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The F.O.F (Friday Open Fabula)

Evan Maloney

Friday, July 09, 2010 at 12:32am

Oh my Fof, it’s already the end of the week. If this Friday isn’t bonus time then what day is. Seriously.

This has got to be, without a shade of uncertainty,the longest week in my life, and it’s still going! 


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One of my best friends has died.

I can’t sleep, I can’t think straight.

I don’t know how to deal with this.


Caitlyn (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:53am)
Not a Brat replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:50am)

Oh Caitlyn,

So many Splugs to you.  I can’t imagine what you’re going through.

We’re all here for you

Jasper replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:58am)

I am so sorry for your terrible loss. Massive Splugs to you. Ask your friends and family for thier support, some things are too much to deal with on your own.

Paddle Pop replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:59am)

Caitlyn - I can’t imagine what you are going through.  Lots of big hugs and look after yourself.  When you need to cry, cry.  When you want to talk about it, talk.  Hang in there.  Thinking of you… xo

Spines replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:03am)

Caitlyn that’s so awful, I’m so sorry. My thoughts are with you

MARA replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:09am)

I’m sorry for your loss, it hits hard I know. Be kind to yourself, remember the good times and just breathe. Surround yourself with people who love you & care & talk about how you feel.
You’ll get through this I promise.

Pokeybun replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:17am)

Many many <splugs> to you Caitlyn. A similar thing happened to me several years ago and it was a rough, rough time. Lean on those around you who are only too willing to do whatever they can.  And never feel guilty about the depth of your grief. It’s OK to hurt that much. It will get better but it will take time. <splugs> again and my thoughts will be with you.

momo replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:17am)

I’m so sorry.. that must be so hard.

If you want to talk about we are here to listen. xx

Happily Ever After replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:22am)

Just keep breathing, hun. One minute at a time. Thinking of you.

Mazkal replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:58am)

I’m so sorry for your loss Caitlyn. This must be an incredibly hard time for you.

As Mara said above, try and surround yourself with loved ones and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Smoph replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:58am)

I am so sorry Caitlyn. -bug splugs- That is a terrible loss. Let those around you take care of you,you’ll need their love and support.

Mistral replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:03am)

Caitlyn, my heart hurts for you.Many, many splugs...thinking of you x

Rose replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:06am)

It is hard Caitlyn dear, but thats life, we all will walk through that very same path one day. You just have to hang on tight my darling, all will be fine, time will heal you. Cry out loud and get it out from your deepest inner soul. We are all for you if you wanna chat. Lost my best friend last year and I used to go to a river mouth and yelled out loud to this friend and even swear to the world just for something to blame on but after all that Im fine now. Time will heal you. Be strong my friend and look at the tide. Its rise and fell all the same. XOXO rose

Haven Maven replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:18am)

Many splugs, splatfriend.

Jen of her tiny apartment replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:46am)

*hugs* I’m so sorry for your loss, Caitlyn.

I lost one of my closest friends two years ago. I still have difficulty going to a certain pub - I’m still always shocked he’s not sitting out the front with a pint and a cigarette.

You’re going to face a hard few months as it hits you. You’re likely to feel empty and be shocked when she’s not at her old haunts. But in time the pain will subside and you’ll remember her fondly. You’ll be grateful for the time you had together and the friendship and love you shared. And you’ll continue to live your life, if for no other reason than she’d come over and kick your arse if you didn’t!

My thoughts are with you, your friends and family.

Aussie Locust replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:58am)

So sorry to hear that - huge splugs to you.

Feel free to curse, vent, rail at the Universe. Whatever you need to do - let it out.

Fuxxy Bunny replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:03pm)

Caitlyn, I am so sorry.  *Splugs* Be strong, it will be very hard, but you will get thru this.  Surround yourself with friends and loved ones and don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Your Splat friends are here for you. x x x

Drunken Monkey replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:19pm)

So sorry to hear Caitlyn! Big splugs & all strength to you. I know that nothing we say will make it better but just know that we are all thinking of you xxx

Lollerskater replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:32pm)

*Splugs* Caitlyn, hang in there darling xoxo

Oreo replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:34pm)

Oh gosh Caitlyn.. I’m so sorry to hear that. Sending a lot of splugs your way. I hope you and all your friend’s loved ones can find the strength to pull through this together.

