Prisoner Support Bristol ABC

Prisoner support letter writing night with focus on Russian prisoners

April 11, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) hosts a monthly letter writing night at Kebele Social Centre with the aim of providing a basic support to prisoners by writing to them, since the main goal of state power is to isolate our comrades from the movement. We mainly write to ‘political prisoners’, but also believe that every prisoner is a political prisoner.

Wednesday, April 14th, 7 to 9pm, at Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6JY.

This month we will focus on the cases of some Russian prisoners. Social movements in Russia have faced severe repression in recent years, and so have quite a few prisoners there. Come to learn a bit more about their cases and those of other prisoners.

Russia was the birth place of what became known as the Anarchist Black Cross. The ABC was formed in the period 1905-1907 when it was realised a previous organisation, the Political Cross, was acting in a sectarian manner and only sending funds to marxist/socialist prisoners, and not the annarchists & social revolutionaries. In the early 20th century thousands of anarchists and social revolutionaries were sent to labour camps and exile, so the first ABC groups (called Anarchist Red Cross until 1919) were founded inside and outside Russia to support them. The organisation was international, with a co-ordinating group based in London from 1906, involving the likes of Rudolph Rocker. The ABC has continued, in one form or another, since then, in many different countries. You can read more on the history of the ABC internationally by checking out the ‘history’ section here.

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Judiciary backs the State and finds Smellie not guilty

March 31, 2010 · 1 Comment

The judge gave her verdict on Wednesday at Westminster magistrates court, in the non-jury trial of Sgt Smellie, the Met police TSG riot cop accused of assaulting a woman at last years G20 protests. Smellie had backhanded, and then hit twice on the leg with his metal baton, Nicola Fisher, the woman concerned. The question revolved around whether or not his baton strikes were excessive, as his backhander was deemed appropriate even by the prosecutor.

District Judge Daphne Wickham found no evidence had been provided to show use of the baton was not measured or correct. She said: “It was for the prosecution to prove this defendant was not acting in lawful self-defence. The prosecution has failed in this respect and the defendant has raised the issue of lawful self-defence and as such is entitled to be acquitted.” The judge said Sgt Smellie had a “mere seven seconds” to act when Ms Fisher ran in front of him hurling abuse at a vigil held on 2 April to mark the death of newspaper seller Ian Tomlinson at a previous demonstration. (from BBC report). Keep reading →

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Smellie in court, but G20 Bristolian found not guilty

March 26, 2010 · 2 Comments

Sgt Smellie, a riot cop in the Met’s Territorial Support Group (TSG – fully trained riot thugs), has been up in Westminster Magistrates Court all week so far on a charge relating to the anti-G20/police brutality protests on 1 and 2 April last year in central London around the financial district. Smellie is charged with ‘common assault by beating’, which relates to his violent assault on a woman on 2 April when protesters gathered in response to the death of Ian Tomlinson the day before. Keep reading →

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Training for Cop watching

March 25, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Many abuses of police powers occur because we let them. Legal observation and police monitoring are effective tools in tackling such abuses and can make a real difference from collating the data necessary for effective legal challenges to providing and collecting witness statements for those arrested. These actions have both challenged the way protest and the streets are policed and kept innocent people out of prison. Keep reading →

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Memorial event for Ian Tomlinson victim of G20 cop violence

March 25, 2010 · 2 Comments

(Update: Pictures and report of the memorial event are here.)

The Ian Tomlinson Family Campaign have called for a memorial gathering on the
1st anniversary of his death, at 11am on Thursday 1 April. People are asked to gather at the spot where he died in the City of London, just moments after he was violently assaulted from behind by a cop in riot gear. Please meet at Cornhill, by Threadneedle St, London EC3V (Bank tube), at 10.45am, so a minutes silence can be observed at 11am. One year on from his death, no cop has been held responsible. Keep reading →

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Support the 2009 London Gaza protesters!

March 20, 2010 · Leave a Comment

22 already jailed, 57 on trial or to be sentenced in the next months.

