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Obama's Green Light to BP

Jeffrey St Clair traces the corruption across three presidencies that led to disaster in the Gulf. It was bad under Clinton; worse under Bush. But it was Obama and his Interior Secretary Ken Salazar who set the stage for catastrophe. What’s the best way to create jobs? Eugene Coyle makes the case for the 4-day work week. Have the CIA and MI6 destroyed classical music in the western world? Britain’s best known composer, Howard Blake, says Yes. Get your new edition today by subscribing online or calling 1-800-840-3683 Contributions to CounterPunch are tax-deductible. Click here to make a donation. If you find our site useful please: Subscribe Now! CounterPunch books and t-shirts make great presents.

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Today's Stories

July 2 -5, 2010

Russell Mokhiber
The Case Against Kenneth Feinberg

Ramzy Baroud
Millenium Goals Revisited

Norman Solomon
Bastion of Bluster: Unanimous Conformity in the Senate

Winslow Myers
Questioning War, Answering Peace

July 1, 2010

Conn Hallinan
Guns of August in the Middle East?

William R. Polk
Afghanistan Sitrep

Bill Quigley /
Alex Tuscano
BP and Bhopal: Double Standards

Nadia Hijab
America's Credibility Gap

Arman Grigorian
Genocide Recognition, But at What Cost?

Russell Mokhiber
The Rape of Appalachia

Harry Browne
World Cup: What's in a Team?

Jayne Lyn Stahl
Banner Drop Crime

Website of the Day
One Nation, Under Surveillance

June 30, 2010

Julien Mercille
Why Afghanistan's Poppies Aren't the Problem

Ellen Brown
Who Will Pay: Wall Street or Main Street?

Alan Farago
BP's Temple of Doom

Dave Lindorff
The Politics of Death: Throwing Mumia Under the Bus

Ralph Nader
36 Questions for Elena Kagan

Joe Shansky
The Coup is Not Complete

Ron Jacobs
Video Gamers and the Future of Labor Rights

Winslow Myers
Fighting for the Freedom to Dissent

Billy Wharton
Going Horizontal at the US Social Forum

Shepherd Bliss
The No Blow Movement

Website of the Day
Last and Proud of It

June 29, 2010

Jules Boykoff
The World Cup and the Politics of Immigration

Dean Baker
Is Advice From the IMF Better Than Advice From a Drunk on the Street?

Sheldon Richman
Endless Occupation?

Nadia Hijab
A Better Blockade?

George Ciccariello-Maher
Chronicle of a Riot Foretold

David Macaray
Giving Laws the Finger

Jeanine Molloff
The Cops' War on Videos of Cops

Brian Horejsi
The Fate of Alberta's Grizzly Bears

Helen Redmond
Scare Tactics, Spin and Health Care

John Grant
Holding America's Soldiers Accountable

Website of the Day
Why McChrystral was Really Fired

June 28, 2010

Eamonn McCann
The Bloody Sunday Report: How the Higher-Ups Got Off the Hook

Frank Menetrez Elena Kagan's Harvard

David Ker Thomson
Toronto: Still Free, Barely Holding On

Mark Weisbrot
Can't Get No Stimulation

Bill Quigley
Honduras, After Democracy

Jonathan Cook
Plan Lieberman: Blueprint for a Purely Jewish State

Alan Farago
Environmental Catastrophe Fatigue

Damien Millet /
Eric Toussaint
Vain and Void in Toronto

Harry Browne
World Cup: For Love and Money

Manuel Garcia, Jr.
Emergency War Supplemental Explained

Dr. Susan Block
Hillbilly Rebel Women v. Corporate Murderers

Website of the Day
Trying to Film BP HQ

June 25 - 27, 2010

Alexander Cockburn
Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obama a Huge Favor

Winslow T. Wheeler
General Petraeus and His Senate Vassals

Michael Hudson
Europe's Fiscal Dystopia: the "New Austerity" Road

Noor Elashi
The Holy Land Foundation Case: Defending My Father ... and the Constitution

Patrick Cockburn
Putting Petraeus in Perspective

Jonathan Cook
Gaza Starves More Slowly

John Ross
An Uprising of Bones

Darwin Bond-Graham
Capital Speaks: How Big Foundations and Wall Street Elites are Legitimating Their Plans to Balance the Budget

Paul Fitzgerald /
Elizabeth Gould
Afghanistan, the Saudi Arabia of Lithium?

