Archive for the 'food' Category

Strange Fruit

A hard commercial logic dictates that the only way to get good fruit today is to grow your own.

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Manufactured Famine

A new wave of food colonialism is snatching food from the mouths of the poor.

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The Pleasures of the Flesh

If you care about hunger, eat less meat.

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A Cunning Plot

How to grow vegetables without breaking your back

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An Agricultural Crime Against Humanity

Biofuels could kill more people than the Iraq war.

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The Road Well Travelled

Are we already shutting our minds to the consequences of climate change?

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Feeding Frenzy

Why is it still acceptable to eat the endangered large predators of the sea? Read more »

A Lethal Solution

We need a five-year freeze on biofuels, before they wreck the planet. Read more »

The Water Boom Is Over

Global freshwater supplies could start to determine whether or not we can feed ourselves.

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Not Enough Fish in the Sea

Not Enough Fish in the Sea

We need omega-3 oils for our brains to function properly. But where will they come from?

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Feeding Crime

If governments really want to improve law and order, they should ban adverts for junk food

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Growing My Own

Boycotting the superstores means taking on five allotments

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Feeding Cars, Not People

The adoption of biofuels would be a humanitarian and environmental disaster

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Fallen Fruit

An insane European ruling will be the final straw for the English apple

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Low Hanging Fruit

The superstores are mopping up the last pockets of resistance
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The Poor Get Stuffed

We cannot feed the world’s livestock and the world’s people.
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Organic Farming Will Feed the World

Astonishingly, it’s more productive than high-tech agriculture
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Feeding the Hunger Machine

The Nuffield Council has produced the most asinine biotechnology report ever written
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Free Trade Fundamentalists

The world is being run by a group of fanatics, who’ll destroy anything for the sake of “free” trade
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Bashing Small Shops

A proposed new tax will make life even harder for the independent foodstore
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Monsanto Sells Hunger

The biotech company threatens Africa with starvation
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America’s Command Economy

The US government is trying to ban organic farming - on both sides of the Atlantic
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Social Engineering

Watch out for Monsanto - this obscure company is trying to take over the foodchain
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Breaking the Foodchain

Tesco is going organic, but this might not be good news
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