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"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."   --Voltaire
"The misuse of language induces evil in the soul." -- Socrates

with Peter Werbe 
& Juline Jordan

Click on mic for listening details; on-air, podcasts, & archived shows.
Click on "on-air guests" above for this week's interviews and past guests.

NIGHTCALL Facebook Page
[click on pic]

Above: Peter & Juline

Nightcall MySpace Page

Sunday, June
Ismael Ahmed, Director,
Michigan Department of Human Services, bust myths about welfare programs and tells how they help the citizens of the state.

Click here for Nightcall podcast
including guests above.
Hear them every week by signing up for a free subscription

Listen to Peter, M-F, 2-7pm, play Classic Rock rarely heard on radio; Juline does the Saturday and Sunday slots.
Deep Trax Facebook page

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Do Something!

Around the Nation
National Calendar of Events
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Great titles that drive conservatives crazy because they tell the truth. Most are from authors Peter interviews

Peace and Social Justice
Paraphernalia for Solstice

A list of authors Peter has interviewed and links to their books

Media that speaks truth to power!

Songs, movies, videos.

It's All About Oil



The Cost of the Iraq War: & what our tax dollars could have bought

anti-authoritarian magazine
Summer 2010

Juline Jordan, Nightcall, co-host's MySpace Page

Why I'm An Atheist

Unlearn Your Pain
Examining back and neck pain, and other ailments as resulting from Mind/Body Syndrome

Featured Interview

An Interview with author Ishmael Reed on race in America

Past Interviews & Peter's Interviews & articles
More articles from the Metro Times

Detroit counter-culture history:
Tribes of the Cass Corridor

What is anarchism?

Back in the Day!
Michigan area rock fests





























































































































































Type in Red are active links as are most graphic

Toronto Cops Out of Control
A Billion Dollars Spent to Protect A meeting & Still Their Town Gets Trashed

The United State Social Forum
Video Report Back on June 22-26 in Detroit
[click on pic for marches and workshops vids]

March to close the Detroit Incinerator.
Poisoning air and bankrupting the city.
--photo: www.atdetroit.com

The USSF "Chases" the Banksters -  vid


March to End BP Oil on Capitol Hill, July 17



"Prosecute BP"
Free Sticker

Reagan’s Legacy of Deregulation Goes Haywire in the Gulf
The oil spill in the Gulf is the product of decades of conservatives pounding for deregulation, Cheney-era manipulation of federal regulatory agencies, and corporate insatiability.

BP to Hell
The Oil Geyser and the Performance Principle

Quest for Oil Leaves Trail of Damage Across the Globe
Spill, Baby Spill

Big Oil Fought Off New Safety Rules Before Rig Explosion in Gulf
Just like the coal mine deaths--it's Murder, Inc

Senator Carl Levin Fiddling With War While Detroit Burns

‘War Is Making You Poor Act’ to highlight cost of ongoing wars.

Afghan War Costs Outpace Iraq;
Monthly Total Exceeds $12 Billion

Bill for Afghan War Could Run Into the Trillions

Death Toll in U.S. Wars
American GI toll in Iraq: 4409as of June 30
Total Coalition deaths: 4727
 U.S. wounded in Iraq: over 100,000
American GI toll in Afghanistan 1147

Become a FaceBook fan of
"ReThink Afghanistan"


10 fictitious Teabagger beliefs

Web of nonsense: Forget about the Fed

Facts & Myths About the Fed

End the Travel Ban on Cuba

Media Reporting on Israel: Why it's so slanted

Killer Whales Revolt Against Work!

A Reality TV President: Only a Matter of Time

The Corporate Takeover of U.S. Democracy

The government has lost the Drug War
The Wall Street Journal says
"Legalize It!"


Ayn Rand
Stupid philosophy; horrid prose, but


The Iraqi Death Toll
Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death EstimatorReaches One Million

Iraq secretly has recorded 87,215 dead in war
However, it is estimated that 650,000 Iraqi civilians have died since the American- and British-led invasion in March 2003.
Click on Slaughtergate! above

Murder, Sadism and Torture: The Bush Administration Was the Combo Deal

Is Swedish-style Socialism Coming to the U.S.?
We should be so lucky! Check the Daily Show take on it..

