
Since the millennium change John Zerzan has been expressing his anti-civilization views on his one hour live radio show, "AnarchyRadio". By audio streaming (KWVA 88.1 FM) you can listen to "AnarchyRadio" live each week on Tuesday's at 7pm PST and express your views by calling 541-346-0645 during the live broadcast.

Listed below are the archives of "AnarchyRadio" and since the summer of 2009 the show can now be watched on video.


[video] [audio] My fine Oly weekend at the NW Anarchist Conference. Gulf oil spill disaster, homeless man dies on NY street among passers-by. Tales of alienation in mass society; news of uprisings. Bizarre life in the technoculture, new books. Four calls. PictureEugene segment: Tasered: What a Drag, Man (Van Ornum pesticide rally)


[video] [audio] Cliff co-hosts, brings tunes, discusses limits of Zizek, mirage of Paleolithic diet. Iceland volcano occasions globalization vs. degrowth/localism awareness. Action reports. 11 years since Columbine shootings. PictureEugene video segment: young woman featured in AlienGardener, Running with the Pack.


[video] [audio] Return of Peak Oil (?) as supply falls. Lots of action news, environment updates. New books re: theory, technoculture. Calls about Portland, Sade. Division of labor: Marx and Adorno. PictureEugene video: "Mother's Day Special" (mother and son tell all at local tavern).


[video] [audio] Stream working(!) and now, thanks to Karl, our own server for when it isn't. More on excellent Portland black bloc moves. The shame of popes, presidents, industrial reality, the Left. Action news and publishing developments. New books: the biofuel delusion, and a non-approach to globalization. Calls from Portland, Pennsylvania, Montana, Eugene. A forest dweller's rant on the police state is the PictureEugene segment.


[video] [audio] Solo show, no stream, two callers. Societal meltdown, anarchists failing to notice? Action news, strong black bloc in Portland. Russian TV journalist says anarchism is the solution there (!). iPad as all-enveloping "ecosystem" vs. need to reconnect with natural/unbuilt world. M. Dumont: un marxiste? PictureEugene video segment: ¡Tchkung! show in Eugene 1999.


[video] [audio] School stabbings in China, suicides at Cornell, massive Hong Kong pollution. Global action news, including anti-cop anarchist riot in Portland, announcements, new publications, bizarro leftist perspectives (e.g. marxist "analysis" from Anarchist Studies duo). Latest techno and eco-collapse findings. No stream, but "blind" call from Atlanta, plus local callers. PictureEugene video segment: kids on hiking trail near Eugene.


[audio] With Kathan Z. SF Anarchist Book Fair and B.A.S.T.A.R.D. conference last weekend. Local call-ins plus calls from Kansas, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Subversive art news. More on Black bloc and indigenous.


[video] [audio] Politics as usual, latest shootings, eco-deterioration. International action news. Calls about Vancouver anti-Olympics marches, industrial collapse. ChatRoulette and related techno-estrangement. PictureEugene video segment: Eugene Copwatch captures cop harassment.


[video] [audio] Chile: industrial death; U.S.: unrestricted profits, bonuses, pollution: the age of arrogance (including pro-nukes, pro-Patriot Act Obama). Action reports. Five call-ins from near and far, e.g. gatherer-hunter gender relations, Melville¹s anti-civ Typee. Avatar. Leftist attacks on exemplary recent black bloc activity, excellent reply by Vancouver¹s Harsha Wella. Stream functioning again. PictureEugene video segment: 90s forest defense in Oregon.


[video] [audio] Micah Griffin guest re: recent closing of the 540 Fillmore Warehouse in Eugene by the City. Several supportive call-ins opposing this seemingly selective suppression of a wonderful creative space. Action news. Cowardly opposition to black bloc militancy. Toyota recall. Picture Eugene segment on the Warehouse. There was no stream, unfortunately


[audio] Kathan Zerzan co-host. No stream but two local call-ins. Resistance to Winter Olympics and other action news. Vortex rock festival, Oregon 1970. Widespread depression and nature of love songs today. U of Alabama rampage shooting. Postmodern corner: Castoriadis, Eco, Lanier. Audio only


[video] [audio] JZ back from a week in Arizona, discusses impressive developments there, e.g. indigenous-anarchist connection/alliance. Several calls, including two from Phoenix. Action news, announcements. Upcoming SF Anarchist Book Fair. PictureEugene video segment: child on a springtime swing -- pre-videogames.


[video] [audio] Cliff hosts this weeks show while John is on a speaking tour down in Arizona. More AVATAR, native peoples losing their language, Bill Gates on how he's going to save the world with modern medicine and re-educating our children, the importance of silence and how we're losing it. PictureEugene video segment; Matthew Mcdaniel pays a visit to a university of Oregon administrator on why they should take away Paul Lewis' PHD for sterilizing Akha women. (


[video] [audio] New Eugene infoshop! Absurd stuff from Supreme Court, Obama, Osama, Mike Roselle. Call-in from Layla in Montreal about AVATAR. Technology swallows all, estrangement rising. Cries of nature rising, time to create Pandora here and now.


[audio] Kathan Z is co-host. Further discussion of AVATAR and a call from Nekeisha in Memphis on that subject. Report from JZ about Madrid and Brighton visits; comments on Haiti, Pacifica Forum protests. Action news.