Andrea Peacock
The Miron Brothers: From Vietnam to Libby

Ralph Nader
Losing It at the Airport Checkpoint

M. Shahid Alam
Getting Out of Palestine

Kathy Kelly /
Dan Pearson
Killing Civilians, Ducking Blame

Russell Mokhiber
Revoking BP's Charter

Ramzy Baroud
Righting a Perpetual Wrong

Rannie Amiri
Netanyahu Plays the Vuvuzela

David Rosen
The New Abortion Wars

Linn Washington
Racism in the Courts

Margaret Kimberley
The Death of Black Politics

Anthony DiMaggio
No Repeal of Whaling Ban: US Says It's a Major Loss--For Whales!

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: High Times Puts on a White Coat

Mark Weisbrot
Distorting Chavez

Christopher Brauchli
Overthrowing Darwin: the Texas / Russia Axis

Adam Engel
The System and the Drug War

Ananya Mukherjee-Reed
Toronto: Fake Lakes vs. Real People

Julie Hilden
Can the Internet End Libel Laws?

David Ker Thomson
Shock and Awe From Ottawa

Saul Landau
Fidel Advises Obama?

Judith Bello
Can Iraq Form a Government?

Trond Andresen
What If the Greeks Did This?

Don North
El Salvador: a President Without a Party, a Party Without a President

Patrick Bond
What South Africa Really Lost at the World Cup

Missy Beattie
No Shelter From the Storm

Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
Targeting Women

Whitney Cole /
Alexander Brockweh
Revisiting Guazapa

Charles R. Larson
No Room With a View

David Yearsley
Three Cheers for Renée Fleming

Kim Nicolini
Heavy Metal in Baghdad: Iraqi Power Chords

Paul Krassner
Why Firing the General Was an Act of God

Poets' Basement
Henson, Mahagin and Valentine

Website of the Weekend
Why the Taliban is Winning

June 24, 2010

Gareth Porter
Why McChrystal Did Obama a Big Favor

Anne McClintock
Militarizing the Gulf Oil Crisis

Paul Craig Roberts
Is Petraeus McChrystal's Replacement or Obama's?

Mike Whitney
Time for a Second Stimulus

Alan Farago
The Forty Year War on the Environment

S. Eben Kirksey
Neglecting Indonesia: President Obama, What Would Your Mother Say?

John Halle
Economic War on the "Lesser People"

Harry Browne
World Cup: Workers and Players

John Grant
The Sociopathic General

Website of the Day
Leave BP Alone!


June 23, 2010

Kathy Kelly
Witnessing Against Torture

Deepak Tripathi
The Obama-McChyrstal Showdown

Dave Lindorff
The Oil Industry's Go-To Judge Comes Through

Sheldon Richman
Did the CIA Conduct Medical Experiments on Detainees?

Laura Carlsen
Lethal Force on the Border

Conn Hallinan
Turkey, the US and Empire's Twilight

Jayne Lyn Stahl
The McChrystal Shield

Susan Galleymore
Protesting Israel at the Oakland Docks

Björn Kumm
A Grand Day for Monarchism

John Holt
A Biologist With Courage and Vision

Website of the Day
Grayson Unleashed

June 22, 2010

Uri Avnery
When Force Doesn't Work

Lawrence S. Wittner
Iran, BP and the CIA

Dean Baker
The Social Security Fixation

Ludwig Watzal
An Israel Beyond Zionism?

Rick Kuhn
Why Money Doesn't Make the World Go Round

Martha Rosenberg
Why You Should Care About the University of Miami NIH Scandal

James Ridgeway / Jean Casella
The Ordeal of the Angola Three's Albert Woodfox

Russell Mokhiber
Capito, Cash and Capitulation

Yvonne Ridley
US Fear Factory Kills Free Speech

Shamus Cooke
Why the Oil Spill Will Change Nothing

Website of the Day
Kagan Wins; Constitution Looses

June 21, 2010

Joshua Brollier /
Kathy Kelly
Is Pakistan Unraveling?

