Benny Wenda

'We want freedom!'

My name is Benny Wenda, I am a West Papuan independence leader and chairman of the Koteka Tribal Assembly. My village was bombed by Indonesia when I was a child and many of my family were killed. Later, I began to campaign peacefully to free my people. For this 'crime' I was arrested, tortured and threatened with death.

I managed to escape to Britain, where I now live in exile. Many of my people are still suffering. They have been killed, raped and tortured. Life is hard for them. All we are asking for is the freedoms that you enjoy every day - the freedom to speak your mind, to live without fear and to choose your own government.
Please hear my peoples' cry for help. Please support the Free West Papua Campaign.
West Papua needs your help!


The forgotten land of West Papua is under brutal Indonesian military occupation. Its tribal people are being slaughtered, and their unique environment destroyed.

But the world is doing nothing to stop it.

The Free West Papua Campaign exists to alert the world to this ongoing tragedy - and to stop it happening.

We are the only national organisation in the UK working full time to stop the genocide in West Papua. We work with Papuan leaders in the UK and abroad to support the peaceful struggle of the Papuan people to regain their freedom.

But in order to do it, we need your help!

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International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP)

International Lawyers for West Papua (ILWP)

Free West Papua Campaign UK photo news

Free West Papua Campaign Video News

Warta Papua Merdeka Dalam Gambar


IPWP launch in the UK Parliament, October 2008

launch in Papua New Guinea, November 2009

IPWP launch in the European Parliament, January 2010