News Preferences
Each story is rated on a scale from hard to soft. When you move the "news preference" needle towards soft, we remove harder stories (bombings, earnings reports) from the grid. When you move the needle towards hard, we remove softer stories (lifestyle trends, celebrity gossip, etc.).
Grid Preferences:
Show pop-up summaries
Pop-up summaries allow you to see the first 60 words of a Newser summary without leaving the grid. To open them, move your cursor over the trigger area in the upper left corner.
Use classic scrollbar grid navigation
For earlier stories, scroll down the grid continuously instead of clicking for more.
Don't lose your place
If you don't want to lose your place on the grid when you open a story, check this to open stories in a new browser tab or window. Close the tab or window after you've read the story to pick up where you left off in the grid.
Grid rows
Grid columns