1 July 2010
US Congress withholds billions from Medicaid, jobless benefits
By Tom Eley, 1 July 2010
The failure of Congress to pass a bill providing Medicaid relief to the states and jobless benefit extensions to millions of long-term unemployed workers ensures that the social crisis will intensify in the coming weeks and months.
German government receives a drubbing in the presidential election
By Stefan Steinberg, 1 July 2010
Wednesday’s presidential election was a clear warning to the Merkel government that its life span is limited should it prove incapable of overcoming its internal divisions and intensifying its attacks on the working class.
Gulf oil crisis
Video: The Gulf oil spill
Part 3—The social impact
By C. W. Rogers and Andre Damon, 1 July 2010
This video, part three of a series, explores the social consequences of the BP oil spill. The disaster has destroyed the livelihoods of tens of thousands of fishermen and small business people, and experts say it may uproot whole communities and trigger mass migrations.
Part 1—The economic impact
Part 2—The effect on human health
Hurricane Alex sends oil onto shores of Gulf states
By Hiram Lee, 1 July 2010
Hurricane Alex pushed oil onto the shores of Gulf coast states and forced the suspension of cleanup efforts throughout the region.
Full coverage of the Gulf oil disaster »
Signs of new recession throw stock markets into turmoil
By Barry Grey, 1 July 2010
US stocks fell sharply again Wednesday following a panicky selloff on global markets Tuesday.
Fears of a Chinese economic slowdown
By John Chan, 1 July 2010
There are mounting global concerns over China’s frenzied property speculation and the sustainability of its government’s stimulus measures, compounded by strikes in the auto industry.
Supreme Court ruling encourages right-wing campaign on gun possession
By Don Knowland, 1 July 2010
The US Supreme Court ruled Monday that state and municipal governments are precluded by the Second Amendment of the Constitution from banning possession of handguns in the home. This is the latest in a series of decisions aimed at encouraging right-wing groups like the gun lobby.
Spain: Striking Metro workers face military intervention and union betrayal
By Paul Mitchell, 1 July 2010
The vice-chair of the Popular Party-run Madrid regional government, Ignacio González, has warned that he is “not going to discard the option” of the military taking control of Madrid’s Metro system, which has been brought to a standstill by striking workers and brought chaos to the streets of the capital.
Aquino installed as Philippine president
By Joseph Santolan, 1 July 2010
Lurking behind Aquino’s insipid rhetoric of change and an end to corruption is a continuation of the anti-working class policies of his predecessor.
Global corporations compete for West African minerals
By Trevor Johnson, 1 July 2010
West Africa has become the scene of intense competition between international mining companies as the price of minerals has risen after the recession of 2009. At the centre of this development is a region that covers parts of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, recognised as the biggest of the world’s remaining undeveloped minerals deposits.
New in French
Grande-Bretagne : l’enquête Saville continue le maquillage du massacre du « dimanche sanglant »
Par Chris Marsden, 1 juillet 2010
Le rapport Saville sur les événements du « dimanche sanglant » du 30 janvier 1972 perpétue le maquillage de l’un des massacres les plus honteux jamais perpétré par l’impérialisme britannique.
New in German
G 20-Gipfel: Regierungschefs versuchen, Differenzen zu vertuschen
Von Nick Beams, 1. Juli 2010
Die Regierungschefs der größten Wirtschaftsmächte der Welt haben beim Gipfeltreffen der G 20, das am Wochenende in Toronto stattfand, versucht, unterschiedliche Auffassungen in einer Reihe von Schlüsselfragen zu vertuschen.
Tariq Ali auf der Konferenz "Socialism 2010"
Von David Walsh, 1. Juli 2010
Die Teilnahme von Tariq Ali als Redner an der Konferenz "Socialism 2010" ist aufschlussreich. Ali ist ein politischer Opportunist der schlimmsten Sorte, wie sich an seiner jahrzehntelangen politischen Laufbahn deutlich ablesen lässt.
Historische Grundlagen der Partei für Soziale Gleichheit
1. Juli 2010
Die Historischen Grundlagen der Partei für Soziale Gleichheit wurden am 23. Mai 2010 von einem Bundesparteitag der PSG nach ausführlicher Diskussion einstimmig verabschiedet.