A year ago, hundreds of thousands took to the streets to demonstrate against the Israeli bombardment of Gaza of 27th December to 18th January. The violent police tactics, wide-ranging and intrusive surveillance and intimidation during these demos should be of grave concern to everyone. The resulting 73 charges and heavy sentencing as well as the concerted cover up by the police, marks a new low in a trend towards an ever more authoritarian and repressive state.

16 people have been convicted for “violent disorder” during these protests and mostly for relatively minor acts. The majority of those jailed are under 20 and will serve 12 months to 2 and half years. They are currently held at Feltham Young Offenders Institution, HMP Bronzefield and HMP Wormwood Scrubs, among other prisons.

Organise solidarity now! Visit

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14th Annual International Day Against Police Brutality in Montreal

March 20, 2010 · Leave a Comment

100 Arrested, Undercover Cops Forced Out of Protester’s Ranks
by Gord Hill

As a Montreal police helicopter hovered overhead, speakers at the 14th Annual Protest Against Police Brutality denounced the 43 police-related killings in the city since 1987, including the 2008 shooting of 18 year old Fredy Villanueva in Montreal’s north end. According to a call-out by organizers, the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COPB):
These ‘peace officers’ abuse their powers and sometimes even kill innocent and unarmed individuals without the least worry of being punished, since they know the system is there to protect them. This situation has a name: impunity.” Keep reading →

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Update on the EDO Decommissioners

March 14, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Some fairly urgent updates on the Bristol EDO Decommissioners

Firstly, as Elijah ‘James’ Smith approaches 14 months locked up on remand, without a trial of course, he’s been given a new prison number – A3186AM.

Do please sned in your letters of support and solidarity, and news of any campaigns and stuff you’ve been involved in. Send an SAE too if you’d like a reply. Write to: Elijah Smith – A3186AM, HMP Lewes, 1 Brighton Rd, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1EA.

Secondly, word reaches us that Robert Alford, one of the Bristol 6, was re-arrested about 10 days ago. After being on remand for months, Robert was eventually allowed out on bail, with an electronic tag, to an address in London. He then moved to an address in Bristol, then a second address and possibly a third, before skipping bail. He is now back on remand, and we’ll add more details when we get them. Or check The Decommissioners.

Lastly, some good news. It appears the prosecutors will not be appealing the outcome of the court hearing on 1 March, which means the Decommissioners will be able to present the defence in court that they have always argued for. Game on.

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Amadeu Casellas is free!

March 10, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Amadeu Casellas has been released on 9th March around noon, after 24 years of imprisonment. Once examined all the charges, the prison director concluded that Amadeu has spent 8 more years in prison than he should have had. Amadeu was first arrested in 1979, for robbing banks to fundraise social and workers’ struggles. During his imprisonment he’s always kept his spirit high and has fought hard for freedom, justice and prisoners’ rights; only in the past 2 years he’s done 3 hunger strikes.

Until all are free!

For an article on Amadeu’s latest hunger strike read here.

Here is an interview to Amadeu on the 325 website.

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Active Solidarity freesheet, Jock Palfreeman, and letter writing night

March 8, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Our friends at the long running Brighton ABC group have just released the latest issue of their Active Solidarity freesheet. You can download it as a pdf here Active Solidarity_Mar10 and do pass it on.

One of the political prisoners they feature is Jock Palfreeman, whose case we featured back in December here. Jock is serving 20 years in a Bulgarian prison after defending himself against a large gang of nazis, one of whom he killed in self-defence, and wounded another. He has 2 chances of appeal to different levels of courts before his sentence is finalised. A letter just received from him in Bristol, and sent in mid-February, finds him in fine form, although when refering to the appeals he believes they are a bit of a foregone conclusion, not least because some judges were at the funeral of the nazi he killed. However since he sent that letter, matters have taken a turn for the worse for him, as revealed on his campaign website FreeJockon 19 February he was placed in complete isolation (solitary confinement), the first prisoner to be so treated. In fact he could be there for upto 2 years whilst the appeals procedure is exhausted, which is an outrageous injustice designed to intimidate prisoners from appealing miscarriages of justice. Please check the links on FreeJock here and here and get sending letters of protest on his behalf. Keep reading →

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