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  • David Corn: Confirming General Kagan

    June 30, 2010

    What’s in a constitutional interpretation? As Thomas Jefferson once wrote to James Madison, “the principle is that the earth belongs to the living, and not the dead.” Over the centuries, many Supreme Court Justice’s have either uphold, or los...

  • David Corn, Social Media, and the New Depression

    June 30, 2010

    What’s in a constitutional interpretation? As Thomas Jefferson once wrote to James Madison, “the principle is that the earth belongs to the living, and not the dead.” Over the centuries, many Supreme Court Justices have either upheld or lost tr...

  • The F Word: Dangerous Experiment for Deficit Hawks

    June 30, 2010

    Top economics writers are sending some scary signals this week. Just as June unemployment numbers are due, Paul Krugman's declaring that we could be headed for a third Depression, and David Leonhardt, also writing in the New York Times quotes source...

  • Promises Unfulfilled: Obama and the LGBT Community

    June 30, 2010

    But other than pretty proclamations, what has this administration actually done to deliver on its promises of the campaign trail?...

  • Danny Schechter: Economic Organized Crime

    June 29, 2010

    The economic crisis needs to be investigated using RICO laws used against organized crime, says Danny Schechter, author and director of Plunder: The Crime of Our Time. Wall Street made billions off mortgage fraud, and all the busts of mortgage lender...

  • Danny Schechter, Obama and LGBT Rights, and Gun Control

    June 29, 2010

    The economic crisis needs to be investigated using RICO laws used against organized crime, says Danny Schechter, author and director of Plunder: The Crime of Our Time. Wall Street made billions off mortgage fraud, and all the busts of mortgage lender...


  • Sweet Honey in the Rock: Are We a Nation?

    June 30, 2010

    Acclaimed women's a capella group Sweet Honey in the Rock were outraged at Arizona's anti-immigrant SB 1070, which basically legalized racial profiling in the state. They partnered with our friends at the Center for Community Change to bring you thi...

  • Resistance and Cooperation at the G20 Summit

    June 29, 2010

    Media coverage of this week's G20 summit focused on "violent" protests and police crackdowns, and reporters Brandon Jourdan and Beka Economopoulos certainly found themselves in the middle of the conflict--Jourdan, as well as Jesse Freeston of The Rea...

  • If Army Ads Had Health Warnings

    June 25, 2010

    Cigarettes come with health warnings on every package, reminding the smoker that the product he or she just purchased is harmful to his or her health. But what about Army ads? Exhorting the viewer to be "Army strong," the ads are everywhere, but mak...

  • Breakthrough: Two Moms Fight To Stay Together

    June 24, 2010

    It's LGBT pride month, but for families across the nation, lip service isn't enough. In this video from Breakthrough TV, one lesbian couple explains their struggle with immigration--legally, gay and lesbian partners cannot act as sponsors for their ...

  • Laura Flanders on The Ed Show

    June 23, 2010

    Laura appeared on MSNBC's The Ed Show on Tuesday, June 23 to discuss General McChrystal and other topics of the day. ...

  • The U.S. Social Forum: The Solutions Must Come From Us

    June 23, 2010

    "We're tired of just going out in the streets and demonstrating or listening to other people speak to us," says organizer Rocio Valerio of her hopes for the U.S. Social Forum. "We're actually going to come up with alternatives, to really come up with...