Last updated: August 09, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 8°C - 14°C . Showers.

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Supercharged super gets tick of approval

THERE is overwhelming support for the Government's plan to lift superannuation to 12pc.

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Follow the cash trail to find more super

PAYING extra attention to your super statement this year could put some cash back in your pocket.

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Cooper slams superannuation critics

SUPERANNUATION review chairman dismisses industry critics of his proposed low-fee super fund.

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Superannuation retirement gap still gaping


THE national superannuation review criticised for not addressing its failure to provide for Australians' income in retirement.

Aussie workers win $40,000 super boost

MILLIONS will get an extra $40,000 in savings as part of a superannuation revolution.

8 million Aussies get super boost

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MILLIONS of workers will get a savings boost of $40,000 and be able to easily check their expected retirement nest egg, as part of a superannuation revolution.

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Changes risk 'dumbing down' super

retirement money

CREATING a simple default option for super means workers will tune out the details, industry warns.  

Tax cuts, super hike might go - PM Gillard


DEAL with mining companies will probably impact super changes and company tax cuts, PM says.

End of year market slump to hit our super

bizmoney nest egg  20100502

WEAK share markets rob super funds of thousands and rule out return to double-digit annual gains.

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Business News

ACCC to consult on NAB-AXA APH deal

THE competition regulator will consult market participants on NAB's proposal to sell AXA Asia Pacific Holdings' wealth arm.