[video] Action news round-up. Latest techno madness. Four calls from near and far: pro-Avatar; back pain as symptom of contemporary stress-world; questions re: critique of symbolic culture; recommended readings. Mental health deteriorating, end of civilization the prescription! PictureEugene video segment: "A view from above," massive clearcuts in our national forests from above.


[video] [audio] More on Avatar, Yemen. More Obama outrages. My January travels: Spain/England, Arizona. Some direct action news vs. continuing devastation of species and habitat. Anthropology corner: Upper Paleolithic dyed textiles, alcohol use as response to domestication. Derrick Jensen in latest ORION: "Do something, anything." Anything?? Caller cites early diet shifts re: violence in culture. PictureEugene video segment: heated debate about a neighborhood tavern.


[video] [audio] Yemen: US war, US torture prisons in Lithuania. Avatar: Anarcho-primitivist blockbuster? Report on wonderful 12-27 BURN live radio show; A Portland benefit for Franklin Lopez' ENDCIV film project. World roundup of industrial ruination, anthropology corner, two call-ins. Video of David Rovics singing "Burn it down" during BURN benefit.


[video] [audio] The debacle of the Copenhagen climate change summit. Is it time to get serious yet? Action news and announcements, e.g. Jeff Luers is out of prison and doin' well! Two calls, in large part about Derrick Jensen: his move to the Left, is he pro-cop? Updates on eco-disasters and massive alienation.


[video] Guest: Alice Parman. Back from our three week tour we talked about India: highlights/impressions/friendships/movement of anarcho-primitivist ideas there. Such an encouraging memorable trip! Also action news round-up. Off air calls about India. Video segment from the movie Slumdog Millionaire.


[audio]Cliff and Kathan host as John works his way back to Eugene. Topics include: Copenhagen conference, anarcho-communism and Zizek, apocalypse theory, and Dubai financial collapse.


[video] John Zerzan is still on a speaking tour in India and Jamie is guest host on this week's show. Jamie takes us back in time when Eugene had more of a radical reputation; Icky's teahouse, June 18th anarchist riot, the Vortex, Cascadia Free Radio, etc...PictureEugene video segment; "The Vortex" when a bunch of peace loving hippies run the Eugene cops out of a city park.


[audio] John Zerzan is on a lecture tour in India for the next 3 weeks and Danielle and Madrone are guest hosts for this show. Subjects included Jeffrey "Free" Luers, relationships between elders and youth and trying to create community thru the use of the machine.


[audio] Anarchy Radio 11-17-2009, audio only. Kathan on deck for a wide-ranging show. General emotional state of society, more on christian primitivism, action news, crisis news (e.g. re: indigenous groups). More Left bashing, ads of the week. Excellent call from Minnesota.


[video] Lots of calls, including Andy and Jessica with (some what differing) christian primitivist perspectives. Fort Hood massacre, acts of resistance around the world, latest local pig misbehavior. Call-ins concerning Fort Hood, war, cops. Many voices! PictureEugene video segment; Ward Churchill part 2, "Origins of Globalization."


[video] Calls from Reggie, Kevin critiquing concepts of christian primitivism. News of social decomposition and action news internationally. Findings on climate, health, pseudo opposition. Julia call pondering reasons for minimal radical moves in the U.S. Anthropology corner: earliest humanity: new insights and sources.


[audio] [video] A multitude of international anti-authoritarian actions. Four call-ins: Are you for real about property damage as a tactic? Syndicalism as the path to primitive future? How about LSD as aid to liberation? Excellent report of christian primitivist gathering of 150 in Philadelphia 10 days ago, and some key critical challenges to the basics of christian primitivism from Kevin Tucker. A lively, packed hour!


[audio] [video] Guest: Kathan Zerzan. Anxiety, genocidal wars, rising suicide rates: civilization and its fruition. Action news and the energy afoot; culture of resistance? What is our practice when riots and sabotage do not seem generally available? KZ finding art-oriented folks more creative and potentially radical than leftists. Caller explored relationship between secessionists, militia types and primitivism.


[audio] [video] Adorno letter on friendship. Loony official news (Obama nobel peace prize, NASA blasts moon, Columbus day) vs. inspiring action news. Ads of the week, anthropology corner. Anti-climate news, Hadron Collider as civilization par excellence. Call from Pennsylvania. PictureEugene video segment, part two of "Ain't on Your Leash."


[audio] [video] Olympics, Afghanistan, resistance news. Eco-crisis impact on animals around the world; disease and emptiness in the technoworld. Column of the week, ads of the week. Role of criticism in our milieu. (Online radio stream is back but no calls, unlike last week.)


[audio] [video] General news and analysis (e.g. extreme weather, Afghanistan), action news (e.g. G20 resistance, luxury cars torched in Mexico), new films. Ad of the week: ceramics company touting titanium dioxide tile as the best thing for infants. "Zerzan on Chomsky and Jensen" and related exhanges. Aspects of non-health in the technoculture.


[audio] September 22 (audio only): Seth Martin, Portland christian primitivist, was my guest; performed three songs. Show was mainly an interview with him; fascinating discussion. Also action news, Ad of the Week, 1.7 million year old case of human caring, for an infirm fellow early Homo erectus individual...


[video] September 15: Guest: Kathan Zerzan. International resistance news. ecoNvergence conference discusssion - Chomsky, Jensen speakers, related politics of event, apparent disinvitation of John Z. Ads of the week. Various approaches to liberation. (Online stream not functioning, no call-ins.)

AnarchyRadio Archive: