Welcome to the Haven Distribution Website

Haven Distribution aims to provide practical support to prisoners within the UK by:

  • Purchasing educational literature for inmates who are currently attending courses whilst in prison;
  • Providing dictionaries in English and other languages to inmates whose first language is not English;
  • Providing large print dictionaries and books on improving reading and writing skills to inmates with dyslexia;

If you are a prisoner attending an educational course such as NVQ, Open University, A Level, etc., and would like help in purchasing specific course literature, we may be able to help.

Haven Distribution will purchase books for prisoners' courses to a maximum of £20 per person, per calendar year. We encourage prisoners to leave the books in the prison library once the course is finished so that other prisoners can use them.

If you would like an application form, please download it here, or send a stamped self-addressed envelope to us at the address above. Due to limited resources, Haven Distribution is unable to help with the purchase of books for general reading. Please speak to the prison librarian for more information about ordering non-educational books.

Read more about our work in our 2009 annual report (pdf).

Raise money for Haven when you search the net with Everyclick:

Image kindly provided by Clifford Harper

"Thank you very much for the books you purchased on my behalf ... keep up the good work because books are the keys that open the gates of knowledge"
- AM, HMP Mount

Raise money for Haven when you shop through this link In Association with Amazon.co.uk