Welcome to the new Alternative Press Review

The Alternative Press Review is your window on the world of independent media. APR publishes a wide variety of the best essays from radical zines, books, magazines, blogs and web sites. Plus, APR publishes a selection of short and lively article excerpts, along with reviews, commentary and columns on the alternative press scene and other alternative media.

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup (May 10, 2010)

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup
(May 10, 2010)

The Role of Reporters without Borders: “Free Journalism” in the Service of US Foreign Policy
F. William Engdahl, Dissident Voice

After years of trying to hide it, Robert Menard, Paris-based Secretary-General of Reporters Sans Frontieres or RWB, confessed that the RWB budget was primarily funded by “US organizations strictly linked to US foreign policy.”

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup (May 3, 2010)

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup
(May 3, 2010)

"The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists." - Martin Luther King

Comic of the Week

Reality Check of the Week

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Papers!
Ron Jacobs, Counterpunch

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup (April 26, 2010)

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup

(April 26, 2010)


Comic of the Week


Will the Real Tea Party Movement Please Stand Up?

Anne Landman, PR Watch

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup - April 19, 2010

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup

(April 19, 2010)


Comic of the Week: The War Criminal's Guide to Etiquette


Revisiting Economic Man

Alexia Eastwood, STWR

Recent empirical studies suggest that people, far from being self-interested ‘rational maximizers’, have an innate tendency to share and cooperate. Could renewed scientific interest in the essence of human nature provide the building blocks for an alternative economic order?

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup (April 10, 2010)

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup

April 10, 2010


Website of the Week


Comic of the Week


The Onion: Pope Vows To Get Church Pedophilia Down To Acceptable Levels


Wikileaks Reveals Video Showing US Air Crew Shooting Down Iraqi Civilians

Pentagon identifies WikiLeaks as threat to national security

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup (March 28 - April 3, 2010)

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup

(March 28 - April 3, 2010)

Comic of the Week

Website of the Week

4th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair

The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters
Glenn Greenwald, Salon

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup (March 21-27, 2010)

Alternative Press Review Weekly News & Views Roundup

(March 21-27, 2010)

Cartoon of the Week

The Age of Technofascism
Peter Crabb, Culture Change

Review: The Whistleblower

It's unfortunate that the genre of the whistleblower books is not one that includes lots of titles. What could be more fascinating than the story of a person who was a company insider and is now an outsider, telling all? It's even more interesting when one can read about the internal workings of a powerful multinational company. These companies are secretive and their employees, even the disgruntled ones, are quiet out of fear of the company. In this Internet age, it's easier to be an anonymous whistleblower.

Phony Anarchism, Bogus Research

By Dean Thomas

The title of Chip Berlet’s piece in the January 2009 issue of Z Magazine, “Brownshirt Anarchism, Bogus Journalism,” has nothing to do with the article. It is plainly misleading. There is nothing in the article about “brownshirt anarchism.” In fact, Berlet’s article has nothing to do with anarchism. It is mentioned briefly in the beginning to make some broad point without a single fact to back the assertion.

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