We Feel Like It

Maxim's Hottest Blondes
Who knows if they have more fun, but they're hot (Maxim)

The White Baby Born to a Black Couple (I-Am-Bored)

Get Ready for "Mad Men" Season 4 (Gawker TV)

Hysterical Ibex Argues With Man (Break)

Ever Try to Get Out of Something?
Would you stab someone in the ribcage to do it? (Cracked)
Stellar Photos
Long-term exposure photography (The Chive)

Awesome Roles Intended for Men ...
But played by women (The Frisky)

Jul 23rd 2010 By Jeremy Taylor

Giant Sinkhole Tries to Swallow Milwaukee

When we saw this photo of seismic mayhem on the streets of Wisconsin's largest city, we wondered: "If Milwaukee was swallowed by a giant sinkhole, would anybody even care?"

Then we remembered: Milwaukee is where they make beer. Suddenly, sh** started to get real.

Luckily the sinkhole, which opened up Thursday night, didn't spread.

As for that SUV?

Mark Pawlik was walking down the street, when he saw the earth swallow the vehicle. "The Escalade just went wham!" he told TMJ 4. "Everything went down. The power line went like, 'pow,' and then I think it was sewer water just pouring into the hole."

The fast-acting 46-year-old then pulled the driver, who only suffered minor injuries, out of his car. Somebody buy Pawlik a Schlitz.

Jul 23rd 2010 By Jeremy Taylor

Relationship Insecurity Can Lead to Heart Problems

Our happy hour fact to amaze your drinking buddies with.

People who feel anxious and insecure in their relationships are more likely to develop cardiovascular problems than those who don't.

Researchers from Pennsylvania's Arcadia University, surveyed 5,645 people on their attachment style. They then separated respondents into three groups: secure (able to comfortably get close to others), avoidant (difficulty getting close to and trusting others) and anxious (needy and worrying about rejection).

Initially, the researchers were focused on the correlation between chronic pain and attachment style; they confirmed that avoidant and anxious folks were more likely to suffer from arthritis, headaches and other types of chronic pain. Over the course of the study, they also discovered that those with an anxious attachment style were at higher risk than the general population for a host of cardiovascular problems.

So, it turns out that if you worry too much about getting your heart broken, it may literally break your heart.

Jul 23rd 2010 By Brian Fairbanks

Cheek'd Is the Dating Business Card for the Socially Awkward

Cheek'd is a new dating concept for a guy who has the balls to approach a girl, but cannot actually talk to her.

The company has produced a deck of 50 cards, including 43 with "unique" sayings that read like half-formed pick-up lines. Each card has a code for your intended love to punch in on the Cheek'd website to get your information. It's somewhat similar to the check-out-my-dorky-card-tricks pick-up method practiced by Mystery and his crew.

We went through a sampling of the cards and found ones reading "anything can happen now" (yes, such as her getting a restraining order) and "act natural. we can get awkward later," which sounds as gross as it was probably meant to be. Our favorite: "can i see you again?" Yes, in our experience, ladies just love real men who type in all lowercase.

Luckily, the site doesn't insist your ladies create an account before they can hunt you down. While that might prevent fraudsters from just popping onto your page and stealing your details, it would likely also greatly reduce the number of females actually responding to your strange card.

Keep reading to see what one of these bizarre dating profiles looks like.

Jul 23rd 2010 By Asylum Staff

Masterclash Shares True Stories of Masturbation Gone Wrong

Have you ever had someone walk in on you when you were masturbating? This happens a lot when you're a teenager -- you think you're totally safe, totally secluded, and then all of a sudden a family member walks in and lets out a blood-curdling scream: "Oh Jimmy! How could you?!"

Well, at least you weren't caught masturbating by the cops while you were with two blow-up dolls. That is, unless your name is George Bartusek. Asylum editor Emily McCombs shares this and other stories of masturbation gone terribly awry in this week's Masterclash. The Whitest Kids U'Know help bring this discussion on self-loving to a climax. [NSFW]

Click here to subscribe to Masterclash on iTunes.

