Last updated: June 09, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 9°C - 15°C . A few showers.

Latest stories

'Prepare for more interest rate pain'

RISING house prices and credit demand could sway the RBA to lift its official cash rate next week.

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Top ways to cut your bank fees

A FEW simple changes to your banking habits can add up to big savings, write David and Libby Koch.

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Want a 100pc mortgage? Not likely

INQUIRIES for 100 per cent home loans have surged 250 per cent since the Federal Government's more generous first home owners grant ceased at the end of last year.

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Top stories

Huge profit margins on bank penalty fees

bank fees

BANKS have been making profit margins of up to 14,000 per cent on controversial exception fees.

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Savers deny banks $150m in ATM fees

ATM keyboard

CUSTOMERS have cut usage of "foreign" cash machines by more than 73 million transactions.

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Revealed: The interest-only home loan

HOMEBUYERS are to be offered never-ending mortgages in a bid to overcome Australia's affordability crisis.

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Bank customers swindled by scam website


POLICE try to shut down a site that tricked at least 50 people into disclosing Westpac passwords.

Optimism killed by threat of rate rises

Housing stock

AUSTRALIANS are becoming more pessimistic about the economy and are gripped by fear of rising interest rates, survey reveals.

Bank workers join fight against fees


PEEVED bank staff are among those wanting to join the nation's biggest class action.

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Money Guides & Tools

Slash bank fees

NOBODY wants to pay more bank fees than necessary.

Resolve bank dispute

BE firm but polite when trying to resolve a dispute with your bank.

Personal loan

PERSONAL loans are best suited to big-ticket items that will be paid off over the short term.

How to choose an account

VIEW rates over various terms and amounts.

Compare credit cards

COMPARE credit cards' fees and features.

Savings plan

SEE how much you can save over time if saving regularly.