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Stop Rush Limbaugh
Join us on "I'm Sick of Right Wing Smears" on Facebook to help us reach 10,000 fans. Only with a force of motivated activists will we be able to fight back the smears and lies that Rush Limbaugh and his cronies peddle on a daily basis. It is time for all of us to band together and fight the smears once and for all.
Rush Limbaugh has always prided himself as being a man of the people, an average American. He often derides his opponents by labeling them as out-of-touch, well off elitists. He has built a career out of dividing people from one another through racist, sexist, and populist demagoguery. What he doesn't tell you is that he spews his poisonous rhetoric from a $13.95 million penthouse in Manhattan.
Brave New Films / 10510 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 / / 310-204-0448 / Credits