Other Languages
- Deutsch
- G 20-Gipfel: Regierungschefs versuchen, Differenzen zu vertuschen (01.07.2010)
- Tariq Ali auf der Konferenz "Socialism 2010" (01.07.2010)
- Historische Grundlagen der Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (01.07.2010)
- Die Fußballweltmeisterschaft und Südafrika (30.06.2010)
- Slowakei: Neue Rechtsregierung plant radikale Sparmaßnahmen (30.06.2010)
- "Socialism 2010":
Die Politik der International Socialist Organisation
2. Teil: Die ISO und Barack Obama (30.06.2010) - Bundespräsidentenwahl: Wofür steht Joachim Gauck? (29.06.2010)
- "Socialism 2010": Die Politik der International Socialist Organisation
1. Teil: Die ISO und die Linke der amerikanischen Mittelklasse (29.06.2010) - Historische Grundlagen der Partei für Soziale Gleichheit - Teil 1 (29.06.2010)
- Warum wurde General McChrystal entlassen? (26.06.2010)
- Français
- Grande-Bretagne : l’enquête Saville continue le maquillage du massacre du « dimanche sanglant » (01.07.2010)
- Le dirigeant des syndicats européens soutien les mesures d'austérité (30.06.2010)
- The Nation, Jonathan Israel et les Lumières (30.06.2010)
- Pourquoi McChrystal a-t-il été révoqué? (29.06.2010)
- France: Deux millions dans la rue contre la politique d'austérité du gouvernement (28.06.2010)
- Les syndicats français ont trahi la grève des cheminots (28.06.2010)
- Derrière BP (26.06.2010)
- Welcome : une dénonciation pleine d’humanité de la politique anti immigrant (26.06.2010)
- France : Sarkozy impliqué dans l'enquête sur l'attentat de Karachi en 2002 (25.06.2010)
- Pour une opposition socialiste révolutionnaire à l'austérité de Sarkozy (24.06.2010)
- Español
- Primer aniversario del golpe de estado en Honduras (30.06.2010)
- La segunda etapa de la crisis mundial capitalista (18.06.2010)
- La respuesta socialista a la crisis petrolera del Golfo (16.06.2010)
- Conclusiones de la Comisión de Ciudadanos para la Investigación del Incendio de la Avenida Dexter:
Los cortes a los servicios públicos y la crisis social en Detroit (26.05.2010) - La Exposición Universal de Shangai: una extravagancia capitalista en la cumbre de la miseria social (22.05.2010)
- Internacionalismo socialista y la defensa de los trabajadores inmigrantes (06.05.2010)
- ¡Plenos derechos para todos los inmigrantes! ¡Por la unidad internacional de la clase trabajadora! (01.05.2010)
- Obama se aprovecha de la ley de Arizona para 'empujar' sus propios cambios represivos sobre la inmigración (30.04.2010)
- Proyecto de ley de inmigración de Arizona: Un asalto frontal contra los derechos democráticos (30.04.2010)
- Русский
- Украина отказывается от намерения вступить в НАТО (23.06.2010)
- Саммит России и ЕС привел к соглашению по малому числу вопросов (11.06.2010)
- Социалистический ответ на кризис, вызванный разливом нефти в Мексиканском заливе (03.06.2010)
- После взрыва на шахте "Распадская" в Кузбассе растет недовольство (21.05.2010)
- После всеобщих выборов: Куда идет Британия? (11.05.2010)
- Нефтяное пятно в заливе: Американский Чернобыль (05.05.2010)
- Внеочередная конференция ПСР предлагает стратегию борьбы против социального кризиса и войны (30.04.2010)
- На службе у фальсификации истории: Рецензия на книгу Роберта Сервиса Троцкий (24.04.2010)
- Взрывы в московском метро связаны с кризисом на Северном Кавказе (10.04.2010)
- Капиталистический кризис и возвращение истории (26.03.2010)
- Троцкий — герой культурных событий в России (25.03.2010)
- Português
- Novas greves sacodem as plantas automotivas da China (30.06.2010)
- Índia: Trabalhadores da Hyundai denunciam represálias e más condições de trabalho (30.06.2010)
- Espanha: governo do Partido Socialista pretende impor "reformas trabalhistas" (30.06.2010)
- O que está por trás da crise do governo alemão? (24.06.2010)
- Manifestação em Roma contra medidas de austeridade (24.06.2010)
- Alemanha: Protestos em Stuttgart e Berlim contra cortes do governo (24.06.2010)