Vijay Praahad
Global Bonapartism

Ralph Nader
Festering Corruption

Ronnie Cummins
Generation Monsanto

Mark Weisbrot
The Brazilian Presidential Elections

Jayne Lyn Stahl
The Real Shakedown

Harry Browne
World Cup: Anti-Imperialism 101

Tom Turnipseed
Peculiar Politics in South Carolina

Thomas H. Naylor
Vermont and Israel: Silence of the Liberals

Website of the Day
If Army Ads Had Health Warnings

June 18 - 20, 2010

Alexander Cockburn
He Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

Dean Baker
Bad Parallels: US and Greece

Rannie Amiri
Better Never Than Late

Richard Ward
Louisiana Story: the Sequel

Saul Landau
The Flotilla Fiasco

Ramzy Baroud
What Ankara Knows

Martine Bulard
Sayonara, America?

Ellen Brown
Deficit Terrorists Strike England: Is the US Next?

David Macaray
Honey, I Shrank the Labor Lobby

Stanley Heller
Grand Theft Flotilla

Paul Craig Roberts
Progressives Want "Direct Action" But a Disarmed Public

Russell Mokhiber
Spilling It on BP

M. Shahid Alam
Roger Cohen and the Motley Crew

Robert Bryce
Addicted to Prosperity

Mark Weisbrot
Economic Timidity in the Eurozone

David Michael Green
Empty Presidential Platitudes

George Wuerthner
The Perils of Collaboration

John Grant
Truth Through a Soda Straw

John Stanton
A Visit to Turkey

Christopher Brauchli
Poor Britain: BP and the English Psyche

Missy Beattie
Under the Covers With Rush and Larry

Robert Jensen
Pornography and the Military

Tanya Golash-Boza
The Carachuri-Rosendo Case

Robert Roth
Haiti Five Months After the Quake

Farzana Versey
Dangerous Liaisons

David Ker Thomson
Against Sport

Charles R. Larson
Tech Transfer: More Academic Fun

David Yearsley
Summer Nights in Emden and Uttum

Mitu Sengupta
Sex, the City and American Patriotism

Kim Nicolini
An Exercise in Vigilantism

Poets' Basement
Gibbons, Orloski and Beatty

Website of the Day
Civil Civic


June 17, 2010

John Ross
Mexico's Gaza

Gareth Porter
McChrystal's War Plan Fails

Robert Weissman
Five Questions for Tony Hayward

Farrah Hassen
AEI Does Syria: Demonization with Coffee and Croissants

Ron Jacobs
Washington's False Promise in Afghanistan

Harry Browne
World Cup: Fútbol Arte v. Anti-Fútbol

Kevin Zeese
The Holes in the Finance Bill

Harvey Wasserman
The Gusher and the Sun

Website of the Day
The Nightmare Scenario in the Gulf

June 16, 2010

Paul Craig Roberts
Helen Thomas: an Appreciation

Anthony DiMaggio
Deconstructing Obama's BP Speech

Ralph Nader
The Scourging of Helen Thomas

Robert Weissman
Closing BP's Escape Routes

Dean Baker
The Retail Sales Slump

Greg Moses
Gulf Crisis Implodes Obama Presidency

M. Kamiar
A Short History of BP

Dave Lindorff
What Kevin Neish Saw: Eyewitness to the Israeli Assault on the Mavi Marmara

Alison Weir
The NYT and the Flotilla Inquiry

Laura Flanders
The Iron Lady Meets the Pitbull in Lipstick

Misty MacDuffee / Chris Genovali
BC's Killer Whales Get Their Day in Court

Website of the Day
The Pro-Corporate Sierra Club

June 15, 2010

P. Sainath
What Bhopal Started

Jordan Flaherty
Fears of Cultural Extinction on Louisiana's Gulf Coast

Mike Whitney
The Next Housing Crisis

Patrick Cockburn / Terri Judd
The Most Dangerous Country in the World for Journalists

Fred Gardner
Helen Thomas' Watergate Scoop

Linn Washington
Israeli Raid Coverage: American Media Failure Again

Roberto Rodriguez
The Arizona Spasm

Tolu Olorunda
The Africans are Coming!

