Toyota is recalling 270,000 Lexus sedans in Japan due to engine problems.

Scientists Discover Longevity-Predicting Genes

Scientists have analyzed the DNA of geriatric New Englanders and believe they have discovered the genetic markers that predict extreme longevity. And because you are morbidly curious, you will soon be able to test yourself for those markers! More »

Accused Spy Confesses, Swears Loyalty to 'the Service'

Juan Lazaro, one of the alleged Russian spies arrested earlier this week, told feds that he is not actually Uruguayan; not, in fact, named "Juan Lazaro"; and would not betray "the Service," which had, uh, bought him a house. [CNN]

Young Conservatives Rage Against The D.C. Machine At Anti-Kagan Rally

About 50 young conservatives gathered outside the Supreme Court today to protest what they say will be one of the defining political moments of their generation — the nomination of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court. More »

Byrd's Eye View

[A shot from the Capitol in Washington today as the casket of Senator Robert Byrd is removed from the building and placed into a hearse. He was the nation's longest-serving congressman before his death on Monday. Image via Getty]

Massive Washington Lobbying Firms Join Forces, Will Crush Everything

Shouldn't major corporate lobbyists be approaching a crisis of conscience soon? Never! Here's the latest, greatest news for the common man: two of Washington's biggest lobbying firms have joined forces, casting a dark shadow of Evil across the Capitol. More »

Watch Angry Al Gore Rough Up a Masseuse

Taiwanese newspaper Apple Daily has weighed in with another one of its animated re-creations, this time of a fat and angry Al Gore roughing up that masseuse in Portland. Bill Clinton even makes a cameo. More »

Comments of the Day: Raccoon Attack!

Today we warned you about the hordes of rabid raccoons roaming Central Park. This prompted two of you commenters to tell us your own harrowing raccoon tales. More »

A drug for pregnant women that prevents lesbian daughters

A New York doctor named Maria New has been advising pregnant women to take a steroid called dexamethasone to prevent homosexuality and "masculine behavior" in their daughters. How did she get away with this form of anti-gay genetic engineering? [io9]

World's Trashiest Magazine Editor and Jon Gosselin's Trashiest Ex Make Trashy TV Show

A match made in hell New Jersey: Chaunce Hayden, editor of famously terrible Jersey nightlife rag Steppin' Out, and Jon Gosselin ex turned Steppin' Out star Hailey Glassman are launching a "wild, open, honest" livestreaming web TV show this week. More »

Cigarettes Are Becoming the Most Expensive Way to Die

July 1st means new taxes start, and yay here's our favorite: the New York City cigarette tax has gone up once again, now making NYC cigarettes the highest taxed in the country. Average pack price in town is now $10.80. More »

Everyone in Finland is now legally entitled to high-speed internet access, the commie-socialists announced today.

Barack Obama Is Your 15th Greatest President Ever

The first major ranking of American presidents to include Barack Obama has come out, and whaddaya know, he's #15. Okay, sure! That's not a bad spot to be very prematurely ranked. But where does your favorite president (Nixon? Coolidge?) rank? More »

Is Countess LuAnn Going to Be Torturing New York's Theater Audiences with Her 'Acting'?

Not happy merely ruining eardrums with her aural abomination "Money Can't Buy You Class," Real Housewife LuAnn de Lesseps stopped by off-Broadway show Love, Loss, and What I Wore last night. Word is she's thinking of joining the rotating cast.

Apple Hit With Deluge of iPhone Lawsuits

Apple is engulfed in at least four different federal lawsuits over reception problems with its new iPhone, as customers and their attorneys race to build class-action cases against the company. Angry customers, meanwhile, are reportedly swarming lawyers. More »

Newspaper Finds Truth, Rapes It

So, here is how a Thai newspaper promotes itself, with an ad showing—and I'm no expert, but—a teacher sodomizing some kid, it looks like? Tagline: "See Through the Truth." Ummm...sure, whatever you guys want. [Copyranter. Click to enlarge.]

Sexy Russian Spy's Boudoir Photos Used in Military Briefing

Loose women sink ships? U.S. Marines in the Seychelles were shown photos of Russia's sexiest suspected spy during a counterintelligence briefing, as a reminder to avoid sexy women who would seduce them and steal national secrets. [SpyTalk]

Seattle Residents Have More Outdoor Sex Than Anyone Else

In a recent survey of 1,000 adults, the Trojan condom company found that while Seattle residents tend to have the least sex of any major metropolitan denizens, they have sex outdoors the most. Quality, not quantity? More »

Kelsey Grammer's Real-Housewives-Wannabe Wife Files for Divorce

Camille Grammer, Playboy model and rumored Real Housewife of Beverly Hills, has filed for divorce from her famous husband, Kelsey. At least he got out of being forced onto a reality show. Everyone at Bravo is probably weeping right now.

