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News :: Protest Activity
Beirut IMC Covers Developments in Lebanon
02 Mar 2005
With events in Lebanon reaching a critical point, Beirut Indymedia is providing on the ground coverage of ongoing developments in that country. The IMC's reporting and analysis has gone beyond the simple dichotomy of "government versus opposition" to give an in-depth look at Lebanese politics from a progressive perspective.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
24-foot-tall model of Apartheid Wall to be erected at UWF
07 Feb 2005
abudis.jpgIt's been called Apartheid Wall, Separation Barrier, Security Fence. Come see a model the size of one of the concrete slabs (24 feet x 11 feet) used in the structure that Israel is building in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank. Maps and photos will also be available, and coordinators with the Stop the Wall Campaign will be on hand to answer questions.
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News :: Protest Activity
D.C. "Insurgents" delay "Second Coming" fo Bush
21 Jan 2005
The dreams of the faithful who came to honor the Christian crusaders were shattered today amid chants and tear-gas, when what was expected to be a grand victory march down Pennsylvania Avenue descended into an embarassing public spectacle for the president that temporarily brought his motorcade to a complete hault. With all eyes on Washington, DC, viewers across the nation and around the world were treated to parade images of waffing smoke and pepper spray, as police battled protesters right on the inaugural motorcade route. At one point, the fence barrackades on Pennsylvania Avenue about a mile ahead of the presidential parade were brought down by demonstrators during a prolonged clash that first slowed the president's motorcade, ultimately bringing it to a stand-still.
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News :: Peace
"Week of Peace and Resistance to War" Ends with Silent Vigil as Bush Swears in for Second Term
21 Jan 2005
"A Week of Peace and Resistance to War" came to an end on Inauguration Day with a silent vigil at Martin Luther King Plaza to mark the somber event.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Environment
Grassroots Tsunami Relief Funds
03 Jan 2005
If you are hesitating to commit your limited funds to one of the larger Aid or Humanitarian agencies then here is a few grassroots options.

For updates on the Tsunami, go to
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News :: Miscellaneous
Escambia County's First African American County Commissioner, Willie Junior, Found Dead in East Hill
13 Dec 2004
Late Thursday, an unidentified and badly decomposed body was found under a house in East Hill. The next day, it was confirmed that the unidentified body was that of Willie Junior. Junior's death confirmed the worst fears of his friends and family while bringing to an end the search for the missing former Escambia County Commissioner who had been missing for nearly a month.
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News :: Protest Activity
School of the Americas Protest Swells to 15,000
22 Nov 2004
Thousands have assembled at the gates of Ft. Benning GA for the second day of protests against the School of the Americas/WHINSEC, with as many as 15,000 present by 10:30 a.m., according to SOA Watch. In a written statement read to the crowd, Sr. Diana Ortiz recalled that this month is the 15th year anniversary of her own abduction and torture in Guatemala. A graduate of the SOA who has been found guilty of her torture was honored by the SOA, she said, and the impunity continues with the evidence of torture at Abu Ghraib.

Sr. Helen Prejean, Celeste Zappal of Military Families Speak Out, Soa Watch founder Fr. Bourgeois, and actor Martin Sheen were among others who addressed the crowd.
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Commentary :: Media
Media Analysis: The Fog of Falluja
15 Nov 2004
Seven days into the American offensive against the city of Falluja, one thing is clear: nothing is clear.
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since 04 Mar 2005.
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Local Interest
text image 03/10 21:58 EST
Farmworkers Take Down Taco Bell
text 03/02 16:29 EST
Film on Palestine/Israel conflict and Media Bias to be shown at Dwtn Library 3/16 @ 7
text 02/24 18:48 EST
Film Screening on Patriot Act "Unconstitutional" 3/12 at EOTL
text 02/24 01:02 EST
Cesar Chavez/Immigrant & Farmworker Rights Rally 3/30
text image 02/22 15:02 EST
WAR PRESIDENT Photo Made from Dead American Servicemen and Women
text 02/19 17:02 EST
Escambia Deputy Suspended for "Wrongly Tasing" Woman
text 02/18 12:15 EST
Peace Vigil Monday Feb 21 at MLK Plaza in Pensacola
text 02/17 19:05 EST
Two Films on Palestinian Elections-Feb 22 at Tryon Library
text 02/17 18:59 EST
Film Presentation: "Bread and Roses" 2/23
text 02/10 19:57 EST
Anarchist/Autonomist People of Color (APOC) Southeast
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text 03/07 01:01 EST
Global Women's Strike Calls for Protest on March 8th
text 02/21 13:42 EST
GI Dissent Shakes up Pentagon
text 02/18 11:58 EST
Israel halts demoliton
text 02/17 01:22 EST
“Community” Radio Favors Peace, Not Justice
text 02/11 11:01 EST
"Free Speech Radio" Silences Black Activist
text 02/02 14:39 EST
Ward Churchill and Free Speech are under ATTACK!
text 01/31 15:04 EST
text 01/28 00:16 EST
Progressive Democrats of America Urge U.S. House to Vote No on Additional War Funding

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