Victoria Independent Media Center

University Shuts Down Food Gardens

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Last Updated (Saturday, 27 March 2010 19:29) Written by Food Not Lawns Thursday, 25 March 2010 03:47

One day after a collective of students occupied a piece of the lawn at The University of Victoria it was taken back by the campus administration with the assistance of the Saanich Police. One student was arrested and released with a charge of "assault by trespass". Students had taken the land and built food producing gardens in an act of frustration after fifteen years of talks with the university had yielded nothing with regards to urban agriculture on campus.  University student Joyce Lyell says "after fifteen years of having UVic administration turn down every one of our campus agriculture and garden proposals, we took action on our own. With the bulldozing of our gardens, it is now more obvious than ever that UVic values lawns over sustainable food, and values control of students over student choice and ingenuity”.


Victoria Indymedia made this report on the day of the action:


Hundreds of students occupied land and built raised bed food gardens (Wed March 24th)



Supreme Court case challenges Langford development

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Last Updated (Thursday, 25 March 2010 03:57) Written by VIC FAN Wednesday, 17 March 2010 16:59

Environmental group's Supreme Court case challenges Langford development

Vancouver Island -- More than a year after the mayor of Langford "berated, bullied and browbeat" speakers at a public hearing, the BC Supreme Court will hear a petition for Judicial Review of the South Skirt Mountain development bylaw. 


The petition asks the Supreme Court to quash the bylaw for violations of the Local Government Act, on the grounds that Langford city councilors betrayed the public trust by inadequately performing public consultation and failing to disclose documents to the public.

Read more: Supreme Court case challenges Langford development


Critical Mass: Down With Gas

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Last Updated (Sunday, 28 February 2010 04:02) Written by lucho Sunday, 28 February 2010 03:06

Cyclists gathered friday to demonstrate their power in traffic and to protest the incredible social and environmental destruction caused by cars. Cars are one of the worlds largest producers of greenhouse gasses, and play a big part in our global addiction to oil, an addiction that causes nations to kill and wage war upon each other throughout the world. Many anthropologists including prominent urban psychologist Jane Jacobs also blame the automobile for creating urban sprawl and the alienation that has destroyed community life. But some people here in Victoria have had enough. With numbers of no more that 20-30, the critical mass bike ride was able to block off major traffic routs throughout the capital including both the Bay St and Johnson St bridges.

Read more: Critical Mass: Down With Gas


Police Crack Down on Activists as Olympics Continue

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Last Updated (Wednesday, 17 March 2010 17:19) Written by Administrator Tuesday, 16 February 2010 22:28

Police have been targeting activists by seizing property, issuing tickets and making arrests using the flimsiest of excuses.

Ed Durgen, a student at UBC and one of the organizers behinds the student anti-torch action, was taken away in cuffs from East Hastings. His belongings were searched and some possessions seized, including a working copy of his dissertation.

Local police assisted by the ISU and Canadian Border Services made a series of repressive arrests starting Friday, when a march from the Vancouver Art Gallery saw three people arrested, and one charged with assault from this completely peaceful protest. The next day, 13 were arrested during a demonstration, three held overnight, and another US citizen may face deportation. As usual, mainstream media made a big story about the "violent nature" of the protest where a few windows were smashed, and mentioned nothing of the destruction to the environment caused by the games.

Read more: Police Crack Down on Activists as Olympics Continue


Report From Two Days of the Anti Olympic Convergence

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Last Updated (Wednesday, 17 February 2010 00:44) Written by Administrator Friday, 12 February 2010 22:47

Radical demonstrators filled the streets to hit back directly at the institutions of systemic injustice. Streets were blocked by activists, and several businesses, including Olympic sponsor HBC were attacked.

The action illustrated the fact that people are not just opposed to the olympic games, but that the games are part of a propaganda mechanism for larger destructive forces such as the tar sand financier Royal Bank, or Canadas oldest colonial company Hundson's Bay Company that was responsible for brings small pox infected blankets to indigenous communities. 


The Olympic torch was completely re-routed as demonstrators shut down the streets in East Van.  

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