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Friday, July 02 2010 @ 11:21 PM UTC

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Interview with Anarchist Communist from Zimbabwe

InterviewsA member of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front caught up with Biko, an anarchist communist militant from the Uhuru Network in Zimbabwe, on August 10th 2009 when he was in Johannesburg to attend the annual Khanya College Winter School. In this interview Biko talks about the changes in the social, political and economic landscape since the Government of National Unity came into being; the state of the unions and students' movement; the suppression of gays and lesbians; the constitutional reform process and expected Zanu-PF campaigns of violence ahead of the next elections.
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Animal rights, ecofeminism, and rooster rehab: Mickey Z. interviews pattrice jones


pattrice jones is an ecofeminist educator, activist, and writer. She is the author of Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World: A Guide for Activists and Their Allies and co-founder of the Eastern Shore Sanctuary and Education Center. Founded in a rural region of Maryland dominated by the poultry industry, the sanctuary provides a haven for hens, roosters and ducks who have escaped or been rescued from the meat and egg industries or other abusive circumstances, such as cockfighting. Not surprisingly, pattrice and company take things further than your average sanctuary. "We work within an ecofeminist understanding of the interconnection of all life and the intersection of all forms of oppression," she explains. "Thus we welcome and work to facilitate alliances among animal, environmental, and social justice activists."

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Interview with IMF/World Bank Protestors

InterviewsThree protesters talk about anarchism, the IMF and the World Bank, and the April protests.
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Media, Revolution, and the Legacy of the Black Panther Party: An interview with Kiilu Nyasha

InterviewsStop knocking on city hall’s door! Why are we asking our enemies for help? Working within the system only works if you consider yourself an infiltrator. We have to draw the line and stop supporting it. Today, we should organize gardens to grow our own food.
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Tofu Cream Pie Terrorism

Will Potter is an award-winning independent journalist who has become a leading authority on "eco-terrorism," the environmental and animal rights movements, and civil liberties post 9/11. James Brennaman, Infoshop.org collective member and Vegans Against Moral Schizophrenia co founder caught up with him to discuss the impacts of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act on free speech, activism and the anarchist movement.

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An Arsonist and an Architect: An interview with Darius Fullmer

Darius Fullmer co-founded and organized Animal Defense League- New Jersey, organized countless outreach and educational events, organized hundreds of protests against the fur trade, including the Fur-Free New Jersey Tour, as well as the campaign against HLS. He was sentenced to a year in prison as part of the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty 7 case. James interviewed him about his experience in prison, the SHAC campaign model and its implications on the animal liberation movement.

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A Conversation with Uri Gordon

InterviewsOver the telephone Uri Gordon does not sound like he’s gloating, but for an anarchist such as himself, the earth-shaking economic developments of the past six weeks have to have provided some satisfaction. After all, today’s anarchists are certain of the wrong-headedness of the modern capitalist system, with its inevitable march toward a greater concentration of the world’s wealth in an increasingly smaller number of hands.

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Radical America’s Homeboy: Mickey Z


Maxwell Black: Call me cynical, but I have a sinking suspicion that the US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are permanent. Even if Cindy Sheehan were to self-immolate on the White House lawn, I don’t think it would make a difference. Do you think there is any real reason to believe there is an end in sight?

Mickey Z: Well, things tend to be permanent…until they end. I’m sure some confluence of events will impact the durability and/or feasibility of the US occupation. I’m also pretty sure those events will not involve anything that we call “activism” today.

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Authors on Anarchism - an Interview with Alan Moore

Well I suppose I first got involved in radical politics as a matter of course, during the late 1960s when it was a part of the culture. The counterculture, as we called it then, was very eclectic and all embracing. It included fashions of dress, styles of music, philosophical positions, and, inevitably, political positions. And although there would be various political leanings coming to the fore from time to time, I suppose that the overall consensus political standpoint was probably an anarchist one. Although probably back in those days, when I was a very young teenager, I didn’t necessarily put it into those terms.

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Interview with J(c)r(c)mie, International Relations Secretary of the French CNT

InterviewsWhat will I07 mean for the future of anarcho-syndicalism in general?

From our point of view, I07 is part of an important stage in expanding our internationalism. At the confederal meeting, the international relations secretaries of the French CNT and the Italian USI proposed to the other organizations that we set up an International Anti-Capitalist Co-ordination with a jopintly-run web page and a forum for debate. It was also agreed to engage in several joint campaigns such as a campaign against temporary job agencies and another on the question of workers' freedom of movement.
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