Rydell replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (01:07pm)

*big hugs* Caitlyn, as someone who has been there, I know how you feel. I’m always here, on Twitter, email, or phone, if you need to talk or rant.

Evan, if you could send my email over, I’d appreciate it.

*giant hugs* I’m so sorry.

Miss M replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (02:25pm)

one big massive order of support, strenght and splugs coming your way!

i’m so sorry for your loss - my thoughts are with you, your family and your friends family.

Caitlyn replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (02:27pm)

Thank you all very much.

I finally passed out this morning at around 4am, to be woken up no more then 30mins later by my sulking pup who got desexed yesterday.

It’s difficult waking up, my first thoughts being I will never see her again.

I wish I told her more often how utterly amazing she is.

She will be VERY missed.

Two Peas in a Pod.  smile

Cazzy replied to Caitlyn
Fri 09 Jul 10 (02:50pm)

What awful news Caitlyn. Wishing you all the courage and strength to work through your grief. So sorry for your tragic loss.

All strength to you this weekend, Caitlyn

Evan Maloney
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:57am)

OMG - is it that late?

Hello everyone and I hope your week went well but I’m yet to read about your adventures and misadventures and I hope the latter were small or non-existent.

Of course, SO is still away and the length of the absence seems to vary from 3 months until Christmas.  As in all things business and industrial, nobody really knows what contingencies are going to alter the scheme of things.  There is the red tape but with outside work, the weather is also factor.

I’m coping much better this time and we are speaking more frequently and are on the same wave length.  The first time, I had some trust issues, not because he is not trustworthy but the fact that he was with some younger guys, I felt he would be put in situations that were compromising.  I have realised that even entertaining my issues just cause more stress and frustration for both of us.  Essentially, he is trying to solve some financial issues and misses us during the process and now I’m encouraging him to try and enjoy his time away.

Evan, I can empathise with your plight to get your family here and the multifaceted issues that come with the long distance arrangements.  I wish you all the best in getting the employment you need in order to do that.  Fortunately with technology, you can skype or whatever with Eliza and Laura so you are not missing that personal contact, albeit, not physical.

I mentioned that I had a flood of bills that had me in worry mode and sleeplessness followed.  Once again, I did the only thing I seem to do best - self abuse (and not in that way).  My mother has a wee nip of Sherry in the evening.  The other night I poured myself a wine glass full of the crap in the hope of a peaceful night.  Ended up waking up around 4am with a headache you could see.  Don’t remember passing out but I sure remember coming too.  I did the normal thing and took some panadols and a litre of water which was probably a great thing but it meant my hungover sleep was interrupted by constant trips to the loo and a feeling of illness and brain burst every hour.  A very horrid morning indeed and although it was cold as ice, I was only covered with a sheet and feeling very hot.  I thought I was going to die - evidently, I didn’t but I’m not touching that revolting stuff again.

With very little motivation (less than before, if that is possible) I still have a pile of washing in need of folding but it seems so irrelevant, so until SO returns for his couple of days, I have left it on top of the freezer.  I have since discovered that holding this pile whilst opening the freezer does not ensure that various bits of clothing does not land behind it.  So, these mishaps must be retrieved, rewashed and rejoin the clean pile on top.

I’ve had a series of wireless internet problems which were finally solved by some call centre guy who seemed to know what he was talking about.  Enormous thanks to AL who offered his help which was so appreciated.  Thanks heaps AL.

It’s a million o’clock and I’m not asleep yet and mum’s sherry is untouched - thank whoever! I did just get an horrid call from a lady I know who just lost her best friend (dog) which was very hard to deal with so I will try to go to sleep wrapped up in the limbs of my hairy SNORER. The snores are actually making me feel better.

Looking forward to your FOF’s and much love,
Cazzy xxxx

Cazzy of SE Qld (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (01:20am)

It’s been a cracker of a week, and this morning’s sunrise is stunning. 

It’s just the week for which I had hoped.

Best to all for the weekend (even the lefties),


Shane of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (07:34am)

I have been progressively working on packing for the move (Saturday Week) over the course of this week.  I have lived in my current place for coming up on 8 years and it is amazing the sheer amount of crap I have accumulated.

