

Join ZCom


Become a Free Member     or      Become a Sustainer

If you are a Free Member already and you wish to become a Sustainer,
Please do not use the link above, it is only for new sign ups.
Instead, first be sure you are logged in as a Free Member and then...

Or Upgrade from Free Member to Sustainer


What is a Free Member?

A Free Member is a user of ZCom who enters his or her email address and name... and, as a result:

  • receives periodic ZCom Updates
  • gets a free ZSpace Page
  • can join groups
  • can add and acccept friends
  • can Upload a Bio and Personal Picture, and
  • can create and edit content boxes on his or her ZSpace Page.

What is a Z Sustainer

A Z Sustainer is a user of the site who decides to support Z operations with a periodic donation. This donation could be monthly, quarterly, or yearly, and it can be an amount of your choosing.

To become a Sustainer helps us and also gives you diverse additional options such as receiving nightly email commentaries, commenting thorughout the site, blogging, etc., depending on your level of support, as explained below.

More specifically, Sustainer donations help finance all ZCom operations, including the sites, the print magazine, the videos, the Z Media Institute, and various projects we undertake and support over the months and years. Additionally, by becoming a Sustainer, and using the facilities, you enrich the community experience that ZCom offers by adding yourself as a participant and thereby enlarging the impact ZCom can have and the worth to people, and thus likelihood of more people participating.

How do I become a
Z Sustainer or a Free Member?

You can just click either blue link at the top of the page - or immediately below in this box - and then fill in the appropriate information.

Entering your brief bio, locale, interests, etc., helps greatly with searches and other functions. Please do it when you sign up - though if you don't, you will be automatically reminded later!

Become a Free Member   or    Become a Sustainer

What are my Basic Benefits as a Sustainer

All Sustainers - including at the lowest donation level of $1 a month (or $12 a year), get all the Free Member benefits plus all the Basic Sustainer Benefits... which is to say, You...

  • Receive a Sustainer Commentary by email every night
  • Can have Z Friends and Add their content to your ZSpace Page
  • Can Chat
  • Can Access the Commentary Zine
  • Can Comment on all content and enjoy Full Forum Access
  • Can vote on book of the month and action of the week entries
  • Have your Own Personal Blog
  • Can add Articles, Audio/Video to the Site and your ZSpace
  • Can add Books and Films and Reviews to the site and your ZSpace

What are my other options as a Sustainer?


This depends on the size of your monthly donation - and also changes over time, as we add new options and sometimes reduce the donation level needed for a particular option.

  • $3 Monthly Sustainers ($36 annually) get all the Basic Benefits above plus you can add Photo Albums, Poems, Song Lyrics, and Quotes to the Site and access Z Magazine online.
  • $5 Monthly Sustainers ($60 annually) get all the $1 and $3 beneifts plus you can receive RSS Feeds (necessary for upcoming mobile apps), and enjoy your own Customized ZNet and ZSpace Top Pages so you have your own version of the ZNet or ZSpace top pages, with menu entries that you pick (or delete), links you want to see, content boxes you define, graphics you prefer, and so on. Literally, you control the look, navigation, and the content of your version of the site
  • $10 Monthly Sustainers ($120 annually) get all the above plus a 20% ZStore Discount on Subs, Videos, etc.
  • $20 Monthly Sustainers ($240 annually) get all the above, plus a 30% ZStore Discount on Subs, Videos, etc. and a Free Print Subscription
  • $50 Monthly Sustainers ($600 annually) get all the above, plus a 50% ZStore Discount on Subs, Videos, etc.
  • $100 Monthly Sustainers ($1200 annually) get all the above, plus all ZStore Items Free up to $400 A Year, then half price

How do I Work on my Sustainer Page?

Once you are a Sustainer, you can log in using your email address and the password you chose when signing up.

Once you log in, you can use your capabilities, commenting, blogging, etc., and you can access your personal page or your account page via the links for those purposes next to your name below the tabbed menu.

On/from your account page you can change or add to your information, access you materials as they accumulate, etc.

You will see a console to the left of the site content - whenever you are logged in. This gives you one click access to your Sustainer features like blogging, uploading content, etc.

Once on your own ZSpace page, you can customize it just by pointing and clicking, dragging, dropping, etc. Please see the relevant videos for detailed help with making changes to menus, content boxes, etc...