For Queer/LGBTI Zines visit the Queer Zine Archive Project

"The mission of the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP) is to establish a "living history" archive of past and present queer zines and to encourage current and emerging zine publishers to continue to create. In curating such a unique aspect of culture, we value a collectivist approach that respects the diversity of experiences that fall under the heading "queer."


Ruckus v.10 #2

Picture of cover

An independent newspaper for the University of Washington community by the Ruckus Collective. We are for participatory democracy, social justice, collective liberation, and resistance to killing the planet.

Volume 10, Issue 2, covers budget cuts in California and Washington; the exploitation of the Olympics; an analysis of The Vagina Monologues; details about climate disobedience; a report on the UW green fund; a local restaurant review; and a calendar of local events.

Pink and Black Attack #4


This is the fourth issue of Pink and Black Attack, a queer anarchist periodical from Olympia, WA.

Dealing With Our Shit: Six Years of Men's Group and Accountability Work


This zine is by Dealing With Our Shit, a men's group for men and male-identified people from the Twin Cities who later took on the task of mentoring other males through accountability processes for sexual assault. It's over 100 pages of interviews, reflections, and analysis about their history, their experiences, and their effectiveness. A great resource for anyone interested in working on community response to sexual assault outside the prison/court system. Lots of art, too!

Download at: (7.42 mb)


(large file, beware!):  read more »

Periferia - Número 02


Fiddle Faddle #1 - a new anarchist zine for deviants and sexual libertines


Fiddle Faddle is a publishing collective of British anarchist communists hoping to explore the politics of alternative sexual identity and gender. We hope to provide a range of content from light-hearted articles, artwork, DIY guides and theory.

In this issue:

- Manifesto of the Sodom Liberation Army (the importance of being deviant)
- Pegging - a users guide
- DIY Shibari
- When do we fuck?
- Interview with Anarkink
- What is anarchism?

If you would like to be involved in the next Fiddle Faddle email: sodomliberationarmy(at)

To Destroy Sexuality by Guy Hocquenghem


"We're not concerned with simply breaking down this official sexuality as one would break down the conditions of one's imprisonment within any structure; we want to destroy it, to get rid of it because in the final analysis it functions as an infinitely repeating castration machine designed to reproduce everywhere and in everyone the unquestioning obedience of a slave."  read more »

love letter to an anonymous stone thrower, A

Love Letter-1.jpg

A love letter to an anonymous stone thrower was produced by "bleeding gums murphy" and posted to the internet where we at Filth and Glitter Public Sex Always took and turned into this adorable zine.(we suggest printing it 2 to a page and making it quarter sized)

anarchy hearts and shit
Filth and Glitter

Pink and Black Attack #3


This is the third issue of Pink and Black Attack, an anti-assimilationist anarchist queer periodical from Olympia, WA.

LockedOut 2009


2009 edition of LockedOut, a resource list for
queer prisoners.

Timtum: A Trans Jew Zine


The scan job is sloppy. A friend did it for me and I don't have a printer but this zine is well worth the work to get it printed right. It's good for anyone who wants to understand Jews, transfolx, genderqueers, or those who are some mix of the three, better.

Open Your Eyes and Make a Wish/Ouvre les Yeux et fais un Voeux/Abre los Ojos y pide un deseo

silkscreen cover

This is quite a personal zine about what it means to be a spanish immigrant genderqueer person, on how small sentences mean a lot, on DIY transition and the superheroes that are part of our chosen family. It's also a trilingual zine: english, spanish and french.

Este es un zine muy personal sobre lo que significa ser una persona genderqueer inmigrante hispana en canadá, sobre lo que significan las pequeñas frases de cada día, hacer una transición DIY, y estar rodead*s de superhéroes en nuestra familia elegida. Oh, y está en inglés castellano y francés.  read more »

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