I made the call that I would not take my comic book collection, only bound graphic novels.
So far I have managed to fill four extra large garbage bags with the comics that don’t make the cut.
I have also filled a packing box with graphic novels and could probably fill at least another.

I also have an extra large packing box filled with DVDs.  All piled in together like that I felt like I could go open my own DVD rental place.
We figured about 20 single DVDs per row (less for larger box sets) x 4 rows stacked 4 deep.
And still another half box worth’s of DVDs that didn’t fit.

We get the keys tomorrow where my brother and I will both go to the new place and work out what will fit where, and what furniture wont make the cut.  Then we have next week to soft run car loads of odds and ends before the final move that weekend.

beezkneez of Melbourne (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (07:58am)
Lollerskater replied to beezkneez
Fri 09 Jul 10 (01:22pm)

Garbage bags of comics? :O If you aren’t going to keep them, surely there would be at least some you could sell?

Good luck with the continued packing and moving :D


Oh I have been waiting for this one!

So the first thing you want to hear when you get in to the office at 7.25 is someone who is not your boss telling you you’re late (I start at 7.30).  Turns out his watch is fast.  I might have proved that fact by calling the talking clock for him… The moral of the story is don’t mess with me on a Friday morning.

This week I perfected my nacho recipe and was in heaven as a result.  I’m not shy in sharing, I’ll happily tell you for the sake of nachokind that the secret ingredient is ready-made cheese sauce (the kind you put on your veggies if you’re really unhealthy like me).  So.Freaking.Good.

Pseudo is almost gone, I’ve barely spoken to him this week. I’m not sad about the possibility of him not being around anymore.  This might change when he goes for good but I can see so many better things in my future that I think I’ll be ok.

The weekend should be full of dancing and nephews!

Things that make me happy:
- Chatting to Cazzy on fb (I’m sorry I don’t always answer, I’m not always sitting in front of the computer)
- Celebrating Canada Day a week late at dancing (one of the teachers is Canadian)
- Turning up to the Canada Day celebrations in exactly the same “Canada Eh!” top as someone else
- Cheese sauce
- Swingo (swing dance bingo)
- Getting better quality sleep after being out dancing until late than I have the rest of the week - justifies the hobby hehe

Not a Brat (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (08:03am)
Cazzy replied to Not a Brat
Fri 09 Jul 10 (03:44pm)

thanks smile U too.

Good but busy week. I’m enjoying the new job although I’d still prefer a billionaire wanting to marry me so I didn’t have to work and could sleep for a year.

Tomorrow night’s the annual work mid-year party. It’s a *huge* do; costume party with the theme of Outer Space. I’m going to wear my new wig, take my cardboard tenth Doctor and go as his companion, Donna Noble. That should be a conversation starter and allow me to meet and talk to lots of new people.

A bit of sadness looming though. Ken Talbot’s funeral is in Brisbane next week and I’ll be going. I expect there’ll be a huge turnout to bid him farewell.

Pokeybun of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (08:03am)
Not a Brat replied to Pokeybun
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:53am)

I’m still holding out hope for my billionaire...sigh

Spines replied to Pokeybun
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:01am)

Donna Noble as in The Runaway Bride, Chrustmas special episode? haha, I just watched that last night! Going through the whole David Tennant years at the moment, and I watched the season final-the last episode with Billie Piper, makes me cry!!

Maz replied to Pokeybun
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:08am)

Can’t wait to see you there Pokey!  Don’t forget a camera and to make sure you have your dancing shoes on!! wink

Morning all.

Been a reasonably uneventful week, however I did get a pay rise (which is always lovely) and got told how appreciated I am in the workplace...awww.

Looking forward to our company’s midyear celebration tomorrow night, with free food and booze and the theme this year is ‘outer space’.  Our team is dressing up as chimponauts - the ‘true heroes of space travel’.  As the admin chick it’s been my job to organise the costumes, and I am pretty proud of how they have turned out, considering they have only cost about $10 a person!  Sunday will therefore be a very quiet day, with much lazing around, and probably very little else occurring.

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week, and an even better weekend ahead of them!

Maz of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (08:15am)

Off to work experience today.

