

Blogs are a familiar feature on the internet - where users post content in an accumulating manner, with comments, and search options, etc. They facilitate expression and exploration, and via attached comments, also debate and synthesis.

Reading and
Navigating Blogs

Our blogs are quite powerful. Each writer can post, as is typically the case. Sustainers who have the option can also post, however. All Blogs appear in the blog system, and sometimes also in content boxes the top page of ZNet - and always via the left menu of the top page - and can be found via searches, etc.

Commenting on blogs follows the blogs, attached at the bottom, and blog comments, like all others, are also visible in many places that show comments including in the forum system. In addition, the entire blog system gathers content for everyone - but one can look at the accumulating content in many ways.

  • For example one can look at one writer's efforts - so one is seeing what is effectively a blog system for that one writer, or Sustainer.
  • One can also look at the content by topic, seeing blogs that are tagged as being about a certain topic - or place, as well. Thus, when doing that, it is a blog system about a topic, or a place, with many contributors.
  • One can look at only writer blogs, or only sustainer blogs, as well.
  • One can look at blogs for particular Groups, too.

All this is easily done using the left menu. Searches allow even more variables and refinements.

Creating Blog Posts

If you are a Sustainer with permission, and are logged in, you will see a link in the left menu for you to post a blog - and you can use that to post one, and then tag it various ways (such as with a topic or place, or a group tag), and once you do, it is in the system with you as the author.

You can also use the console button to the left to post a blog - anytime and from anywhere in the site, as long as you are logged in.

Meanwhile, enjoy the blogs - and, by the way, if you are a Free Member or a Sustainer with a ZSpace page, of course you can put one or more content boxes on it, pulling blog links of any sort you may want to filter for, for example, by you or by your friends or by others - and by topic, about places, for groups, etc.

Z Writers Blogs

CP Saga Continues

Below are three articles regarding the recent Cinema Politica controversy, and the cancelation, and current refusal, by the Woods Community Association to rent us space to show films on the grounds of our screening films, among many others, regarding the Occupied Palestinian Territories.... (More) Comments (0)

Gen. Petraeus' Afghan plan

Gen. David Petraeus has decided to create local militias to fight the insurgents in Afghanistan in line with his Iraq strategy. But it has many more risks in a complex country.... (More) Comments (0)

Endgame in Afghanistan

The article discusses the unraveling of the US-led alliance in Afghanistan as the relentless conflict goes on and casualties mount. ... (More) Comments (0)

The Masters of Global Warming

my daughter and I discussing the politics and economics of global warming...... (More) Comments (0)

Woods Hole Movie Screen Goes Dark

The latest in our local controversy surrounding our Cinema Politica screening of the film Occupation 101 in response to the Israeli raid on the Gaza Flotilla for human rights. ... (More) Comments (4)

The Politics of Genocide

Edward Herman and David Peterson have written a very short book that's not nearly short enough. It should never have seen the light of day.... (More) Comments (2)

New Society in the Making

A proposed Script, in three parts, for a short introductory video to Project for a Partipatory Society - United Kingdom. It is intended as a voice-over for a video to be accompanied with background music as well as appropriate visual images.... (More) Comments (10)

Hitler's Visitors

Here is what happened and is about to happen concerning Hitler's "visitors", while he was in prison as a terrorist in 1923.... (More) Comments (0)

Anarchist Remuneration Reply...

Replying to an Anarchist critic of parecon...... (More) Comments (9)

Toronto Police State

Last Friday I walked along the security fence and felt like I was in a concentration camp and that was before thousands of police officers occupied our city. That's how it feels now, a city under occupation. No-one has rights now.... (More) Comments (0)

Obama and McChrystal

The latest clash with General McChrystal illustrates deeper problems within the Obama administration. ... (More) Comments (0)

America's business

Do what I say, not as I do. ... (More) Comments (0)


Taliban insurgents show no sign of defeat.... (More) Comments (0)

Oil spill and politics

BP is not the only villain responsible for the oil disaster. The Obama administration and the U.S. Congress are playing dangerous politics which threatens more than the U.S. Gulf coast. ... (More) Comments (0)

ZMI Transcends Pathos

ZMI 2010 summary and a couple of special lessons...... (More) Comments (3)