- China: Greve na Honda Lock continua enquanto inquietação operária se espalha (19.06.2010)
- Alemanha: Medidas de austeridade da Chanceler relembram a República de Weimar (16.06.2010)
- Polícia acaba com ocupação no complexo da Hyundai no Sula da Índia (16.06.2010)
- Mancha de petróleo da BP atinge costa da Flórida (15.06.2010)
- Um ano da falência da GM (15.06.2010)
- Türkçe
- Obama’nın göreve başlamasından buyana geçen bir yıl (08.03.2010)
- SEP (Almanya) yürütmekte olduğu seçim kampanyası için uluslararası destek çağrısı yapıyor (17.09.2009)
- Alman parlamento seçimlerinde oyunu Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’ne ver
Kapitalist krize sosyalist bir yanıt için (28.08.2009) - Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nin Tarihsel ve Uluslararası Temelleri (19.08.2009)
- İran işçi sınıfının görevleri(1.07.2009)
- İran: Batı baskıyı artırırken seçim çatışmaları tırmanıyor (30.06.2009)
- Obama’nın ziyareti Türkiye’nin oynadığı rolün artacağının ve daha büyük gerilimlerin sinyalini verdi (26.06.2009)
- Trotskiy’in mirasını ve 20. yüzyıl tarihindeki yerini yeniden ele almaya doğru (23.06.2009)
David North tarafından verilmiş bir konferans - Dünya ekonomik krizi, kapitalizmin başarısızlığı ve sosyalizmin gerekliliği (13.06.2009)
- Sri Lanka: LTTE’nin yenilgisi ve milliyetçiliğin çıkmazı (26.05.2009)
- >>
G20 summit exposes deep trans-Atlantic differences
1 July 2010
While international leaders sought to put the best face on the G20 summit held in Toronto at the end of last week, there was no disguising the extent of divisions between major global players, particularly the United States and Germany.
Socialist Equality Party
Attend SEP (Australia) conferences in Sydney and Melbourne
The World Economic Crisis, the Failure of Capitalism and the Case for Socialism
By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 1 July 2010
The sudden ousting of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is another expression of the political convulsions arising from the worsening global economic crisis. The SEP conferences in July will be forums to discuss the program necessary to build a genuine socialist movement of the Australian and international working class.
The Australian Labor Party coup: a warning to the working class
By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 28 June 2010
Julia Gillard’s installation as prime minister last Thursday through an unprecedented coup within the Labor apparatus stands as an ominous warning to the working class.
The mass repression at the G20 summit in Toronto
30 June 2010
The violence and repression carried out this past weekend by the authorities in Toronto, where the G20 Summit was taking place, was worthy of a police state.
The New York Times and pacemaker “overtreatment”
By Kate Randall and David North, 30 June 2010
The News York Times continues its campaign against “unnecessary” medical treatments and procedures, this time targeting “overtreatment” with artificial pacemakers.
ISO Conferences
Comments and letters on “Socialism 2010: The politics of the International Socialist Organization”
The two-part series on the WSWS devoted to an analysis of the conferences sponsored by the International Socialist Organization—“‘Socialism 2010’: The politics of the International Socialist Organization”—has provoked a number of responses, both critical and supportive. We will continue to post these letters, and we encourage more.
- Correspondence on “‘Socialism 2010’: The politics of the International Socialist Organization”
- An exchange on “‘Socialism 2010’: The politics of the International Socialist Organization"
- Part 1: The ISO and the American middle-class left
- Part 2: The ISO and Barack Obama
- The presence of Tariq Ali at the “Socialism 2010” conference
Arts Review
An Ozark noir: Winter’s Bone
By Tom Blair, 29 June 2010
Winter’s Bone is a remarkable work, with stunning imagery and a good dose of social insight.