Am determined to not be miserable or grumpy as I was earlier this week.

Thanks Smoph for the support, it was greatly appreciated.

Wishing all the Splatters a great weekend and hope everything is going well.

Will read your posts later.

Seer (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (08:19am)
Smoph replied to Seer
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:04am)

You’re welcome Seer. What are Splatters for but -splugs- and support! smile

House Mate got dropped by Miss Just Hit Puberty. It was funny because he drove 8 hours to see her...and THEN she dumped him via text. I was doing my ‘I told you so dance’ by the time he arrived home (not to his face, even im not that mean)

Not much has been happening this week. My sleep is still whacked which bugs me. Constantly tired until I hop into bed at which point I’m wide awake…

Basically ive just been preparing to see my Mum who is arriving on the 17th. Cant wait. (Even tho I am sure we will get into a heated argument about me going back to Adelaide!)

She has sent me countless emails with subtle hinting and the other day she sent one basically telling me a dream is a dream for a reason and that it would be best to come ‘home’. Sometimes I think she is right, but I dont know. Im not sure if I would be able to live at home again (sharing a bathroom with my little brother again scares me!) until I was able to get back on my feet…

Looking forward to the weekend. Getting my haircut (thanks to donations made by my Mum), getting my shoes re-tipped and then on Sunday going for coffee with Drunken Monkey, Lily and Rydell… (followed by a little retail therapy, im sure. wink )

Little Miss Poppit of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (08:26am)
Direct replied to Little Miss Poppit
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:33am)

Was it 8 hours each way? I’ve been dumped after driving 6 hours to see someone. The 6 hour drive back wasn’t much fun. At least she did it to my face rather than by text.

Drunken Monkey replied to Little Miss Poppit
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:21pm)

haha sorry but I can’t help but laugh about HM.

Looking forward to Sunday! Been wanting to go to that cafe for awhile. let me know what time you want to meet smile

Rydell replied to Little Miss Poppit
Fri 09 Jul 10 (01:18pm)

I’ve been giggling hysterically since you told me about HM! Couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke!

Yes, you need to let me know what time too! That way I know how long I can sleep-in for. smile

You know you badly need to sleep (more more more!) when all you can think of is sleep and your head is melting into your eyeballs which in turn are melting into your eyelids and down your face. You feel like you’ve have a glass of wine too many (red wine) or a nasty bump to the head.

Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep.

I don’t care where I sleep, I will just crawl under this desk right here right now. I hope everyone else is a little more awake than I am smile


niamhist (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (08:42am)

I dind’t get a chance to MMM earlier in the week so here’s my run-down from the weekend.

Competed in my first ever half marathon on Sunday and pretty happy with the result!  Finished in under 2hrs which for my first ever competition run I think is pretty good. 

Went down to the coast on the Saturday and stayed the night as we had to be at the starting point by 5.30am!!  Such a fantastic atmosphere and with over 9000 people in the same race as me - was buzzing.  The actual run itself went well but was really hard.  I just wasn’t feeling it on the morning.  My quads were hurting before the gun even went off and by the 16km mark I was buggered.  Had to slow down the pace a bit and then picked it back up again for the final few km’s.  Even managed a sprinting finish. 

Was sooo happy to pass the finish line though.  My legs just seized up instantly.  Stairs were a killer for the rest of the day and my back/shoulder muscles were in pain.  In saying all this, I am now seriously considering entering the Sydney HM in September. 

After the race my friends and I went to the beach and spent the rest of the day swimming and lazing around.  How I have missed the sun on a beautiful winters day!!  This is why I left London!!!  Swimming at the beach and sunbaking in the middle of winter...hard to believe and couldn’t get any better.

This weekend I don’t have much planned except to relax.  Last weekend was pretty full on smile

Paddle Pop (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (08:47am)
Happily Ever After replied to Paddle Pop
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:34am)

Congratulations!! I was waiting for your post on Monday!

Well done for doing it, and under 2 hours is a great time - much faster than I’ll be doing mine!

My half marathon is next weekend, and I’m terrified already! Worried I’m going to have an off day - I know exactly what you mean about “not feeling it” some days. Don’t know how it happens, but sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and keep going.

Anyway, congrats on a great effort!

