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Jack Marx Live

Red heads

Jack Marx

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 12:41pm

As we head towards the inevitable showdown between Wingnut and Rusty Nut, the sub-editors of Australia are going to get their very first chance to wheel out those redheaded political headlines they’ve had hidden under their desks for years. Say, here’s a couple what just I thought up. Subs may purchase them off me at agreed fees. 

Crimson and Clover
Good headline to accompany any photograph of our redheaded representative and the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore. 

Ruddy hell!
An excellent double bunger for the inevitable day when Kevin 07 returns to challenge old Le Guillardine to another bloody head shot, so to speak

Red, red whine
A sure Walkley-winning headline if sitting above a column that berates the magenta-headed minister for pushing extreme left views in that excruciating Hills Hoist meow of hers. 

Said the ‘ranga to the gibbon...
A robust headline for any acquired transcript of a conversation between the cerise-topped civil servant and fellow MP, Joel Fitzgibbon.

Salmon tart
For when everyone’s favourite bit of front bench fuchsia has been a little too abrupt with the media.

The cowering inferno
Perfect for when our most puniceous politician is seen to backpedal from a fair fight.

Frankly, Scarlet, I don’t give a damn!
When Frank Sartor defies his boss

Copper top battery
A beauty for when the old Iron Carrot is seen to pound her opposition to a pulp

Rust never sleeps
Hey hey, my my, Julia caught in Parliament getting a bit of shut-eye.

Ludwig’s van, Beet’s oven
The only headline that could possibly cover all bases when atop an exclusive photo of the beetroot-haired baby-kisser’s new oven being delivered to Kirribilli House in a mini-van owned by Queensland Minister, Joe Ludwig. 

Good head for a sexy photo of a slippery, sticky, slightly pink-looking Gillard sunbaking on Bondi beach. 


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RE:  Rudd’s crying and Masterchef’s Sobbery, I found this article interesting.

Simon of Country NSW (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (01:09pm)

Red Barren - Man friend gone, nicked off her

SC (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (01:22pm)

Red Bull- after her first election broken promise

kramiam (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (01:44pm)

Better red than dead
When Julia dispatches the next challenger to her authoritah.

Reds under the beds
Gillard and Ferguson hide from the media following mining tax debacle.

Red bully
Gillard humiliates Abbott in parliament.

Blue ribbon candidate sees Red on election day
Enough said.

Black and white and red all over
Gillard dons a Collingwood jersey.

Red rocks deli
Gillard raises tax on smallgoods.

Battin’ Rouge
Gillard names herself first drop in Prime Minister’s XI.

She’s apples: Pink Lady says leadership not under threat
Save this one for election year 2013.

Better Rudd than dud
Rudd talks up legacy.

Rudd’s under the buds
Rudd discovers alternative lifestyle as back-bencher.

Clem (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (02:19pm)
Liz replied to Clem
Wed 30 Jun 10 (04:32pm)

Seems someone has already got a name for the insatiable ranga and website dedicated to her already.

Fanta Pants - for another of those inevitable articles on her wardrobe

Fire Crotch - for another of those inevitable articles on her hair

to rang and back (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (02:44pm)

Crimson Tide - The new PM has a hissy fit over seemingly nothing whatsoever.  wink

JimmyC of Japan (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (02:45pm)

Thanks for the pic of the fruit bat, that is a decent set of lugs.  I absolutely refuse to offer the puerile suggestion that the wingnuts head is screwed on, but only fingertight.

Or the facile headline, Abbott seeks public opinion, “I’m all ears.”

You should be ashamed of yourself Jack Marx, this is silly and quite unbecoming given the solemn and dignified bearing of our nations leaders and aspirants.

If you’d had a bit of breeding and a “proper” education you’d have learnt a thing or two about the hunt, sportmanship, and big slow moving targets.  You dreadfull man.

Jean Baptiste of NSW (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (02:54pm)

Reddy or not, here she comes.