Committee Against Utility Shutoffs (CAUS)
CAUS campaigns among striking tree trimmers
Sylvia Young visits DTE contractors’ picket line
By Jerry White, 28 June 2010
Sylvia Young, who lost three children in a Detroit house fire earlier this year after DTE Energy cut off heat to her home, visited the picket line of tree trimmers locked out by DTE..
This Week in History: June 28 - July 4
A meeting of European Common Market heads of state ended in acrimony this week in 1985 over bitter British opposition to plans to move toward a federal structure for the trade bloc, favored by France and West Germany.
On July 1, 1960, the left nationalist government of Fidel Castro ordered the nationalization of oil refineries operated by US-owned Esso and British Shell, after doing the same to Texaco’s refineries days earlier.
On June 28, 1935, the Nazis’ Ministry of Justice revised Paragraph 175 of the German criminal code to provide a legal cover for the further persecution of homosexuals in the country.
World heavyweight champion Jack Johnson defeated former champion Jim Jeffries in a title fight in Reno, Nevada on July 4, 1910, which became a major political event in the US.
Letters from our readers
1 July 2010
A selection of recent letters to the World Socialist Web Site.
Videos and Images
Vale Inco strikers and supporters in Sudbury, Ontario speak
Detroit resident speaks on utility shutoff
Friend of Detroit fire victim denounces utility shutoffs
Shutoff victim speaks to WSWS at DTE public relations stunt
Scientist says government policy contributed to Gulf Coast Spill
Louisiana workers denounce BP’s oil spill response
Lawyer for family of worker killed in blast says BP guilty of negligence
SEP candidate addresses Oxford Union
Hearing of the Citizens Inquiry into the Dexter Avenue Fire
Detroit firefighters discuss impact of utility shut-offs and budget cuts
Citizens Inquiry chairman speaks at press conference
Dexter Avenue fire victim’s son speaks to the WSWS
ISSE members speak at San Diego rallies
Neighbors of Detroit fire victims oppose utility shutoffs
Interviews with neighbors of Bangor Street fire victims
Sister of fire victims speaks on utility shutoffs
NUMMI auto workers denounce UAW intimidation
Locked-out California Borax workers oppose concessions
Boron, California mine workers denounce company lock-out
Family members denounce deaths in Detroit fire
Detroit teachers speak out against DFT Contract
Handful of jobs offered at Detroit jobs fair
Thousands line up for Swine Flu vaccine in Michigan
Ford workers speak on contract rejection
Ford workers speak out against concessions contract
50,000 line up for housing assistance in Detroit
ISSE members speak on education cuts at rally
Detroit residents speak on utility bills, social crisis
Michigan’s Oakland University faculty strike has student support
Detroit teachers denounce pay cuts
Detroit city workers oppose concessions, layoffs
Interviews at Los Angeles health care clinic
Workers continue Vestas occupation on Isle of Wight
A conversation with Windsor municipal workers
NYC workers speak against cuts in social services
Flint, Michigan and the bankruptcy of General Motors
GM workers on bankruptcy and plant closings
Michigan auto workers and families speak on plant closures
GM workers speak out on concessions contract
Protesting students and parents speak to the WSWS
Chrysler workers speak on concessions vote
UK Visteon workers speak on occupation
GM and Chrysler workers oppose more concessions
Chrysler workers oppose Obama auto plan
WSWS interviews G20 protesters in London
Pontiac residents speak on schools crisis
Workers interviewed at Detroit jobs fair
Ford workers: “Now the fight is with our own union.” GM workers denounce concession demands
Chrysler workers oppose pay cuts, concession demands
Over 100,000 demonstrate in London against Sri Lankan war
Funeral for Michigan man frozen following utility shut-off
Exposing Franco's mass graves
Bay City, Michigan residents speak on death from utility shut-off
WSWS interviews London protesters
London demonstrators protest Israeli assault on Gaza
Chrysler workers denounce pay cuts
The Writer and Revolution: A conversation with Trevor Griffiths
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