Steven Higgs
America's Worst Generation

Tom Woodbury
Montana's Frontline Against Big Oil

Prairie Miller
South of the Border

Website of the Day
The Pentagon's Afghan Mineral Hype

June 14, 2010

Diana Johnstone
Why the French Hate Noam Chomsky

Uri Avnery
Who is Afraid of a Real Inquiry?

Ismael Hossein-Zadeh
Iran's Presidential Election One Year Later: Why the Greens Failed

Dean Baker
In the Service of the Rich

Dave Lindorff
Going After the Wrong People: From Julian Assange to Helen Thomas

Harry Browne
World Cup: Who Should We Root For?

Patrick Bond
World Cup, Inc.: Red Cards for Fifa, Coke and the South African Elites

Eve Spangler
Attacking Humanitarian Aid: PR Blunder or Strategic Necessity?

David Michael Green
The Do-Nothing President

Christopher Ketcham
The Re-Education of Helen Thomas

Phyllis Pollack
Stones in Exile

Website of the Day
Video of IDF Raid: Kicks and Shots in the Head



Weekend Edition
July 2 -5, 2010

Toronto is the World



This is the most cosmopolitan city in the world.  There are more different kinds of people living close together here than anywhere else.

We won the battle of Toronto with empty hands and open hearts.  But we are losing the war.

We have seen the future.  This is it.  More troops, more brutality, more police pretending to be protestors and smashing whatever they want at $80/hour, more acceptance from a population that will submit to any limitation on its freedom as long as it can pay someone to make them feel temporarily safe. 

We were brave.  We have been hunted on our own turf like dogs.  We love dogs, and find no animosity in our hearts even for the horses that bore down on us over and over. 

“Son,” I’ve been saying to my tall fourteen-year-old, “we should do something together as father and son.  Shoot some pool, maybe catch a movie.”  In the end, the bonding activity was to be hunted by cavalry and foot soldiers amongst campus buildings in which I have often taught, near Knox Church where pictures of our great great and great great great grandfather hangs.  Our people have been protestant for a long time.  We didn’t go looking for trouble that day, but we dealt with it.

“Sons,” I say to both my sons now, “I’ve got two words for you now:  Par-kour.”  Things change.

We will probably not be so lucky again.  Many, many were not.  We honour our fallen comrades.  “If you go a third day into that,” my wife said, “you will not come back.”

They didn’t teargas us because their horses were so thick in our midst.  We are Scottish from way back.  Scottish we are—when we are not the people who have canoed the Great Lakes for five thousand years.  In either case we knew and know what the English can do.  We remembered things from deep down inside, the feel of being prey.  Above us a hawk flew.  Many of us pointed up to it.

The fight must be waged with empty hands.  If we had done anything—anything at all to even the odds and make it something like a fair fight against these massively outfitted warriors—even so much as raising a stick, they would have killed us on the spot.  We’re not naïve.  We understood that what we were in was a rout, a defeat, at best an organized withdrawal.  That the only victory, if there could be one, would be on camera for a world we could seduce away from football only with the spectacle of our suffering.

And yet we understand today what the bourgeois left, with its stern and pompous little warnings against what it calls violence, will only understand when future generations look back at them in anger.  This is why we do not chide any person who, hounded from pillar to post for the crime of wishing to walk in her neighborhood, smashes the icons of our capitalist basilica, our holy of holies, our glass, our possessions, our things.

Is there anything more smug than bourgeois people offering to be scandalized by broken glass?  The slightest disintegration of their spectacle unnerves them.  “Violence!” they cry. 

By violence, they do not wish to indicate the forty thousand children who die each day from hunger and other capitalist depredations.  They do not mean the millions of children forced each day into servitude around the world to keep them in cargo.  By violence they mean the destruction of objects.

“I agree with peaceful protesting,” they say, like they’re offering some special indulgence, “but I think it’s terrible when there’s violence.” Oh, thank-you, Pope of Peoria.

