Archive for the 'religion' Category

Putting the Pope on Trial

International law presents a radical challenge to the powerful: they could be judged by the same standards as the rest of us.

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An Inside Job

Who brought down the cooling towers in South Yorkshire?

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Religious conservatives are responsible for high abortion rates

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Bayoneting a Scarecrow

The 9/11 conspiracy theories are a coward’s cult. Read more »

Short Changed

9/11 conspiracism is dragging activists away from the real issues

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Better off without Him

New research suggests that the Christian virtues are best represented in godless societies

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A Life With No Purpose

Darwin tells us that we are no more than assemblages of complex molecules. We should celebrate this.

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God of the Soil

Only when nomads settled on fertile land did the notion of progress take root

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Religion of the Rich

There is a precedent for the Bush Project, but it’s not fascism

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Waging War with the Virgin Soldiers

Abstinence teaching is a disaster for teenagers.
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Apocalypse Please

US policy towards the Middle East is driven by a rarefied form of madness. It’s time we took it seriously.
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America Is a Religion

There is no more dangerous notion than that of America the Divine
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Is the Pope Gay?

How else can we explain his virulent campaign against homosexuals?
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God versus Greens

Environmentalists are foolishly following Prince Charles over the spiritual abyss.
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Now That They Know Who I Am …

The devil will walk amongst you, with great wrath
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The Pope Spreads AIDS

The Holy Father is responsible for the deaths of thousands
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We’re All Damned

The Bible says homosexuality’s an abomination. But estate agents and food manufacturers are in even bigger trouble.
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The Church Must Take Sides

Britain needs a liberation theology movement
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The Astromancer

Did Ledumen, the celebrated Samburu prophet, know I was coming to visit him three months before I decided to do so?
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