Announcement of or lead up to election day.

ashley (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (02:57pm)

An N, an I, Two G’s, an E and an R

- On the irony of Julia’s first racist remark.

crsdfr (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (03:06pm)

Red Rover - PM spotted bushwalking
Red Rose - PM spotted rowing on Lake BG
Red Corvette - PM wolf-whistles soldier
Little Red Ruseter - PM hatches new plan
Red Robin - PM accused of stealing from the rich
Bit On the Nose - Abbott savages PM in sessiontime

Bifocal (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (03:27pm)

Red Riding Hood…
Sex scandle involving the PM and mysterious underworld figure.

Take it as Red…
The inevitable conclusion that NAPLAN doesn’t improve literacy

Toxic Coppertone....
Experts warn of the health risks linked to Gillard’s twang.

DGB of Brisbane (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (04:29pm)

Mew Long Rouge - Julia talks too much
Red, White and Blue - Julia has a fight with a guy who is not the President of the United States.
Reddy, Steady, Go! Julia calls the election.
Helen Reddy - move over bitch - there’s a new woman roarin’
Red Faces - Julia farts in Parliament and blames it on Martin Ferguson.
Red Riding Hood - Julia goes cruising in the Burbs
The Scarlet Letter - Julia types out termination letter to Kevin

Ms Patonga (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (04:43pm)

Mew Long Rouge is brilliant. 

Jack Marx
Wed 30 Jun 10 (04:47pm)

I very much enjoyed that.  although I will dispute with you the spelling or “ranga” - something I have given way too much thought to: ive thought: is it “ranger”?  no.  thats ranger, like a park ranger.  is it “wranger”?  closer, more specific and clearly not a park ranger, but the w throws you off.  is it “ranga”, a weird make up word and still one that can phonetically be thought of as “ranga” more sounding like “ranger”.  you have to get past the whole thing of WR sound and R sound.  ive decided on WRANGA.  thats the most phonetical equivalent.  you cant get WRANGA wrong.  its a special australian word, so we need to protect it phonetically....

it sounds culturally right.  WRANGA!

KitKat of ACT (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (08:08pm)
Mike replied to KitKat
Wed 30 Jun 10 (10:15pm)

You do know where ranga comes from don’t you?

Ms Patonga replied to KitKat
Thu 01 Jul 10 (09:18am)

Mike, I’d wager she doesn’t.  Do you want to put her out of her misery or shall I?

It’s funny, in my day, we used to call ‘em Bluey Bloodnuts.  Much more Aussie I reckon.  Though Kit Kat’s Wranga does have a certain rang to it.  HAHHAHAHAHHA geddit?

Hev replied to KitKat
Thu 01 Jul 10 (09:51am)

Just a small point—how can it be the most phonetic when it has a silent W?

Besides, isn’t ‘ranga’ short for orangutan? In which case it should be ‘ranga’.

Sorry to be such a pedant! smile


Julia has an affair with a Spanish waitress.

Mulga (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (10:07pm)
rufus replied to Mulga
Thu 01 Jul 10 (12:06pm)

Very clever.

Red Dawn - for her first day after she wins the election should she do so and she probably will.

Red Sonja - if we ever have WW3 whilst she’s in power.

I stole those from two movie titles. I’m awesome.

martin (Reply)
Wed 30 Jun 10 (10:41pm)

She’s 49 years old. Her natural hair colour would most likely be grey, actually.

Bottle of red (Reply)
Thu 01 Jul 10 (07:22am)

Carrot and stick approach
Surely a most versatile headline for any govt announcement.
Or a retrospective headline for her rise to power.

Booka (Reply)
Thu 01 Jul 10 (08:23am)

Simply Red?

Millsy of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 01 Jul 10 (08:57am)

Labor’s hunt for redhead October - October Federal election?

Big Dog of Tingalpa (Reply)
Thu 01 Jul 10 (09:18am)

Bloodnut - Libs taken to Abbottoir (after next election)

fd of ads (Reply)
Thu 01 Jul 10 (09:56am)

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Jack Marx

Jack Marx

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