It’s pathetic.  Perhaps an undercover cop at $80/hour breaks the glass of the American franchises or perhaps it’s some kid who has understood justice and decided to act.  That’s not the important question.  The real question is:  Why is the franchise there destroying the neighborhood and leaving its backtrail of environmental filth in the first place?

To the tongue cluckers we say:  Do you think future generations will be as indulgent with you as you are with yourselves, you pompous whitewashed sepulchers?  Stop destroying the world, and we’ll worry about some plate glass later.

I have seen my ten-year-old attacked in broad daylight on a peaceful afternoon by your police, I have seen the people falling under the horses, I have seen peaceful people dragged down, beaten, and hauled off to face what you call “justice.”  Shame on you, giving your little sermons against the iconoclasts.

Our group never broke anything, never offered the least resistance except for shank’s mare and a few eggs and the art of the skedaddle.  I would have stopped anyone from molesting the shop of some small business person.  None of us were interested.  

I remain absolutely committed to nonviolence (even this little formula will not, I assure you, stand the test of time) and, for strategic reasons, to not spending a lot of time smashing the machine.  But I do not think future generations will be grateful for our nonviolence.  Your platitudes about violence are your way of avoiding looking at the real violence your system is causing every day.  You know you are doing wrong with your commerce, yet you carry on destroying the world.  Stop it.  Wake up. 

There may be somewhere a full measure of pacifism, a cup of bravery and truth a strong man might drain to the dregs, but it is not to be found in the tidy little prissiness of those burgher kings, the bourgeoisie.

We’re not fighting a few irritable fat cops with nightsticks anymore.  The wall is impenetrable.  We are losing.  The leaders have floated to the top as scum always does, and we are drowning.

* * *

Little Liam says he never dreams, but today three days after being attacked he tells us of his night vision: a wall, a tower, a joker.  The wall is the wall of giant men that suddenly raced at him without warning.  The tower is our city, the stronghold.  The joker is the man holding the little sign, “Free Hugs,” who is attacked and dragged under as the men sprint at Liam. 

But the joker has always been me, as well, Eva-Lynn points out.  I am the jester, the juggler.  On another, far more innocent day—almost another era it seems, though it was just 24 hours before—I did more juggling and jesting and flower speeching than the hugs man, yet I was not crushed or beaten.  Luck of the draw.  In fact, if the wall had attacked three seconds later, my son would have seen his father dragged under, because I had just stepped forward to hug the man of hugs.

Man of hugs, I salute you!  We are a mirror for each other.  If you get out, find me!

We are defeated not by force of arms but by those who abide the law, who welcome it, who know in their heart of hearts it is evil and not to be abided, yet acclaim it anyway.  By those in my extended family, for example, who have given up being protestants, given up on Jesus smashing things in the temple, given up on iconoclasm entirely, and gone with the Pauline sycophantism for “kings and those in authority,” as if the gospel were or ever could have been conservative.  One loves one’s family, but it doesn’t make it any easier to see them pledging allegiance to the false gods of nation-states.  

We are not defeated by the police, but by their keepers, the kind of people who write to chide me for going for a walk with my children and wife in my own land, on my own streets, telling me I am endangering them.  We are defeated by the law abiders.  Canadians love the law.  They love the boot.  Perhaps this is why in the end their police are so much more vicious than those of Argentina or America or England.  They abide, when they ought not to.

The world is theirs and the fucked fullness thereof.  Wall upon wall of police.  Gangs of blueshirts in the street.  Peace, peace they cry.  But there is no peace when it’s paid for in the blood of the world’s children. 

Leaderville is winning, its burgher kings are choking the world, and the willing population bends to suck at the tube of its own spiritual destruction.  As its gains the whole world, does it even know what it has lost?

David Ker Thomson’s description of how he stayed on his analyst’s couch talking about his mother while the building was under siege is at Maisonneuve Magazine, where you can also find a link to the CP article describing the attack on his son.  He wishes to thank the many people who have written with encouragement.  He plans to respond to each email at some point.  This is the first part of a two-part series, Defeat/Victory, but the second portion may be delayed.   dave.thomson@utoronto.ca





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