Jul 8, 2010 - Issue 383
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Cover Story - Why Is There Perpetual War? - Keeping it Real - By Larry Pinkney - BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board

Political Cartoon
Obama Fireworks
By Eric Garcia, Albuquerque NM

Political Cartoon: Obama Fireworks By Eric Garcia, Albuquerque NM

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BP Is In Control - Leftward-Ho By Peter Gamble, BlackCommentator.com Publisher

Racially Biased SAT Speaks To A Broken Education System - The Color of LawBy David A. Love, JD, BlackCommentator.com Executive Editor

The Theory of "Structural" Unemployment and the Jobs That Aren?t Coming Back - Left Margin - By Carl Bloice - BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board

The Marshall Legacy Shows What Supreme Court Justices Should Be - African American Leadership - By Dr. Ron Walters, PhD - BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board

Midnight in Area Two - Represent Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board

Feeling ignored by the Washington Nationals - The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board

Did You Barbecue Pig or Pug This 4th? - Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene Monroe - BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board

Rammellzee: Hip-hop Pioneer and Street Art Legend - Born 1960 - Died Jun 30, 2010

What is the Cost of War? - Solidarity America - By John Funiciello - BlackCommentator.com Columnist

Double Standard: BP and Bhopal - Justice Watch - By Bill Quigley and Alex Tuscano - BlackCommentator.com Columnists

Marcus M. Garvey and Economic Independence - Worrill's World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - BlackCommentator.com Columnist

Political Cartoon
Criminal Cleaning the Crime Scene
By David Logan - The People's Comic, Denton TX

Political Cartoon: Criminal Cleaning the Crime Scene By David Logan - The People's Comic, Denton TX


In God We Trust
By Margaret Warfield, Atlanta GA

Art: In God We Trust In God We Trust By Margaret Warfield, Atlanta GA

Quote to Ponder:  "There are so many ways of being despicable it quite makes one?s head spin.   But the way to be really despicable is to be contemptuous of other people?s pain." ? James Baldwin




Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble
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