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Have you met Marcus 'PSP' Rivers?

He's kind of like Kevin Butler, but he's a lot younger and he's all about the PSP. His name is Marcus, Marcus 'PSP' Rivers (we're not confident that's his Christian name) and he's the face of a new ad campaign that Sony's running to promote the PSP and PSP Go: "Step Your Game Up." We saw a glimpse of the little scamp during Sony's E3 presser, but apparently Marcus will be branching off on his own in the coming months.

A PlayStation blog post details the campaign and points out Marcus' YouTube channel which is full of clips from pieces currently running "on over 19 networks." We've embedded a couple of our favorites after the break, so head on past to make with the yucks.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic goes multiplayer in latest gameplay clip

During this year's E3, some lucky folks in the press got an eyes-on with Star Wars: The Old Republic's multiplayer mode. Thankfully the benevolent jedi lords at BioWare have deemed the gameplay worthy of regular folks and have released an exciting video of the multiplayer in action. Imperial troopers and breach droids abound, so we implore you to have plenty of midi-chlorians at the ready before venturing into the clip we've dropped after the break. Oh, also, it looks totally boss.

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'LIVE-a-palooza' discounting hundreds of music tracks on Xbox Live

Planning on honoring the grand American tradition of taking off Fourth of July week and playing rhythm/music games every day? You'll be glad to hear, then, that Microsoft is honoring the grand American tradition of offering up sales you just can't pass up -- more specifically, sales on gobs of DLC tracks for said rhythm/music games.

200-plus tracks are seeing price drops for as much as 50 percent, with content being discounted for Rock Band/Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero 5/Guitar Hero: World Tour, and every Lips title from July 6 - 12. We've got the entire list of tracks and track packs just after the break, you big independence celebrator, you.

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Download some of Ilomilo's soundtrack for free (or just enjoy the new trailer)

Along with releasing a new trailer (found after the break) for adorable downloadable title Ilomilo, developer Southend Interactive is giving away tracks featured in the forthcoming game's soundtrack over on its website. Also, it appears that the folks at Southend had a cookout helmed by a "coding ... continue reading.

NHL 2K11 riding in an RV across the US this summer

Ah, the July 4th weekend. The perfect time for grilling hot dogs, setting off fireworks, jumping in the pool, and ... hockey? That's what 2K Games wants you to think about -- it's sending an NHL 2K11 recreational vehicle on the road this summer, giving you a chance to play the new game in a town near you. The RV started at E3 a few weeks ago in LA, and after a quick stop in Santa Monica next week, it's off to the wild roads of the United States and Canada (the full schedule is after the break).

Ryan Kesler has a tour of the vehicle over on 2K's website, and it looks like a fine conveyance. For now, anyway. Sorry, Philly and New York -- after a couple of months on the road, that shower might not be quite so pristine.

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StarCraft 2 getting 3D support post-launch

While StarCraft 2 may benefit from a "robust new 3D graphics-rendering engine," we didn't know until recently that the game would be receiving a post-launch patch enabling that other kind of 3D (read: the "needs glasses" kind). In an interview with IGN at a South Korean media event -- where, no joke, a StarCraft 2 logo-emblazoned Korean Air plane was unveiled -- production director Chris Sagaty explained, "We will be releasing 3D in the first few months, for those Nvidia cards and screens that support it."

For what it's worth, an Nvidia rep also told IGN that it's "optimising for all systems," so that the 3D support would work on as many systems as possible. We might try to get it working ourselves, if it wasn't for our sheer terror at the thought of a Zergling flood coming through the screen.

Skate 3 'Hawaiian Dream' DLC lands on July 6

What's that? The Maloof Money Cup DLC from early last month for Skate 3 wasn't enough to quench your desire for more skateboard-based hooliganery? Well perhaps the addition of a new skater (Danny Way) in a new locale (Hawaii) with 24 new challenges will help? Have a first look at Skate 3's ... continue reading.

Idolmaster 2 announced for Xbox 360, coming in 2011

There have been nearly half a dozen Idolmaster titles in the past five years. But, it looks like the franchise is finally ready to jump to the big number 2. Andriasang reports that a new Idolmaster for Xbox 360 -- Idolmaster 2 -- will be coming your way in 2011. A new trailer (which we sat through in public for you) was also released via the game's official website.

Apparently, this time around, players will be tasked with turning three Idols into national hits. Characters from the first Idolmaster, as well as characters from Idolmaster SP and a couple new Idols, will be making up the game's roster, and everyone is said to have aged by one year. Little else is known about the sequel at the moment, but if you want to sing along to some bubblegum J-Pop, click past the break.

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Video: inFamous 2 gameplay, now with more cyclones

You'll definitely want to watch this gameplay clip of inFamous 2. Not only does it show off Cole's new look, it highlights the revamped graphics engine, improved "in your face" camera ... and best of all, a new power. ... continue reading.

OnLive giving 30% discount on all games and rentals for the Fourth

We're just as easily drawn into the shame spiral that is buying games we don't have any time to play as the next guy -- especially when a tremendous sale is involved -- so when we offer up news that every game available through OnLive is currently 30 percent off, we have to be a little wary.

Sure, it's great for those among us with "self restraint" (or whatever) who'll simply purchase one or two titles and not go totally bananas, but what of us folks with ... control issues? Well, yeah, we suppose there's always the rental options being equivalently discounted. Thankfully, the sale only lasts through Monday (at 11:59PM ET), otherwise we might end up with another two or three copies of AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity ... which is only $7, by the way. Dammit!

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Joystiq Podcast 143 - Mr. Scratch edition

Latest episode: Friday, July 2nd, 2010

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