Art Crimes logo by Kez

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

We are always glad to get your email, but if you have a question, you may have to wait a long time for an answer. So please see if your answer is here before you ask us. Thank you! Our email address is at the bottom of the page.

Our Site and Internet

  • Will you link my site?
    YES, if you have graffiti on it that is new to the Web (if you grab pictures from other sites, you will be ignored). Send your site's name, city, country, URL, and explain which page you'd like to be linked to. Mail this info to — which will generate an automatic reply. Do not use this address for sending photos or general mail. See the bottom of this page for those addresses. Because we get many requests for links and because most sites disappear within 12-18 months, it takes about a year to get a link after you request one, unless your site is well established.

  • Can I send you my pictures to go on the site?
    Maybe. Send a few JPG samples (compressed "medium") if you would like to be considered. Please don't expect us to publish your first piece. Your work must be at least as good as the other stuff we show on the site. Image format and scanning info. Sometimes it will take several weeks for a response after sending your first pictures, because of the volume of material we receive. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

  • Will you show my outlines or digital sketches?
    PROBABLY NOT, sorry. We're not adding to our sketch section. If you are one of the rare people with a world-class blackbook, though, we'd be glad to see some samples.

  • How can I learn how to make my own pages?

  • Can I have space on your server?
    NO, sorry, we can't afford it.

  • Can I have just a web address on your server?

  • Who makes this site and why?

  • Can I interview you?
    Probably not, unless you are a graffiti, art, or hiphop publication, but we have lots of background material online including the story of our site and the interviews, articles, and research section.

  • Will you come to my city to take pictures?
    Maybe someday, but documentation is best done by people who live in the area, like you.

  • How do I make good images and scan photos and sketches?

  • How should I photograph graffiti for best results?

  • Can I link to Art Crimes?
    YES, thanks! Please feel free to take one of our banners or logos and link back to our front page or our store at

Art Crimes has caps!

Graffiti Information

Logos, Images, and Artwork

  • Can I use your logo on my site?
    If you wish to use it to link back to this site, yes. You can use any graphic on our site that says "Art Crimes", or the AC logo. Please don't distort it if you resize it. Do NOT use the other decorative elements from our site, please. They were custom made for us and are not clip art.

  • Will you put my logo or banner on your site?
    FOR MONEY, SURE. We sell adspace and trade for goods to sell in our store. Contact for rates and info.

  • Can I have some of the pictures from Art Crimes for my page?
    NO, sorry. We worked hard to make these pictures available for you on our site. Putting the same pictures on several sites is silly. Link to our pages, make your own site, but don't bite.

  • Can I use some of the pictures from Art Crimes for a school project?
    YES, if you give proper credit to Art Crimes and the artists. You can also quote passages from the articles, interviews and research section and show screen shots of our site, again with proper credit, including the URL for the article. School is good for you. Get "A"s on those projects. Please let us know when our material is useful to you. We also publish student work when it is done with style and effort, particularly if it presents new material or points of view. If you plan to make an online version of your school project, please let us know. Those need special approval.

  • Can you draw my name for me?
    NO, but Crayone might, Robles can, and so will some of the guys on our Graffik Design page. They charge money for their work, so don't bother to ask for free artwork. Time is money.

  • Can you find someone I can pay to do artwork?
    YES! Check out our designers, featured artists, muralists and tattoo artists. For any kind of job or artwork, feel free to contact us directly. Tell us where you are (city and country) and what kind of artwork or service you need, and we'll try to hook you up with the best people for your job.

Buying and Selling Things

  • Do you have a catalog? A walk-in store?
    NO, but we have an online store with a variety of products, including many caps, DVDs, and magazines. The store supports Art Crimes, so we really appreciate your business.

  • Can I sell my products in your store?
    PROBABLY. We buy stuff to sell in our store all the time. You will probably have to send us a sample first so we can see it. We also trade advertising space on our site for your goods sometimes, which is a really good deal for magazines from outside the USA, in particular, because it drives people in your country to your website, and it makes it possible for us to afford to sell your magazines. Also, we're starting a new clothing business so we need your digital vector artwork. We pay royalties. It's fun. If you are interested in selling goods or making designs, email our store.

  • Where can I buy some other zines or videos?

  • What else can I buy?

Thanks for reading this. If your answer is not here, write to us at and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Art Crimes Front Page
