The Resist Collective is an autonomous body based primarily in Vancouver, Canada. Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom of expression and freedom from want, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression. more

Don’t Melt My Homeland! (Save the Arctic!)

By Krystalline Kraus - June 16, 2010

A personal plea to help save the arctic -- my homeland -- and the link between arctic rights and indigenous rights.

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WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries"

A powerful indictment of all wars.

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London, Ontario Pride: Fascists Don't Show, Bigots Blocked

By Alex Balch - 07/28/2010

In these times of economic uncertainty, when working class youth are increasingly susceptible to the hateful scapegoating of marginalized communities promoted by white supremacist organizations, it is vitally important that any attempt by fascists to organize is met with an overwhelming and unified response: Not on our watch!

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Venezuela and Colombia Break Relations

By Eva Gollinger - July 28, 2010

President Chavez ordered maximum alert on Venezuela’s border with Colombia after the Uribe administration made grave accusations against Venezuela claiming the Chavez government harbors terrorists and terrorist training camps...Colombia alleged that Venezuela is harboring “terrorists” from the Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) and hosting several “terrorist training camps” near the border region that divides the two nations.

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BC Authorities Snatch Three-Day-Old Indigenous Baby

By Joseph Jones - July 27, 2010

On 19 July 2010, three days after 28-year-old Loni Edmonds gave birth to her son Andre, a provincial ministry team came into her hospital room to forcibly separate her from her own newborn child. The "team" included a lot of enforcement: two RCMP officers, two hospital security staff, and one medical doctor. Supportive relatives of the parents pleaded with authorities, but they could not stop the snatch.

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G20 Activist Released on $140,000 Bail with Extreme Conditions (General Legal Defence Update Included)

By Justin Saunders - July 27, 2010

One of the three G20 arrestees remaining in custody has been released from a courtroom in North Toronto tonight, after more than a month in prison...Amanda Hiscocks, a community organizer in Guelph, is among 17 people facing conspiracy charges stemming from the police crackdown on G20 dissent.

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The "Revolution" We Really Don't Need

By Fires Never Extinguished (Phoenix Class War Council) - Tuesday, July 27 2010

A constant for those of us in Arizona who have been in the streets since the passage of SB 1070, has been the troubling presence of political opportunists...A "31 Flavors" of Left-wing political groups, most of them looking to jump on the anti-SB 1070 band wagon as a means to get their name out there, recruit new members, and/or use the human rights disaster we face to raise funds to build their presence.

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Climate of Fear on the Border

By RANDALL AMSTER - Counterpunch

Fostering an environment of racialized violence is the harsh reality of Arizona’s drive toward legislated intolerance. For those who might feel saturated by the incessant news about immigration, or who wonder “what’s the big deal?” about SB 1070 and the like, this is a reminder of the stakes involved. Will there be a climate of escalating fear, hatred, and violence that takes over, or will this be a tipping point toward social justice and human dignity instead?

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Bail Hearings for G20 Activists

July 27, 2010 -

It may come as a surprise to some, but activist organizers who were arrested during the G20 Summit demonstrations in Toronto are still being held in custody -- for over a month -- while others are finally starting to trickle out of jail...G20 community organizers Leah Henderson and Alex Hundert were released on bail on July 19, 2010. They learned yesterday that the Crown is appealing their release.

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The Death of Ian Tomlinson

By Krystalline Kraus - July 26, 2010

The British government will not lay charges against London police for the death of Ian Tomlinson at the 2009 G20 protests in London.

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