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Glue (Argentina, 2006), 110 min., writ. & prod. by Alexis Dos Santos

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Especially in the Middle East

Ganz beiläufig liefert Tom Segev in Es war einmal ein Palästina eine aufschlussreiche Quelle über gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe in der britischen Mandatszeit. Ohne irgendwelche Etiketten zu applizieren (wie das unter deutschen Antifas als Rassifizierungsstrategie so beliebt ist), erzählt er die Liebesgeschichte von Sari, dem Sohn von Khalil as-Sakikini, einem etwas bekannteren christlich-arabischen Autor, Dichter und palästinensischen Nationalisten, dem in Segevs Gesellschaftsbiographie eine tragende narrative Rolle zukommt. Die Sakakinis waren eine sehr kosmopolitisch eingestellte Familie, deren Vater bekannt dafür war, sich als Gründer der Dusturiyyah-Schule für „die geistige Befreiung der Schüler, sexuelle Aufklärung, humanistische und sozialistische Ideen“ einzusetzen (was ihn allerdings nicht davon abhielt, in seinem Tagebuch mit Al-Husseini und den deutschen Nazis zu sympathisieren). Die Erzählung setzt kurz nach Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs ein, als Sari mit einem Magistertitel in Politikwissenschaft von der Universität Michigan/USA zurückkehrt, um im amerikanischen Konsulat von Jerusalem eine Stelle anzutreten: (mehr…)

Fuck you

(via mädchenblog)

A schoolboy’s friendship

Benjamin Disraeli, 19th-century novelist, Conservative statesman and twice prime minister, on boys love in the British upper class:

At school, friendship is a passion. It entrances the being; it tears the soul. All loves of after-life can never bring its rapture, or its wretchedness; no bliss so absorbing, no pangs of jealousy or despair so crushing and so keen! What tenderness and what devotion; what illimitable confidence; infinite revelations of inmost thoughts; what ecstatic present and romantic future; what bitter estrangements and what melting reconciliations; what scenes of wild recrimination, agitating explanations, passionate correspondence; what insane sensitiveness, and what frantic sensibility; what earthquakes of the heart and whirlwinds of the soul are confined in that simple phrase, a schoolboy’s friendship! Tis some indefinite recollection of these mystic passages of their young emotion that makes grey-haired men mourn over the memory of their schoolboy days. It is a spell that can soften the acerbity of political warfare, and with its witchery can call forth a sigh even amid the callous bustle of fashionable saloons.

From: Benjamin Disraeli (1844), Congingsby, Chapter IX.

A friendship of the strongest kind

Picturing Men 1Jonathan Katz interprets the American 19th-century construction of male-male love in a college guy’s secret diary:

On February 2, 1837, Albert Dodd, then nineteen or twenty years old, contemplated in his diary the emotional ups and downs of his past year at Washington College (now Trinity), in Hartford, Connecticut: “First, the friend I loved,” a classmate, John Heath, “the first one whom I had ever truly loved in this wide world, became estranged from me, as I indeed did from him.” […]

Dodd wondered what to name his feeling for Heath: “It is not friendship merely which I feel for him, or it is friendship of the strongest kind. It is a heartfelt, a manly, a pure, deep, and fervent love.” This is literally a defining moment in his diary. Dodd toyed with the word “friendship,” but then rejected if for “love,” qualified as especially intense. Adding qualifiers to the terms “love” and “friendship” was one of the main ways that men of this time affirmed their special feeling for men. […] (mehr…)

The Overflowing of Friendship (New Book Release)

Richard Godbeer, The Overflowing of Friend­ship: Love between Men and the Creation of the American Republic. Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.

When eighteenth-century American men described „with a swelling of the heart“ their friendships with other men, addressing them as „lovely boy“ and „dearly beloved,“ celebrating the „ardent affection“ that knit their hearts in „indissoluble bonds of fraternal love,“ their families, neighbors, and acquaintances would have been neither surprised nor disturbed. (mehr…)

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