A Few Famous Canadians We Wouldn't Mind Seeing Deported

Happy Canada Day, everyone! How should we all celebrate? By trying to kick oot (ha!) all the Canadians that make life unbearable. There's more of them you think, and here are the ones we wouldn't mind sending home. More »

Report: Mel Gibson Uses N-Word, Threatens Rape of Ex

Speaking of unforgivable crimes: Radar claims to have a tape of Mel Gibson telling ex Oksana Grigorieva "You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault." More »

Either Convince Someone to Give You Stuff, or Your Future Is Bleak

The Way We Live Now: puttering out. Winding down. Losing steam. The wind is leaving our sails, economically. We can't buy. We can't sell. We can't help you, you can't help us. Let's call the whole thing off. More »

Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, the Real World's latest cast includes an emotional-yet-homophobic skater bro, Stephen Colbert solves the mystery of King Tut's missing unit, how to take an icing like a real bro, and Jason Segel gets interviewed by a 10-year-old. More »

Hi, I'm Cyrus. I'm a Movie

Greetings from the movie Cyrus. I star John C. Reilly, Jonah Hill, and Marisa Tomei. I'm in theaters now! And I have nothing to do with the spawn of the world's most famous mullet-head, the owner of the ache-iest, break-iest heart that ever beat. I even set up a website to set the record straight.

Germany's Kissy First Lady Has a Tribal Tattoo

Germany's Federal Assembly chosen a new president, but all anyone outside Germany cares about is his wife's tattoo, and whether Germany's "most unusual first lady" is a "First Lady mit glamour-potenzial." Meet Bettina Wulff. She's a 5'11" blonde European chick! More »

Lindsey Graham: 'I Ain't Gay'

The NYT Magazine is online with a hot new profile of Lindsey Graham, the Senate's most ubiquitous fifty-something lispy bachelor. And he finally addresses those gay rumors that have followed him throughout his career, saying "I ain't gay." Feisty much? More »

Father, Brother Threaten Life of Harry Potter Actress

Afshan Azad, who plays Padma Patil in the popular film series, was reportedly attacked at her Manchester home by family members. Her father and brother appeared in court yesterday and were charged with threatening to kill the 22-year-old college student. More »

In the Future, News-Papers Will Be PDFs on the Inter-Net

In your futuristic Thursday media column: Sam Zell has seen the old-fashioned future, Dan Abrams luvs sexxxy vids, Chinese propagandists invade Times Square, and the NYT spit-shines the shoes of each and every government bureaucrat, as a matter or policy. More »

Twilight: Eclipse Makes the GDP of Anguilla in One Day

That's a lot of money! Anguilla must be so embarrassed. Also today: Meryl Streep as the Iron Lady, two vampiresses team up to kill people, Judd Apatow heads to the Playhouse, and Scream finds another victim. More »

White House Correspondents Association's Elections Getting Ugly

America's most prestigious stenographers, the White House correspondents, are not likely to ask their usual sharp, insightful questions "this week." They're preoccupied with the real 2010 elections: those for the White House Correspondents' Association board. Blood will be shed. More »

Steve Jobs To Furious Customer: 'You Are Getting Worked Up Over Rumors'

In Apple's marketing, the new iPhone "changes everything" and is "indispensable." But when an irate customer complained he couldn't live without reception on his new iPhone, CEO Steve Jobs told him to "calm down... you're getting worked up over... rumors." More »

Everyone Favors Discrimination Against Others

French affirmative action! Sexism in surveys! Oakland police racism riots! Gay Googlers! Blacks allowed to own land! It's your Thursday Equality Watch, where we watch equality—from a position of superiority! More »

Paris Hilton Prepares for a Rugged Week at the World Cup

["All Packed Up and Ready For the World Cup!" tweets the woman single-handedly keeping the logo luggage industry alive. Paris later tweeted photos of herself lounging on her private jet's bed and pretending to steer it. Via Paris Hilton's Twitpic.]

Tiger Woods' Wife May Not Get That $750 Million Divorce Settlement After All

TMZ reports that Tiger Woods' soon-to-be-ex Elin Nordegren won't walk away with the $750 million that sources were claiming she'd get. They don't list an amount, but claim it's better than she'd do in the prenup. Let the guessing begin!

Chris Brown Belongs to America's 'Unforgivable' Caste

How much do we hate Chris Brown? This much: An "insider" says he used eyedrops for his recent onstage sob-fest. This is what happens when you're hell-bent on getting America to forgive you: We turn you into our whipping boy. More »

S&P;'s Goin' Nuts, May Downgrade Chief Rival Moody's

S&P; is so slick! The credit-rating agency has comically put rival Moody's on its watch list for a downgrade, replete with a lecture about how reform legislation (that applies to both firms) will devastate Moody's, only. Oh, it's on now. More »

Central Park Teeming with Rabid Raccoons

As sure a sign as any that New York is slowly returning to the recession-plagued madness of the '70s and '80s, Central Park is now full of rabid raccoons. There's an outbreak! 114 new cases this year alone. [NYDN] More »

All Arizona's Problems Will Be Solved by PR

Arizona is currently besieged by insane politicians, idiot citizens, racist educators, even more racist laws, and a nationwide boycott. Nobody's visiting, for some reason? The clear solution: better PR. More »

The Saddest Top Chef In the World

Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons having interest in Top Chef Season 7 DC, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the season is now screening. God save Tracey and her clairvoyant sadness. More »
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