VOTD: Improv Everywhere’s Star Wars Subway Car

Improv Everywhere is a group of New Yorkers who love to “cause scenes of chaos and joy in public places.” You’ve surely seen many videos of their previous stunts, as many of them have gone viral around the interwebs. Their latest mission was to reenact he first Princess Leia / Darth Vader scene from Star Wars on a New York City subway car.

The white walls and sliding doors on the train reminded us of the rebel ship from the movie, and we thought it would be fun to see how people would react to a surprise appearance by the iconic characters. We spread out the actors along the train line, staging it so they would enter the right car at the right time.

Watch the video now embedded after the jump.

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  • Joecabello
    Anyone know what they shot it on and why it looks so well lit?
  • Cameron_williams
    hum-dinger just made a pretty good point.
  • Cameronwilliams
    Oooh, a busty Princess Leia, me likey! Seriously, she was very cute. She almost tripped over the line "The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this." It's just like Harrison Ford said to George, "You can write this shit but you can't say it."
  • hum-dinger
    why are they called 'improv everywhere' when their bits are completely planned out?
  • Bobbio
    Cause a lot of their skits look like they are random to the people that are there (but they obviously aren't).
  • hum-dinger
    Yes, seeing darth vader and a bunch of storm troopers walk onto the L train would be a random thing to witness on my morning commute, but in absolutely no way is that improvised.
  • Stillatin
    man i love new york
  • RosanatorDA
    touche once again improv everywhere.
  • Dawn Smith
    Why, oh why do I live in LA, where this did not happen? Dear god, I wish I could have been there.
  • FrogBear
    The passengers are thinking either (a) "Is there another new Star Wars movie opening?" or (b) "Shit, the Sci-Fi convention is in town again"
  • Henry
    Yeah, the people at :22 are just like whatever
  • Digfock
    I hate inaccurate costumes!
  • benisreal34
  • Drytoad1
    Very good but that one storm trooper has got to cover up his neck :}
  • Firamain
    Agree!! I was thinking the same thing throughout.
  • RabbleRabble
    Great stuff. Nicely choreographed at each station at the right door.
  • TotallyNotNick
    If Leonardo DiCaprio tried pulling an Inception on me, this would be the kind of stuff he would run into while in my head.
  • truth
    that and copious amounts of porn
  • RandyFlagg
    That video was full of win! The people involved with Improv Everywhere are fantastic!
  • connor796
    that would have tripped me the fuck out. haha
  • I would have loved to have been on that train. A great surprise at every station!
  • LOL
    Some of the people don't even look like they've heard of Star Trek.
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