Haven Maven replied to Paddle Pop
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:27am)

Excellent work, Paddle Pop!

Mightily impressive.

Cazzy replied to Paddle Pop
Fri 09 Jul 10 (03:56pm)

Amazing effort PP - Think I’d be dead just walking that far.

Yay for Friday! At last I can stay home, have had to go to town each day this week (35mins each way) for the day and today I just want to veg. with a book and my poopies.
Surely there is a Greek god of Friday lurking somewhere around? A mighty angelic being of good and all things right.  smile

Things that make me happy:
A good book,
Finishing my training,
Taking poopies to beach,
When a friend rings from out of the blue & they’ve remembered your b’day.......tears up.

Col of Qld (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:17am)
Cazzy replied to Col
Fri 09 Jul 10 (03:59pm)

Happy b/day for when it was.

Bad week. Sick of feeling sick. Hope everyone else’s has been more awesome than mine.


Lollerskater of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:22am)
Jasper replied to Lollerskater
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:06am)

Keep tucked up and warm and get better soon.

My week has been a little depressing.. My sister got engaged which made me realise how very single i am, and this should have been the last day of my 2 weeks notice.. However i won’t hear back until next week if i even have the job as the person went overseas for a fortnight so it could be another 3 weeks until i am out of here. why can’t i just be a trophy wife and not have these issues..

Other than that its been very quiet and boring. We have a work EOFY party tomorrow night which is fancy dress, we are going all out and it should be fun! shame there are no eligible men there!

hope everyone else had a good week!

momo of melbourne (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:34am)
Dog replied to momo
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:09am)

Hope your leading man is just around the corner momo! I know they always say it happens when you least expect, but I really do believe it’s true!

Mazkal replied to momo
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:15am)

Ergh.. I hated being the single sibling when my sister got engaged.

At her engagement party almost every person I spoke to looked at me with a concerned expression and asked “when are you going to meet someone and settle down?”.

My general response was to stare blankly until the silence became awkward. I left before the speaches started.

Oreo replied to momo
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:48pm)

Oh I so feel you on that one momo! My sister got engaged a short while ago too and wedding preps have been in full swing since then, as have the nosy questions about MY life and why I don’t have a boyfriend and how I should probably look to get married soon too (I’m in my early 20s).

Such people never shut up anyway and gossip is what they live off, so just don’t give them any. Don’t even listen to them, it’s your life and you should live it how you want to smile

That being said, it would be nice if my prince charming rocked up sometime soon..

Thank you to all for the kind words on Monday, it made a very hard time a bit easier to cope with. This week has been a very family orientated one, with a lot of reflection on what is really important in life, and making solid plans to spend time with loved ones. No particularly exciting plans for the weekend, just another busy, run around one coming up. If there are any surprises, I hope they are happy ones.

Happy Friday to all, enjoy your two mental health days.

Jasper of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (09:34am)

Morning Splatters. I’ve still been a bit emotionally fragile this week, but I’m determined today is going to be a GOOD day! The sun is shining, and with the office heater right next to me, it ALMOST feels like summer! Well, a lukewarm Spring anyway.

I’m going to get my hair done tomorrow, so that’s kind of exciting. I think it’s been about a year since I got around to doing that?

And then tomorrow night a really good mate of mine is coming over for dvds and pizza. I love lazy weekends! Of course, I actually have an assignment to start (and finish) this weekend, so it probably shouldn’t be so lazy…

Yet again I’m also faced with the prospect of seeing my ex and his gf at a friend’s birthday dinner on Sunday, but I’ve decided that avoiding these events is just childish. I have to deal with them eventually, right?

So there’s my weekend plan. Hope you’ve all had a good week.

Smoph replied to Happily Ever After
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:08am)

Happily, you will, but you might find like last time that they’re avoiding you, because they know they’re the cruddy people for doing what they did. In which case, you’re free to go to whatever you like! Whee!

In case I forget, good luck for the marathon!!!

Haven Maven replied to Happily Ever After
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:30am)

Oooh HEA, new hair is good therapy!

Enjoy your weekend.

Paddle Pop replied to Happily Ever After
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:31pm)

Thanks for your comment about my run ?  Really happy to have done what I set out to do and a relief for it to be over to be honest.

