Last updated: July 23, 2010

Weather: Sydney 8°C - 17°C . Shower or two.

iPad launch special

Apple iPad announcement

STAY up to date with the latest iPad reviews, apps, pictures and prices of the iPad Wi-Fi & 3G models. All you need to know.

National Youth Self Portrait Prize 2010

Youth Self Portrait Prize 2010

The National Youth Self Portrait Prize encourages young Australians aged 18 to 25 to explore self portraiture and its expressive possibiliti...

Hoddle St massacre - 20 years

Hoddle St massacre - 20 years

ON Sunday, August 9, 1987, 19-year-old former army cadet Julian Knight killed seven people and wounded 19 others in a massacre on Hoddle St ...

Shutterbug 2010

Shutterbug 2010

A looks at the ten finalists in this year's Shutterbug photographic competition

Belfast riots

Britain Northern Ireland

Nationalist protestors injure more than 80 police during rioting in Northern Ireland, following Orange Order July 12th marches.

The life and times of Tony Abbott

Tony Abbott

FOR Tony Abbott, it's been a long way to the top job in politics. Take a look back at how he went from a wannabe priest to angling for the ...

Afghanistan honour roll

Afghanistan honour roll

IMAGES of the Australian soldiers to have been killed in combat against Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.


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Dad guilty of 'unspeakable act'


SECOND jury convinced man murdered his three sons by driving them into a dam on Fathers Day.

Resources tax ad war set to reignite


JUST when Julia Gillard thought she'd quelled the mining tax furore, a mining sector body has threatened to relaunch its ad war.

Fev heaps praise on Alex


TONGUES wagging as Dancing with the Stars dark horse Alex Fevola reunites with estranged husband.