Archive for the 'genetic engineering' Category

Seeds of Distraction

The biotech companies want us to consider everything except their motives.
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The Enemies of Science

Nothing damages science more than forcing researchers to develop GM
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Let’s Do a Monsanto

The government doesn’t really want the GM debate it’s just launched, but let’s give it one anyway
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The Covert Biotech War

The corporations seeking to force GM food into reluctant markets are opening new fronts in their internet campaign against their critics.
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Corporate Phantoms

New findings reveal a web of deceit around GM food, in which the Prime Minister has now been caught.
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Market Force

As free traders shelter behind repressive regimes, GM crops are being driven into reluctant markets
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Manipulated Facts

Genes aren’t the only things being engineered by the biotech companies.
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Totalitarian Capitalism

Corporations are seizing the genome, but that’s only the beginning
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Modified Truth

Channel 4 has hired a charlatan to make its science programmes
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Does Blair have a democracy gene?

The Government claims to be neutral towards GMOs. It isn’t.
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Human Traffic

Just as predicted, new laws have allowed corporations to seize our genes
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The Vampires Get the Bloodbank

Lord Sainsbury’s conflicts of interest should disqualify him from government
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Beating the Agro-industrial Complex

Citizen power is wresting food production away from ruthless corporations
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Rigged Trials

Experimental releases of GM crops are a scientific nonsense
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Feeding the Hunger Machine

The Nuffield Council has produced the most asinine biotechnology report ever written
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Idiot Savants

Some of Britain’s most eminent scientists are engaged in an economic war against the poor
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Feeding us Lies

The Government has been deliberately misleading us about genetic engineering
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Tested by Animals

Using animal testing for experiments in germline gene therapy is doubly repugnant
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At last the tide is turning against genetic engineering
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Monsanto Sells Hunger

The biotech company threatens Africa with starvation
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Emotional Blackmail

How disabled people ended up campaigning for a predatory drugs firm
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The Monsanto Monster

One corporation’s attempt to take over the world
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Social Engineering

Watch out for Monsanto - this obscure company is trying to take over the foodchain
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The Baby Superstore

Gene therapy could enable the rich to buy their way out of society
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Science with Scruples

Science with Scruples
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Crossing the Species Barrier

We desperately need a public debate about xenotransplantation
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Blind Faith And Science

Genetic engineering will transfer power from the poor to the rich
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