

Blogs are a familiar feature on the internet - where users post content in an accumulating manner, with comments, and search options, etc. They facilitate expression and exploration, and via attached comments, also debate and synthesis.

Reading and
Navigating Blogs

Our blogs are quite powerful. Each writer can post, as is typically the case. Sustainers who have the option can also post, however. All Blogs appear in the blog system, and sometimes also in content boxes the top page of ZNet - and always via the left menu of the top page - and can be found via searches, etc.

Commenting on blogs follows the blogs, attached at the bottom, and blog comments, like all others, are also visible in many places that show comments including in the forum system. In addition, the entire blog system gathers content for everyone - but one can look at the accumulating content in many ways.

  • For example one can look at one writer's efforts - so one is seeing what is effectively a blog system for that one writer, or Sustainer.
  • One can also look at the content by topic, seeing blogs that are tagged as being about a certain topic - or place, as well. Thus, when doing that, it is a blog system about a topic, or a place, with many contributors.
  • One can look at only writer blogs, or only sustainer blogs, as well.
  • One can look at blogs for particular Groups, too.

All this is easily done using the left menu. Searches allow even more variables and refinements.

Creating Blog Posts

If you are a Sustainer with permission, and are logged in, you will see a link in the left menu for you to post a blog - and you can use that to post one, and then tag it various ways (such as with a topic or place, or a group tag), and once you do, it is in the system with you as the author.

You can also use the console button to the left to post a blog - anytime and from anywhere in the site, as long as you are logged in.

Meanwhile, enjoy the blogs - and, by the way, if you are a Free Member or a Sustainer with a ZSpace page, of course you can put one or more content boxes on it, pulling blog links of any sort you may want to filter for, for example, by you or by your friends or by others - and by topic, about places, for groups, etc.



Chris Spannos's Blog

Web Address: http://www.zcommunications.org/zspace/chrisspannos
Bio: Chris Spannos has had over a decade of experience in self-managed media collectives and also as an activist, organizer, and anti-capitalist. From 1998-2006 he participated in the Redeye collective,... (More)

All Spannos Blogs

CP Saga Continues

Below are three articles regarding the recent Cinema Politica controversy, and the cancelation, and current refusal, by the Woods Community Association to rent us space to show films on the grounds of our screening films, among many others, regarding the Occupied Palestinian Territories.... (More) Comments (0)

Woods Hole Movie Screen Goes Dark

The latest in our local controversy surrounding our Cinema Politica screening of the film Occupation 101 in response to the Israeli raid on the Gaza Flotilla for human rights. ... (More) Comments (4)

Woods Hole & Palestine

For over a year, Cinema Politica-Woods Hole has been in discussions with the Woods Hole Community Association-- the group that rents us the Firehouse-- regarding the "concerns" the WHCA has with films regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ... (More) Comments (4)

Current Greek Crisis

The current situation is marked by two notable factors…... (More) Comments (2)

Olympic Paranoia

Critics of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games (being held in Vancouver and Whistler, British Columbia, Canada) continue to be subject to police harassment and intimidation, including another activist detained and questioned at the Pacific (Truck) Crossing bord... (More) Comments (0)

My Resoc Interview

When I consider what kind of institutions the new society could be comprised of I think foremost of past and present high-water marks within the traditions of libertarian socialism, feminism, community and anti-racist movements, and anarchism -- their str... (More) Comments (0)

Greece Nov 17 Update

Nov. 17 Update from Greece... (More) Comments (0)

Greek Anti-Junta Uprising

In commemoration of the Greek anti-junta uprising of November 14-17th 1973, I've collected archival print media news coverage of the event, covering the period of mid-to late November of that year. Below the wikipedia entry for general back ground, are ... (More) Comments (0)

Athens Botanical Occupation

Athens Botanical Occupation, A Free Social Space...... (More) Comments (0)

Rethinking Marxism

Last weekend I attended the 7th International Rethinking Marxism Conference, November 5-8 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Yesterday, November 9th, marked the 20 year anniversary of East Germany's decision to allow its citizen's to visit West G... (More) Comments (7)

Rethinking Marxism 2009

The Abstract for My Rethinking Marxism 2009 Panel Presentation... (More) Comments (0)

Anarchist Economics

Below is a short collection of mostly free online essays and books (links provided) that I used to write for a book chapter focusing on a “History of Anarchist Economics” in the forthcoming An Economy of Sustainability: Anarchist Economics (AK Press) ... (More) Comments (3)

TVXS Interview

An interview for the Greek online TV station TVXS covering Z Communications, my book Real Utopia, the Greek Uprising last December and the B-Fest.... (More) Comments (0)

Babylonia Int.

An interview for the Babylonia anti-authoritarian newspaper.... (More) Comments (2)

Alexandros Gregoropoulos

Washed out before and after the spectacle of electoral celebrations filling T.V. screens, radios, and public squares across the country, yesterday, June 6th, was another significant date---the six months since a police bullet murdered 15 year-old Alexandr... (More) Comments (0)