Jul 23rd 2010 By Emerald Catron

Drinkwel -- a New Hangover Remedy That May Actually Work

drinkwel -- a hangover remedy that actually works.While sleeping in until 2 p.m. and having a pitcher of Bloody Mary for breakfast is generally a great cure for hangovers, that's not always an option (like, for example, any day from Monday through Friday). Rather than considering the notion of moderation, we're constantly on the lookout for a miracle pill to cure us.

Enter Drinkwel, the supplement for people who drink a lot.

Drinkwel is essentially a multivitamin formulated for people who consume alcohol on the reg -- it's meant to replenish the nutrients that firewater drains from our bodies and fight all the free radical blah blah blah whatevers. It's also got a bunch of herbs in it that are supposed to be good for liver health.

Oh, and apparently it works, which is really all that matters. It's currently on sale for about $40 for a bottle of 90 pills. Except you're supposed to take three every day. And take three more before you go to bed, if you've been drinking, so you could conceivably go through a bottle in about two weeks, if you have a terrible drinking problem like to have a good time.

Still, $80 a month might not be too much to spend so you never wake up feeling like a donkey crapped in your mouth, beat you over the head with a hammer and stole your underpants before disappearing into the early morn.

Would you spend that much money to never be hung over again?

Jul 23rd 2010 By Nick Romano

Comic-Con Attendees Duke It Out With Westboro Baptist Church

Thanks to the Supermen, Wonder Women, Trekkies, Star Wars fanatics and nerds alike, we can all live to fight another day.

Attendees of yesterday's Comic-Con were prepared for the onslaught of Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church acolytes. The religious crazies brought their signs and their hate, but unbeknownst to them, the nerds had their own weapons.

Check out all the photos at ComicsAlliance.

Jul 23rd 2010 By Brian Fairbanks

Throw Your Own 'Mad Men' Theme Party for Sunday's Premiere

This Sunday, get your wife, secretary and mistress together for family time, as America tunes in to the "Mad Men" season premiere. The fourth set of new episodes kicks off at 10 p.m. EST on AMC -- the only television network worth subscribing to when HBO is in reruns -- and will probably be celebrated all over newfangled technology like touch-tone phones and tweeting machines.

The best way to avoid the consumerist masses is to slip into your own executive lounges and host a private "Mad Men" theme party.

Mad Men

You'll of course need some friends, as well as the proper costuming, mixers, imposing conference room tables (to sit at the head of and terrorize lowly "employees") and the requisite divorce papers.

We're having our very own "Mad Men" viewing party on Sunday night, but sadly, only sexy secretaries are invited. Keep reading for some tips for throwing your shindig.

Jul 23rd 2010 By Michael B. Dougherty

Superman Comic Saves Family From Foreclosure

In the nick of time, the Man of Steel saved a family's home ... for real. A couple facing foreclosure found the collateral they desperately needed with the discovery of an Action Comics #1 (aka, the Holy Grail of comic books) in their basement.

As any true fanboy knows, Action Comics #1 is the most significant comic of all time because it was Superman's debut. In fact, the issue birthed the entire genre of the superhero.

The fortuitous find occurred when the anonymous family began the painful process of packing up their home due to a bank's foreclosure proceedings. The house had been in the family's possession since the 1950s, which is probably when the wife's father stashed the issue in a box with some other, mere mortal titles. When they first realized what they had found, they contacted Stephen Fishler, co-owner of New York's ComicConnect and Metropolis Collectibles.

"They said they came across a box that had magazines in it and some old comic books," Fishler told Asylum. "And that they came across what appears to be an Action #1." Fishler points out that "99.9 percent" of similar calls he receives turn out to be about reprints, so at first he was dubious. "They took a cell phone picture of the book and texted it to me, and I realized it was an Action #1," he says.

Fishler is no stranger to this title, having brokered the record-breaking sale of an Action #1 in February (for $1 million), only to break that record a month later by selling another copy for $1.5 million. This copy will go on display at this weekend's Comic-Con in San Diego, where it will also be officially graded. Fishler figures it will garner a VG+ (Very Good) rating and should fetch upwards of $250,000 when it goes up for auction on ComicConnect.

Asylum was able to get a reaction from the owner (who wants to remain anonymous), who said through Fishler that the family was "still a little shell-shocked about finding this book. I was so nervous when I realized what it was worth. I know
I am very fortunate but I will be greatly relieved when this book finds a new home."

Thankfully, it looks like they'll get to keep theirs.