Your turn next!  Not sure if you want to hear about my advice by here goes:  I would have two goals for the run.  One to run an ideal time you think you can achieve and the other, if it’s a day when you just aren’t feeling right, to just get out there and enjoy yourself.  Whether you walk, jog or run the course on the day, don’t forget that you have worked hard to get this far and be proud of actually being there giving it a go.  That is all that matters. 

I found that the crowds cheering me on and the other runners were the best bit.  At one point I must have looked like I was starting to drag my feet and this guy ran up beside me and said some encouraging words.  Gave me the extra boost I needed to keep going!  I saw this happen so many times over the course of the race and the camaraderie of the crowd running together was so impressive.

Good luck!!!!!  Make sure you let me know how you go.  I have enjoyed having another so called ‘virgin half marathoner’ to blog with.

And about your dinner with the ex on the weekend – don’t let him get to you.  You have achieved so much since your split that you should be proud of yourself.  Get out there and show off who you are now (and the new hair).

I’m feeling pumped today.

Some people I’m going on the contiki tour with have all added each other on Facebook, and we’ve decided to go to the Harry Potter Theme Park in Florida! Very excited!

I’m absolutely bursting with excitement to get up and go now. Thanks to all on monday who comforted me after I had some panics!

Tonight is our half yearly awards night. Doubt I’m going to win anything but its always a night of great fun.

Next friday will be my last FOF in Australia! I leave in 12 days!!

Happy friday all and wonderful weekend to you!

ChoccieTip of Melbourne (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:04am)
Happily Ever After replied to ChoccieTip
Fri 09 Jul 10 (11:26am)

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but…


I’m a massive Harry Potter nut and I’m desperate to go to the theme park!!


Ok, tantrum over. Yay for you though! You’re going to have the most fantastic time! I absolutely loved my US contiki, and then to stay on after that will be brilliant. Can’t believe you’re leaving so soon! I plan on living vicariously through you for the next few months.

Lollerskater replied to ChoccieTip
Fri 09 Jul 10 (12:28pm)

Ohhh, so jealous! I’m hoping that after my wedding I’ll be able to save some dollars to visit a good friend in Florida and go to HP Land with him :D

Only 12 days to go! I’ll look for you next week to say bon voyage smile

hello splatfriends!

My week has been good, the boy liked his birthday present (weight bench) so that was good. He had dinner with his mum on Wednesday night, and she expects us to be married with kids in the next four years, eek! Between his mum and my mum, I don’t think our imaginary future children would ever leave their grandparents!
We’re having dinner with friends at Casablabla on Saturday night for birthday celebrations, yay! I am really hoping the belly dancing snake lady is there LOL
Also having my hair done on Saturday afternoon, which is very exciting as I haven’t had it done for ages now, so will have good hair for Saturday night, very important!
Sunday the boy actually has a day off, so we might go to the zoo to see the pandas, haven’t been to the zoo in years, and the pands look so cute! Looks like the weather might be a bit rainy though, so we’ll have to see what it’s like.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Spines of Adelaide (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:15am)
Spines replied to Spines
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:30am)

thanks Ev, something new to worry about!  tongue rolleye
I think the engagement part may be not too far away, but the kids part?? I can barely look after myself still!

niamhist replied to Spines
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:41am)

Then the The Bird Watcher and I are definitely doomed. But we are having many years of great fun getting to the “doomed” stage! smile

I’ve heard it said that if you’re not engaged after four years, the relationship is doomed?

Evan Maloney
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:22am)

Of course today is going too be a great day, every day is one too be happy about with the right attitude.

What an amazing week, met an amazing girl, got settled at my new job and now i can’t wait for the weekend too cap it off!

Have a great weekend Splatters, even you Evan! =)

bwbj of NSW (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:15am)

Even me! Awesome

Evan Maloney
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:17am)

Today is a great day, i’m meeting my sex change internet dwarf partner today in real life. I can’t wait!

Dr. Opkick of Planet Zero (Reply)
Fri 09 Jul 10 (10:29am)

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Evan Maloney

Evan Maloney

Evan Maloney is an Australian writer who contributes to the Guardian newspaper and the ABC's Unleashed, as well as splatting daily for Evan's first novel, Tofu Landing, was published in the UK in February 2010. It is already very popular in Japan.


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