Must see: "The Story of Stuff"
A Cautionary Video About America's 'Stuff'

The Quiet Coup:
While we were sleeping, someone stole the country; guess who

The Big Takeover
The global economic crisis isn't about money - it's about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution
--from Rolling Stone

What a trillion dollars looks like!

All Troops Home from Iraq and Afghanistan!
[highly suggested read]

Burger King:
Goldman Sachs says, "Have it OUR way!"
How the rich get richer (on our tax dollars) while they screw their workers.

 Iraq war will cost $3 TRILLION!
Other States

Top 10 things
Americans want from their government but still don't have

Top judge: US and UK Acted as 'Vigilantes' in Iraq Invasion
Bush/Cheney/Blair to the World Court

A Mandate for Spreading the Wealth



The Massive Mess George Bush Leaves Behind
One Day = $720 Million - of Bush's War
Right-Wingers Can't Cover Up Iraq's Death Toll Catastrophe

Mumia Abu-Jamal has been on Death Row since 1981 after being convicted in a  frame-up trial for the murder of a police officer. The Philadelphia cops, very few of whom were on the force 26 years ago, are in a frenzy to have  the ex-Black Panther strapped to the executioner's gurney.
Mumia has international support and is the Sacco and Vanzetti case of this generation.

A computer enhanced image of earth from space at sunset

Here's an issue we may want to give a little bit of attention to: We may be destroying the planet to a degree that we've reached the point of no return.


The Shock Doctrine
by Naomi Klein

This explosive new book exposes the lie that free markets thrive on freedom. The author reveals the business of exploiting disaster The Shock Doctrine Short Film, Coming Soon
Watch this short companion video by the director of "Children of Men"




Politicians are high on turning corn into fuel - but ethanol not only hurts the environment, it's also one of America's biggest political boondoggles. Photo

Ethanol Scam: Ethanol Hurts the Environment And Is One of America's Biggest Political Boondoggles
--from Rolling Stone



The War Racket: How Americans Pay for Bush's War Crimes at the Bank, the Pump, the Shop & the Graveside



The Other War:
Iraq Vets Bear Witness


Researchers challenge Kennedy lone gunman theory
It's not like anyone believes it anyway!
Global Warming Threatens Polar Bears with Extinction! You can Take Action!

Here it all is:
The World Wide Racket of Wealth at the expense of the overwhelming majority of people on the planet

Number of Billionaires Up to Record 793
These greedheads are worth 2.6 trillion dollars while this child starves
Click on the photo to see what such an extreme concentration produces


Sea Shepherd Calls for Worldwide Commercial Fishing Ban

World-wide fisheries in danger of collapse

How the US Government Planned America's Downfall
The New Face of Class War

From Wounded
Knee to Afghanistan
Here's a U.S. Marine who knew that "War is a Racket"

Gen. Smedley Butler

Thinking about joining the military? Watch this first!

Where does the wealth of the world go? Not to end poverty and disease; not to save the environment but for

One Trillion Dollars for War While People Starve
Let's fire the rulers of the World! All of them!
They've screwed everything up!

What's wrong with the economy?


Why Marijuana is Illegal?A picture named leaf.gif
[click on leaf]


US Stands Alone In Hemp Ban




























Welcome to Peter Werbe's site devoted to resistance to authoritarian rule, and offering visions of a new world.
[click on tablets for bio]

CodePink Buries the Hummer

Warrior-Poet Marilyn Buck No Wall Too Tall

Non-corporate News Sources


Democracy Now!
with Amy Goodman

Take the Pledge!

The Worldwide Legacy of Cluster Bombs
Alternative Print Media







The Bush Crime Family:
Click on pic

Israel & Palestine Background

Peter's trip to Cuba;
(Yes, that's John Lennon);
plus, his trip to Venezuela

Get on Peter's weekly email list. Write him at calltalkyes@yahoo.com and say, "Add me!"

1. Shorter is better. Peter gets hundreds of emails and it is difficult to get through long messages.
2. Peter will not open messages with attachments unless he's expecting it, and will not read messages sent from re-mailers.
3. If all you have are insults, don't bother. There's nothing you can say that will hurt his feelings or make him feel badly. He's heard it all before.
Reasonable opinions welcome.
Assume that Peter reads the same mainstream sources you do. Please DO send items you think he may not have seen or have access to. Thanks!