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Saturday, July 03 2010 @ 09:39 AM UTC

how to get published

How do I get my articles accepted on the Infoshop Newswire?

Version 1.0 - April 15, 2004

We sometimes get asked about how we go about deciding which articles will get posted on the Infoshop News wire. We want to explain our decision methodology, provide some tips on our service, and help you contribute better content to alternative news services.

How to get published on Infoshop News

1) Familiarize yourself with our editorial policy.

2) Acquaint yourself with the types of stories we carry. Look at the topics page. We try to feature a range of topics, but some topics such as anarchism and activism are a higher priority for us.

3) Make sure the headline of your story is concise, capitalized correctly, and describes the content of your story. If your title is vague you give people a reason not to read it.

4) We prioritize news from the alternative media. On slow news days, our wire has more news from mainstream news sources. If you submit a news story from a corporate media source, don't take it personally is we decide to not run it. We run news from the mainstream media that contains news and/or views of interest to our audience.

5) Make sure that the text of your story has *2* line breaks between each paragraph if you post it as text. We like HTML, but keep it as simple as possible. Don't submit HTML that contains weird styles, lots of tables, or internal style sheets.

6) Use standard grammer, punctuation and style. If you don't capitalize the first letter of each senence, we won't accept your story. We don't accept writing that looks like it comes straight from an online chat.

7) Paragraphs are important tools of effective written communication. Learn how to use them in your writing. Break up long paragraphs. Breathe!

Reasons why your contributed post was probably rejected.

1) Extraneous crap in the text of the contributed story. Just because you can copy and paste from a new site does not mean that your editing duties are over! If your contribution from another website contains extra junk, it will usually be rejected unless the story is really important. Please help out the Infoshop News volunteers by prepping your contribution properly.

2) Material which doesn't match the flavor of this website.

3) Material which advocates liberalism, socialism, or other political tendencies which aren't anarchism. Material written by non-anarchists is welcome, as long as it doesn't promote any party or ideology.

4) Comments about discussions on this website or anyplace else are almost always rejected.

5) News about meetings which aim to get people to organize a protest are not acceptable. We publish announcements of protests, not half-ass efforts to get people to protest some public event.

6) We're not interested in airing your dirty laundry. Please find another place to air it out. We are not in the position to provide a forum for personal disputes. We will make exceptions to this, but not very often.

7) Not every news story from the corporate news media is inherently interesting or important enough to share with our readers.

Last Updated Sunday, January 09 2005 @ 10:40 AM UTC|36,225 Hits View Printable Version